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LESSON 6 CONNECTIONS. What does God’s name mean? God’s name means every word that stands for God and everything he tells us about himself and what he has done. LESSON 6 CONNECTIONS.
LESSON 6 CONNECTIONS • What does God’s name mean? God’s name means every word that stands for God and everything he tells us about himself and what he has done.
LESSON 6 CONNECTIONS • In Matthew 28:19,20 Jesus used three of the most common names for God as he spoke about what God wants the church to do. Recite Jesus’ words. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
LESSON 6 CONNECTIONS • List some of the things the various names for God tell us about him. God is almighty, eternal, wise. He is our sacrifice, our Good Shepherd, our guide, and our King.
LESSON 6 CONNECTIONS • Tell why each of the following names of God are important to us: • Love = It reminds us that everything God does is a blessing for us. • Savior = This name assures us that our sins are forgiven. • Almighty = This name reminds us that God has the power to answer our prayers and to do all the things he has promised.
THE 2ND COMMANDMENT You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we do not use his name to curse, swear, lie, or deceive, or use witchcraft, but call upon God’s name in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks.
LESSON 7 CONNECTIONS • Why wasn’t it wrong for James to take the oath to be a deputy sheriff? The government has the right to require people to swear their allegiance and to promise to uphold the laws.
LESSON 7 CONNECTIONS • What does it mean to swear by God’s name? To call on God as a witness.
LESSON 7 CONNECTIONS • When is swearing sinful? When we swear falsely or thoughtlessly, or to cover up a lie.
LESSON 7 CONNECTIONS • How did Herod and Peter sin by swearing? Herod swore thoughtlessly without knowing what the girl would request. Peter asked God to witness a lie.
LESSON 7 CONNECTIONS • What does it mean to curse by God’s name? To call on God to send evil.
LESSON 7 CONNECTIONS • What is the difference between the two statements printed in your book? The first statement is a God-pleasing request that God curb the sinful actions of the terrorists. The second statement is an example of sinful cursing. (Terrorists will bring eternal punishment upon themselves if they do not repent and believe in Jesus. However, it is not our place to wish for their eternal punishment when God himself desires their salvation.)
Luke 11:28 “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
THE 2ND COMMANDMENT:DO NOT MISUSE GOD’S NAME Lesson 8 Faith Foundations Course One
DO NOT MISUSE GOD’S NAME How is God’s name misused in other ways?
HONOR GOD WITH YOUR WORDS • Read Acts 5:1-11. Ananias and Sapphira loved their possessions more than they loved God. How did they misuse God’s name when they brought their offering? They lied about their gifts but pretended to be truthful and God-fearing.
HONOR GOD WITH YOUR WORDS • Evaluate this statement: Ananias and Sapphira were more concerned about honoring their own names rather than the name of God. True. They didn’t have to give to the church, but they wanted others to think they were “big givers.”
HONOR GOD WITH YOUR WORDS • Read Matthew 23:23,24. While the Pharisees followed the letter of the law when it came to tithing, they neglected more important things like justice and mercy. How did that make them guilty of breaking the Second Commandment? Their hypocrisy dishonored God’s name.
HONOR GOD WITH YOUR WORDS • In Matthew 6:5, Jesus condemned hypocrites who made a show of praying out on the street corner so everyone would think they were faithful. In what way were they guilty of breaking the Second Commandment? They prayed to bring honor to themselves rather than to God.
HONOR GOD WITH YOUR WORDS • Jesus accused the Pharisees of honoring him with their lips but not with their hearts. They said the right things, but they didn’t mean what they said. They were thinking sinful thoughts. God doesn’t want such empty deception. Can you think of times when we are like the Pharisees in our worship? When we just go through the motions of worship without thinking. Or when we think of other things while we’re praying.
HONOR GOD WITH YOUR WORDS • Mr. McNab knew that although his golden retriever was friendly, he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t bite, so he posted his property with signs: “Beware of dog!” Compare the man’s warning about his dog to Jesus’ warning about false prophets in Matthew 7:15. The warning is the same: Watch out! But false prophets are more dangerous than biting dogs.
HONOR GOD WITH YOUR WORDS • Anyone who teaching something contrary to God’s truth is a false prophet and is guilty of breaking the Second Commandment. List some examples of false prophets against whom we need to be on guard. False prophets who use TV, radio programs and musical lyrics to spread false teachings.
KEY POINT #1 God’s name is misused when people… lie or deceive by his name.
HONOR THE LORD AS GOD • What do we call it when people trust in some power other than God’s? Superstition
HONOR THE LORD AS GOD • Recall in 1 Samuel 4:1-11 how the Israelites took the ark of the covenant into battle with them. Why did they do that? They thought it was a good luck charm that would make them win.
HONOR THE LORD AS GOD • Read Psalm 37:5 and evaluate this statement: By taking the ark into battle, the Israelites were misusing God’s name. True. They were trusting the ark more than God.
HONOR THE LORD AS GOD • Astrology (predicting the future by the stars) is a form of superstition. How does Isaiah 47:13,14 show that it is foolish and sinful to put trust in astrologers? The astrologers are fakes. If they can’t even help themselves, then they can’t help us.
HONOR THE LORD AS GOD • Identify the different occult (secret or having to do with mystic arts) practices listed in Deuteronomy 18:10-12. How does God feel about these practices? Sacrificing children, divination, sorcery, interpreting omens, witchcraft, enlisting the services of mediums or spiritists. God hates all of these things.
HONOR THE LORD AS GOD • David, more than anyone, might have wondered what the future had in store for him… What do the words of Psalm 31:14,15 tell us about David’s trust? God had protected him in the past, and God would continue to keep him safe.
HONOR THE LORD AS GOD • What’s sinful about trying to find out about the future from psychics, astrologers, palm readers, Ouija boards, and the like? God forbids us to trust in anyone or anything other than him. Our times are in God’s hands, not anyone else’s.
KEY POINT #2 God’s name is misused when people… use witchcraft.
HOW IS GOD’S NAME MISUSED IN OTHER WAYS? • God’s name is misused when people lie or deceive by his name. • God’s name is misused when people use witchcraft. SUMMARY God’s name is misused when people lie or deceive by his name or use witchcraft.