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Enhancing Student Growth: Importance of Guidance and Counseling

Guidance and counseling play a vital role in higher education, helping individuals become valuable members of society. It is a process of dynamic interpersonal relationships aimed at influencing attitudes and behavior. Guidance aids in problem-solving and self-direction, promoting individual growth and development. It encompasses educational, vocational, social, and personal aspects, facilitating adjustment to the environment and identification of abilities. The National Policy on Education emphasizes the necessity of guidance and counseling services in educational institutions. Teachers, especially in nursing, have a crucial role in supporting students through challenges, enabling academic and vocational success, and fostering overall personal growth.

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Enhancing Student Growth: Importance of Guidance and Counseling

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  1. Guidance and Counseling

  2. Introduction • It has vital aspect in higher education • It helps the individual in becoming useful member in society • Education with out guidance and counseling is not complete and the person is unable to develop his personality fully and thus unable to serve society by his talents and abilities

  3. To guide means • To indicate • To point out • To show the way • To lead • To direct • To seek

  4. Definition • Guidance is a process of dynamic interpersonal relationships designed • to influence the attitudes and subsequent behavior of a person – Good • Guidance is assistance made available by personally qualified and adequately trained personnel to an individual of any age to help him manage his own life activities, to develop his own points of view, make his own decisions and carry his own burdens – Crow and Crow

  5. Guidance as a process through which an individual is able to solve their problems and pursue a path suited to their abilities and aspirations – JM Brewer • Guidance is an educational service designed to help students make more effective use of the schools training programme – Educational Point of View

  6. Meaning of guidance • Some form of help and assistance to an individual to solve problems • It helps a person to decide where he wants to go, what he wants to do and how best he can reach goals • It is promotion of growth of individual in self direction • Attainment of self direction by an individual

  7. It is a process of learning, helping and effecting changes in an individual • Process of helping every individual through his own efforts, to discover and develop his potentialities for his personal happiness and social usefulness • Process of assisting an individual to find his place • It helps to establish an effective relationship between his total educational experiences and his personnel needs and potentialities

  8. It is a process of assisting to adjust • Guidance is educational and vocational • It provides physical and mental health • Well rounded social development • Proper use of leisure time • Mastery of fundamental school processes • Guidance covers the whole extent of youth problems

  9. It is a continuous and pervasive process as a favorable directional influence upon • Appropriate social behavior • Personal effectiveness in every day affairs • academic competence • Progress • Assimilation of right values and attitudes

  10. Guidance is remedial. Orientation and developmental • Guidance is individualized education • Guidance helps individual to adjust to environment • Guidance aids in the identification and development of abilities and interests of pupil

  11. It is essentially an educative process and the outcome of which are mental and educational preparedness • Guidance is a special training in which an individual discovers his natural endowments so that he makes a living to his own best advantage and that of society

  12. Guidance is a systematic, organized phase of educational process which helps to improve their powers and gain richer personal experiences while making his own unique contribution to our democratic society

  13. Elements of guidance • It focuses attention on the individual and not the problems • It leads to the discovery of abilities of an individual • It is based upon the assets and limitations of an individual • It leads to self development and self direction • It helps the individual to plan wisely for present and future

  14. It assists the individual to become adjusted to environment • It assists to achieve success and happiness • It focuses to improve student’s capacity related to educational, social, moral, emotional, vocational, health and leisure activity.

  15. Need for guidance and counseling • The National Policy on Education 1986 has emphasized the need for guidance and counseling services to become integral components of program of any educational institution. • Teachers of nursing will be called upon to make practical decisions for helping students through their problems • Guidance and counseling services enable students to benefit in academic and vocational persuits

  16. Nursing teachers have the responsibility of training their students to become efficient nurses by enabling them to acquire the necessary knowledge, attitude and skill besides assisting them in their personality development . • Unresolved problems may affect not only the academic performance of students but also their personality development

  17. Meaning of counseling • It is a specialized service of guidance and basically an enabling process, designed to help an individual come to terms with his life and grow to greater maturity through learning to take responsibility and to make decisions for herself • Counseling is the helping relationship, that includes some one seeking help, some one willing to give help who is capable or trained to help , in a setting that permits helps to be given and received.

