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This handbook provides emergency response guidelines for faculty, staff, and students on campus to ensure safety and security during unforeseen situations. It outlines policies and contact information for reporting emergencies effectively.
This Handbook is intended to help faculty, staff and students respond to emergency situations that may occur on the Warren Wilson College campus. Such emergencies can occur at any time, and without warning, but their effects can be minimized if proper emergency procedures are established and followed. Warren Wilson College is committed to the safety and security of all members of the College community. In times of emergency, the College will provide appropriate campus-wide response to assure safety and minimize losses. Emergency preparedness is also an individual responsibility. This handbook will serve as a quick reference for effective action. Faculty, staff and students should take the time to become familiar with the contents of this guide before an emergency occurs.
The following policies shall be followed to protect the safety of faculty, staff and students of Warren Wilson College: • No firearms (with or without permit) are allowed on campus with the exception of privately owned homes. • No open flames are permitted inside any building except laboratories, maintenance shops, buildings with fireplaces and heating systems designed for this purpose. • No fireworks, other explosives, or incendiary devices shall be used or stored on campus. • Flammable materials such as gasoline or camping stove fuels shall be stored in safety cans and/or in flammable liquids storage cabinets. No flammable materials are permitted in residence halls. • Smoking and tobacco use of any kind are prohibited in all buildings operated by the College. Tobacco use is allowed only in designated areas around campus. • Excessive speed and reckless driving are prohibited on campus. All moving vehicles must follow the posted speed limits. • Any act or threat of violence that endangers the safety of students, employees, contractors or the general public will not be tolerated.
TO REPORT AN EMEGENCY CALL Fire/Police/Ambulance Main WWC Number 911 (8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M) 298-3325 Public Safety Cell Off-Campus 24-Hour Crisis Lines: Our Voice (828) 255-7576 230-4592 Helpmate (828) 254-0516 Public Safety Office (Staff available during the day, answering service after midnight) 771-HELP (771-4357) State: “THIS IS AN EMERGENCY” • Give your name and phone number. • The nature of the emergency. • Your location. DO NOT hang up until you are told that no further information is required, unless there is an immediate threat to your safety. • Students must notify Public Safety of any emergency that is being reported. • Please respect the need for authorized staff and emergency services personnel to access the emergency. PLEASE STAY OUT OF THE WAY!
WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY Page 1 of 3 • ASSESS THE SITUATION—is it an emergency that requires evacuation? If smoke, fire, toxic fumes, bomb threat or other condition occurs that could potentially harm people, consider it an emergency. • IN CASE OF FIRE—use your discretion. If it is bigger than a trash can—leave. • Report the incident to the Public Safety Officer on duty. • Evacuation of other buildings—Decide if alarms in other buildings need to be pulled and act accordingly. • When the fire alarm sounds, employees shall turn out the lights and close windows and doors of the room that they are evacuating. • Once outside the building, faculty and staff shall direct students and others to a SAFE AREA. Everyone shall remain in the SAFE AREA until directed to return to the building. SAFE AREAS are usually grassy areas a safe distance away from the threat or danger. • Each person must be accounted for at a SAFE AREA. Do not go back into a burning building to look for someone. If someone is missing, notify the fire department personnel.
WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCYcontinued Page 2 of 3 • Under no circumstances shall anyone leave the campus during an emergency. Roads must be kept clear for safe passage of emergency vehicles. FIRE/RESCUE RESPONSITBILITIES • FIRST RESPONDERS will ensure that all dorm rooms, offices, classrooms, hallways, stairwells and bathroom/restrooms are evacuated. FACULTY/STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES • Faculty, Staff, Resident Directors and Resident Advisors shall direct students/crewmembers, visitors and others to the appropriate exit and SAFE AREAS. • Faculty and staff shall review the Emergency Evacuation Routes for classrooms in which they teach and for their work areas. • At the beginning of each semester, every faculty and staff member is responsible for informing students and crewmembers of the evacuation procedures and routes. They must be prepared to assist any student or crewmember requiring special accommodation to ensure safe conduct to the SAFE AREA.
WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCYcontinued Page 3 of 3 • Faculty and staff will direct the orderly evacuation of students/crewmembers and others who may not be familiar with evacuation routes. • Faculty shall bring class rosters and begin the process of accounting for their students. Supervisors shall begin accounting for staff and crewmembers. Resident Directors shall account for all students if a residence hall is involved. If an evacuation route is inaccessible or unsafe, faculty and supervisors, resident directors and resident advisors will direct evacuees to the nearest alternative route. Evacuation of people with disabilities • Faculty and Supervisors: know ahead of time which of your students or crewmembers may require assistance and devise a plan for their safe evacuation. • Anyone may be asked to assist a disabled or impaired person during an emergency evacuation. • Do not render assistance of any kind that may result in injury to yourself or the disabled person unless failure to do so would pose a greater threat. • Enlist the help of others as needed to ensure the safe evacuation of any person with a disability.
BASIC EVACUATION PROCEDURES FOR ALL • Turn out the lights and close windows and doors of the room you are evacuating. • Go to the appropriate SAFE AREA via the appropriate route designated by evacuation maps. • Make sure all students/crewmembers, contractors and guests go all the way to a SAFE AREA. Look around to see if anyone needs assistance. This is everyone’s responsibility during an evacuation. • Each person must be accounted for at a SAFE AREA. Faculty shall bring class rosters and begin the process of accounting for students. Supervisors are to begin accounting for staff and crewmembers. Once all students, staff and crewmembers are accounted for, anyone missing should be reported to emergency services personnel. • REMEMBER—Never use an elevator in an emergency.
IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE • If you see a fire or heavy smoke, pull the fire alarm at the nearest pull station that will activate the fire alarm system. If there is no pull station, call 911 from a safe area. • If the fire is in the incipient stage (beginning) and you have had fire extinguisher training, use the fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Ask someone to assist you. • Notify the Public Safety Officer on duty that you started the evacuation and called 911. Give details of the fire. • SEE BASIC EVACUATION SECTION
IN THE EVENT OF A BOMB THREAT Page 1 of 3 • Report any unusual observations to emergency services personnel. DO NOT TOUCH ANY SUSPICIOUS OBJECTS. • If you receive a bomb threat via telephone, remain calm and stay on the line. Take as much information as possible from the caller using the checklist on the following page. • When the caller hangs up, call Public Safety Officer. Relay your name, location, telephone number and the information obtained from the caller. Thoroughly complete the Bomb Threat Checklist and submit to Public Safety • The Public Safety Officer will call 911, advise emergency services personnel of the threat. • Follow instructions given by emergency services personnel. • If the building is evacuated, faculty shall bring class rosters. Faculty shall begin the process of accounting for students. Any missing student shall be reported to emergency services personnel. Supervisors shall follow similar procedures to account for their employees and crewmembers.
BOMB THREAT CHECKLIST continuedPage 2 of 3 Be Calm, Be Courteous, Listen and Do Not Interrupt Call Received_____________________ Call Ended____________________ (Date and Time) (Date and Time) Person Receiving Call ________________________________________ (Name and Phone Number) Department ________________________________________________ Write Down Exact Wording of the Threat ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Questions to Ask • Listen while the caller talks and try to ask the following questions: • When is the bomb going to explode? • Where is the bomb right now? • What kind of bomb is it? • What will cause it to explode? • Did you place the bomb? • Why was the bomb placed? • What is your name? • What is your address? • Where are you calling from? • What is your phone number? • Are you calling from a pay phone? Gender of Caller:____ Impression of Race of Caller:_____ Impression of Age of Caller:____
BOMB THREAT CHECKLIST continuedPage 3 of 3 Be Calm, Be Courteous, Listen and Do Not Interrupt Circle all that apply Caller’s Voice/Threat Language________________Background Noises/Location Calm Excited Angry Slow Rapid Street Noises Voices PA Music House Noise Soft Loud Normal Distinct Slurred Laughter Crying Motor Office Factory Nasal Stutter Lisp Deep Breathing Raspy Dishes Animal Noise Static Phone Booth Deep Ragged Cracking Voice Clearing Throat Long Distance Taped Clear Disguised Foul Language Well Spoken Irrational Incoherent Accent Did the caller seem to be reading the message?__________ Was the voice familiar?____ If so, who did it sound like? ______________________________________________________________________ Remarks: ______________________________________________________________________
IN THE EVENT OF A CHEMICAL SPILL OR BIOHAZARD • Evacuate the immediate area, close the doors and place a towel at the foot of the door if possible. Warren Wilson College employees and students shall not reenter the contaminated area until cleared to do so by emergency services personnel. • Notify the Public Safety Officer on duty who will then inform emergency services personnel of the nature of the hazard. • If contamination has occurred, affected people must be attended to and removed from exposure. • The Public Safety Officer will meet the emergency services personnel at the building entrance and provide them with information on the nature and location of the hazard. • Persons in adjacent areas should be notified if the hazard has the potential to spread. • The Director of FMTS and/or HVAC Supervisor will assist with ventilation information. This may involve limiting exposure by containing the fumes in the isolated area or diluting the fumes by opening the area for fresh air ventilation as the situation may require.
IN THE EVENT OF A POWER FAILURE • Remain calm and wait for instructions from College representatives. • The Public Safety Officer will check for persons who may be trapped an elevator. • If you are in an elevator that stops between floors or the doors will not open, use the elevator phone to call for help or dial 911. • Never attempt to pry open the doors or the overhead hatch of the elevator. IN THE EVENT OF A GAS LEAK • If you smell gas or know you have a leak, verbally communicate for everyone to evacuate the area. DO NOT turn ON or OFF anything electrical. • From a safe area call: • Public Safety Officer at 230-4592 • Maintenance at ext. (771) - 3074
IN THE EVENT OF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY Fire/Police/Ambulance Main WWC Number 911 (8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M) 298-3325 Public Safety Cell Off-Campus 24-Hour Crisis Lines: Our Voice (828) 255-7576 230-4592 Helpmate (828) 254-0516 Public Safety Office (Staff available during the day, answering service after midnight) 771-HELP (771-4357) • If situation is serious, call 911 and then the Public Safety Officer. • IF THE VICTIM IS CONSCIOUS, ALWAYS ASK PERMISSION BEFORE ADMINISTERING FIRST AID. • Stay with the victim. If the victim is conscious, ask what is the problem. If the victim is unconscious, check for breathing and bleeding. Only trained individuals should administer first aid and/or CPR. Avoid contact with blood, vomit or other body fluids. • Keep the victim still and warm. Protect the victim from any disturbances. • Ask the victim if he/she has identification or medical conditions. Search for emergency identification (ID Bracelet). • Remember that information about the student may be protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Do not release personal information to the media. • Refer to this handbook’s section entitled “REPORTING AN EMERGENCY” for additional helpful information.