  18. Counseling is not giving information, though information may be present • Counseling is not giving an advice • Counseling is not the influencing of attitudes, beliefs and behaviors by persuading , admonishing, threatening or compelling without the use of physical force • Counseling is not the selection and assignment of individuals to jobs • Counseling is not interviewing, through interviewing is involved

  19. For the purpose of harmonious and integrated personality development of students, it is desirable to consider guidance and counseling as an integral part of institutional program

  20. Benefits of guidance and counseling • Individual benefits • Academic growth, vocational development, personal and social development, • The teacher handling guidance and counseling services not only should know the pupils, know the subject, but also should understand the needs , abilities and interest of their students and struggle to bring all-round development of personality of students

  21. Societal benefits • Include proper utilization of human resources, to provide good nursing care to needy client, attaining good citizenship by acquiring required intelligence , integrity, honesty, the right attitudes, social values, habits, social responsibilities and have a better family relationships by better adjustment by building better relationship within the family.

  22. One of the most important areas in education which has acquired considerable importance and received much attention in recent years is guidance and counseling. • guidance and counseling ensures a healthy climate in the institution, which is essential for the harmonious and integrated personality development of students.

  23. Elements of guidance • It focuses our attention on the individual and not the problem. • Guidance leads to the discovery of abilities of an individual. • Guidance is based upon the assets and limitations of an individual. • Guidance leads to self development and self direction.

  24. Guidance helps the individual to plan wisely for the present and future. • Guidance assists the individual to become adjusted to the environment. • Guidance assists to achieve happiness and success. • It focuses to improve students capacity related to: • Educational • Social • Moral • Emotional • Vocational, avocational • Health and leisure activity.

  25. Principles of guidance: • Guidance services which are aimed at bringing about desirable adjustment in any particular area of experience must be taken into account the all round development of the individual. • Individual differ in native capacity, ability and interests. • To help the person. • Formulate and accept stimulating, worthwhile and attainable goals of behavior. • Apply these objectives in the conduct of his behavior. • Existing social, economic and political unrest is giving rise to many mal adjustive factors that require the cooperation of experienced and thoroughly trained guidance counselor and the individual with the problem.

  26. Individual face problems throughout their lives. Individual require help for the solution of problems. • Guidance service should not be limited to the few who give observable evidence of his need, but should be extended to all persons of all age who can benefit either directly or indirectly. • Curriculum materials and teaching procedures should be based on guidance point of view. • Guidance touches every phase of an individual’s life pattern. • Parents and teachers have guidance-pointed responsibilities.

  27. Scope of guidance and counseling in education • It assists students to draw up their own plans if academic and non academic pursuits and arrive at right decisions to implement the plans and solutions. • Guidance and counseling is intended to help the individual to realize his potentialities and to make optimum contribution to the growth of society.

  28. Guidance and counseling must help the person to solve his own problems and make proper choice and adjustment. • Guidance and counseling must aim at providing assistance to teachers in their efforts to understand their students • Guidance and counseling must encourage and stimulate better teaching by enabling teachers to gain better understanding of students.

  29. Guidance and counseling must aim at providing assistance to teachers in their efforts to understand their students, it is to be realized that guidance and counseling and teaching are complementary to each other. • Guidance and counseling services are aimed at enabling students to acquire abilities which promote self direction and self realization

  30. Specific guidance problems on any age level should be referred to persons who are trained to deal with particular areas of adjustment. • For guidance purpose, the data should be accurately recorded and utilized, eg.. • accessibility of records and reports • Instruments of evaluation • Mental capacities • Success of achievement • Demonstrated interest • Personality characteristics • Organized guidance programme should be flexible according to individual and community needs. • Highly qualified and adequately trained persons should act as chairman or head of the guidance programme, working cooperatively with his assistants and other community welfare and guidance agencies.

  31. Periodic appraisals should be made. • It is slow process. An individual cannot make wise decisions and adjustments in a day or month or so. It requires considerable time to make suitable adjustments. • It is developing the insights of an individual. The individual should be helped in such a way that he gains own insights, accepts responsibility, developing the feeling of self confidence and ultimately makes his own decision.

  32. Impress all the students that the services of the guidance workers are available to all. • Counselor must be aware of the difference between symptoms and cause. • Guidance is based on right code of ethics. • Guidance is an organized service.

  33. Need for Guidance: 1.Complex nature of society • Changes have taken place in the entire structure of our economic, social and political system. • The process of consumption, production, distribution and exchange has become very complex and intricate. 2. Individual differences The requirements of various occupations also differ, this makes increasingly necessary to have a definite provision for certain form of guidance. 3. Welfare state and the individual Every individual must be helped in every way and in every direction.