IN THE EVENT OF A PSYCHOLOGICAL CRISIS Psychological Crisis (suicide, domestic issue, disorientation, confusion, panic) • If situation is serious, call 911 and then the Public Safety Officer. • Explain the nature of the problem. Give your name, telephone extension, your location and the location of the crisis. • Stay apprised of the crisis unless your safety is threatened or until emergency services personnel arrive. • Remember that information about a student may be protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Do not release personal information to the media.
IN THE EVENT OF A TORNADO OR SEVERE WEATHER • If weather conditions appear threatening, listen for the campus-wide voice alarms and for cell phone text messages. The campus voice message and the cell phone text messages will provide information concerning imminent severe weather threats. • In the event a tornado warning is issued by the National Weather Service or local weather services and is threatening the Warren Wilson College campus, a voice warning and a text message warning will be issued. All faculty, staff and students are to immediately move to the building’s designated Weather Assembly Area or to ground or basement floors, in interior hallways away from doors and windows. If outside, seek shelter immediately. • Give special attention to the disabled. • If you receive any information pertaining to a tornado contact Public Safety. • DO NOT return to work, class or other activity until the all clear has been given. • To receive a cell phone text message, the phone must be registered. You may register your phone by going on the Warren Wilson College Home Page, Insider Page.
IN THE EVENT OF A HOSTILE VISITOR • Remain Calm • Be courteous and confident. • Maintain distance between you and the visitor. • Do not touch the individual. • Protect yourself—do not become a victim. • Find a staff member to join you and try to keep the meeting in an open area. • Listen to the visitor, giving him or her an opportunity to vent. • Attempt to be helpful. Use phrases such as: • “What can I do to make this better?” • “I understand the problem and I am concerned.” • “We need to work together on this problem.” • Make no promises you cannot keep! • Do not make any threat to the individual either through body language or verbal communication. • Without touching, visually inspect the person for suspicious bulges or any other indication of a weapon.
IN THE EVENT A WEAPON IS OBSERVED • Immediately notify the Public Safety Officer who will notify emergency services. • DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DISARM THE SUSPECT. • Collect as much information as possible from the witness: Name of the suspect with the weapon Location where the weapon was seen? What did the suspect do after the weapon was displayed? Where is the suspect now? • Have information gathered about the suspect to give to emergency services personnel. • The Public Safety Officer shall go to the area where the suspect is reported to be and observe him/her until authorities arrive. No effort shall be made to intervene until emergency services personnel arrive.
IN THE EVENT OF A LOCK DOWN Page 1 of 2 *Upon arrival of Law Enforcement, they are in control of the incident and their directions must be followed. Lock Down During Class • Shut and lock the classroom door. If the door is not equipped with a lock, barricade the door with desk, chairs, cabinets, etc. • Have students sit on the floor out of sight of windows and door windows. Close blinds or curtains if equipped. Turn off lights. • Place the green card in the window if there are no injuries. (Card in pocket at back of this guide.) • Place the red card in the window if medical help or other emergency assistance is needed. (Card in pocket at back of this guide.) • One person in the lockdown area should call Public Safety at 230-4592 or log onto email if possible to advise your location and to receive updated instructions. • If evacuated, bring the role sheet (in pocket at back of this guide), complete and give to Emergency Services Personnel.
IN THE EVENT OF A LOCK DOWN continued Page 2 of 2 Lock Down in Other Areas • If in a large room, open area or office, stay there. • Allow students into unlocked offices, cafeteria, rooms, and lock the doors if equipped with locks. If door cannot be locked, barricade the doors with tables, desks, chairs, etc. Lock exterior doors to buildings if possible. • Move to an area “out of sight” and sit on the floor. • Place the appropriate color placard in the window. • One person in the lock down area should call Public Safety at 230-4592 and/or log onto email if possible to advise your location and to receive updated instructions. • If evacuated, stay with your group to the evacuation area. One person should bring the role sheet (in pocket at back of this guide) and submit names of persons who were in the room. Sporting Events and Large Public Gatherings • Be calm and assist other around you. • Follow your instincts • Emergency Responders may not be immediately available to direct your actions. • Become familiar with exit locations • Put distance between yourself and the incident. Move to a safe location. • Follow Law Enforcements instructions.