  34. 4. Changed industrial and educational pattern of the country. • Attempts are being made to change the educational system of our country. • The problems of selection of subjects and vocations are formidable problems and in the absence of the guidance services, the scheme is not likely to make such progress. 5. Changed economic patterns of the country - The country is in the era of economic planning and require specialist to meet the growing demands of the progressive country.

  35. 6. Conservation of human energy • Well planned guidance is required to conserve the human energy. • Education should train their various aptitudes and enables them to take up vocational pursuits.

  36. Objectives of various types of guidance • Educational • Monitor academic progress of students • Identify special learners such as academically backward, gifted and creative • Assist students in continuing education • Provide assistance to special learners by catering to their educational needs

  37. Diagnose the learning difficulties of students in different subjects • Help students in their adjustment to curricular and co curricular demands of educational programme • Make students familiar with the world of work and its diverse requirements • Provide career information

  38. 2. Vocational • Enable students to discover their potentialities and interests and occupational requirements • Make available information about vocational training • Assist in choice of vocation • Train students for entrepreneurship • Train students for adjustment in a chosen vocation

  39. 3. Personal • Help students to improve mental health • Assist students in becoming progressively responsible for their own development 4. Social • Develop in students proper attitude for social life • Inculcate in students right social values • Train students for leadership and followership qualities. • Build a spirit of team work in students.

  40. 5. Avocational • Provide opportunities for participation in extra curricular activities • Assist students in developing hobbies and interests • Provide avenues for recreation • Inculcate interest in games and other forms of recreation • Assist in using leisure time profitably

  41. 6. Health • Indicate need for sound health • Provide for sex education • Encourage students to follow a well – balanced program of physical activities • Encourage students to overcome any remedial defects they may have or to receive medial treatment for them.

  42. COUNSELING Counseling is as old as society itself. In everyday life we find counseling goes on at many levels in a family set up, parents counsel their children, in the society doctors counsel patients, lawyers clients, teachers students. Professional counseling in its present form is a recent development in colleges, universities, industries and business.

  43. Definition: “counseling is a service of direct contacts with the individual which aims to offer him assistance in changing attitudes and behavior. -Carl Rogers. “A counseling interview is a person to person relationship in which one individual with problems and needs turns to another person for assistance. - Erickson.

  44. Scope of counseling * It helps the students in the selection of educational course, profitable occupations, job placement, higher education and training. • Selection of improvement of study skills and study habits formation • Maintenance of mental health • Help the students to achieve maximum efficiency in meeting their needs. • Handling discipline cases

  45. Granting scholarships • Selection of room mates • Advice on students activities and programmes • Helping the students to choose vocational objectives • Selecting optional courses to the study • Concerns about educational progress • Course programme planning • Financial and health matters • Problems of family, social, educational, vocational personal, moral, marital, etc.

  46. Principles of counseling • Tailor made to the requirement of an individual’s problem. • Emphasizes thinking with the individual • Avoid dictatorial attitude. • Maintain relationship of trust and confidence with the client. • Client’s need is to be put first. • Everyone participating in the counseling process must feel comfortable.

  47. Client’s family members and significant influencing personnel must be included in counseling process • Skills of warmth, friendliness, openness and empathy are ingredients of successful counseling process. • Let the client make voluntary informed decision • Maintain dignity of individual as individual is primary concern in counseling. • Counselor has to listen attentively, answer questions objectively; reinforce important information.

  48. Levels of counseling: 1. Informal counseling Any helping relationship by a responsible person who may have little or no training for the work. 2. Non-specific counseling by professionals It is help provided by professional who do a great deal of face to face work with psychological problems in the course of their work. 3. Professional counseling It is helping another persons with decision and life plans whether personal or educational or vocational by a person specially trained for this work.

  49. Aspects of counsiling: • Collection of information and careful analysis of the available facts. • Forecast of the outcome of the counselee’s course of action. • Assistance to the counselee in working out of solution of his problem. • Follow up work.

  50. Elements of counseling: • Counseling involves 2 individuals- one seeking help and the other a professionally training person who can help the best. • Mutual respect, rapport and satisfactory relationship should be established. • Counselor should be friendly and cooperative with counselee. • The aim of counseling is to help student to form a decision, make a choice or find a direction such as planning a life career, a programme in college or university.

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