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LESSON 10 CONNECTIONS. Why did God forbid Old Testament believers to work on the Sabbath? So they would remember their Creator God rested on the 7 th day. As they got physical rest, they’d also look forward to the spiritual rest they would get from the Messiah. . LESSON 10 CONNECTIONS.
LESSON 10 CONNECTIONS • Why did God forbid Old Testament believers to work on the Sabbath? So they would remember their Creator God rested on the 7th day. As they got physical rest, they’d also look forward to the spiritual rest they would get from the Messiah.
LESSON 10 CONNECTIONS • What was the purpose of sacrifices? They pointed ahead to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for us.
LESSON 10 CONNECTIONS • What, then, did the Sabbath mean to Old Testament believers? The Sabbath meant rest for their bodies and souls.
LESSON 10 CONNECTIONS • Why do the Old Testament Sabbath laws no longer apply to Christians? They pointed ahead to Christ. Since he has come, those laws are no longer needed.
LESSON 10 CONNECTIONS • What does the Sabbath mean for Christians today? The Sabbath means rest for our souls through Jesus.
THE THIRD COMMANDMENT Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we do not despise preaching and his Word, but regard it as holy and gladly hear and learn it.
LESSON 11 CONNECTIONS • What does the Sabbath mean for us? It means rest for our souls through Jesus.
LESSON 11 CONNECTIONS • In the 3rd Commandment, God forbids that we despise preaching and his Word. What does the mean? To refuse to hear the preaching of God’s Word or to refuse to learn and believe his Word.
LESSON 11 CONNECTIONS • In the parable of the great supper, how did many people show that they didn’t think the supper was important? They came up with all sorts of excuses not to attend.
LESSON 11 CONNECTIONS • What warning does Jesus give to those who think that God’s invitation to feat on his Word isn’t important? They will not taste the joys of heaven.
LESSON 11 CONNECTIONS • What does God mean in Colossians 3:16 when he urges us to let his Word dwell richly in our hearts? To hear his Word regularly, to learn from it, to use it as a guide, and to find comfort in its promises.
Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
GLADLY HEAR GOD’S HOLY WORD What does God command in the 3rd Commandment?
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE • Read the story of Jesus’ visit with Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42. Compare and contrast the ways Mary and Martha honored their guest. Martha honored Jesus by preparing a good meal for him. Mary honored him by listening to his Word.
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE • Why do you think Mary was intent on listening to Jesus speak? She knew that his words were precious and holy.
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE • Why did Jesus say that Mary had chosen what was better? She was listening to Jesus speak words of eternal life, which wouldn’t be taken from her.
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE • Read 1 Thessalonians 2:13. Paul was very thankful about the way people in Thessalonica had accepted the words he preached to them. Why? They believed that what Paul preached was special. It wasn’t the word of men but of God.
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE • Why do we say that God’s Word is holy? God is holy; therefore his Word is holy.
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE • Someone once said that if Jesus himself got into the pulpit to preach the sermon on Sunday, people would really listen. They wouldn’t want to miss a single word. Why do you think this would be? It would be God himself speaking. His words would be very important.
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE • How is that different than when a parent, a teacher, or a pastor speaks God’s Word to you? It really isn’t different. They are still speaking God’s Word. God wants us to pay attention to it.
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE • Tim received a letter from his soldier dad, telling him how much he missed him and looked forward to seeing him again. Try to image how intently Tim read every word from his loving dad. How is Tim’s letter from his dad similar to God’s Word? How is the way he read that letter similar to the way we read God’s Word? Our heavenly Father’s Word is so important that we are eager to read it regularly. Other things can wait while we read it.
KEY POINT #1 God commands us… to regard his Word as holy.
A MESSAGE WORTH HEARING A hospital nurse once said that she can usually tell which patients are Christians, especially when they are facing serious surgery or death. How do you think she can tell? They are more calm because they know that God is with them always.
A MESSAGE WORTH HEARING How did they develop this different attitude? God’s Word gives them evidence of God’s goodness and grace.
A MESSAGE WORTH HEARING • King David wrote Psalm 122:1. Why do you think he rejoiced with those who wanted to go to the house of the Lord? He was glad to hear and learn God’s promises as they were taught in the temple.
A MESSAGE WORTH HEARING • Read the story of Jesus as a boy in the temple in Luke 2:41-52. Jesus knew how important it was to hear God’s Word. How did he show that? He was eager to hear the Word, so he spent extra time in the temple. There he listened intently and asked questions.
A MESSAGE WORTH HEARING • List some ways that we too can follow Jesus’ example of using God’s Word. Look forward to hearing the Word. Remember God’s Word comes first. Listen intently and ask questions so we can learn more.
A MESSAGE WORTH HEARING • Read Luke 11:28. To be blessed means to be happy. When we hear God’s Word, what blessings result that make us happy? Stronger faith, peace that comes with forgiveness, comfort, hope of eternal life, and the desire to produce fruits of faith.
A MESSAGE WORTH HEARING • Compare James 1:22 with Luke 11:28. What truth is taught in both verses? Hearing God’s Word is half of the equation. Also do what it says.
A MESSAGE WORTH HEARING • When Jordan’s family went camping, each family member had different responsibilities. Jordan’s last job each day before crawling into his sleeping bag was to spread apart the coals in the campfire. a. Why do you think he was to do that? To make the coals burn out more quickly.
A MESSAGE WORTH HEARING • Use the illustration of the burning coals to respond to Gregory, who says, “I don’t have to go to church to worship with others, because I can read my Bible at home.” A neglected faith can die out. If Gregory really read his Bible, he would see many reasons for hearing God’s Word in church.
A MESSAGE WORTH HEARING • We all have to confess that we have sinned against the 3rd Commandment many times. Read Romans 5:19, and recall the story of the boy Jesus in the temple. Why is it important to each of us that Jesus gladly spent time in the temple hearing and learning God’s Word? Jesus kept the 3rd Commandment perfectly for us. His obedience becomes our obedience through faith in Jesus.
KEY POINT #2 God commands us… to gladly hear and learn his Word.
WHAT DOES GOD COMMANDIN THE 3RD COMMANDMENT? • God commands us to regard his Word as holy. • God commands us to gladly hear and learn his Word. SUMMARY God commands us to regard his Word as holy and gladly hear and learn it.
LESSON 12 CONNECTIONS • Why do we say that God’s Word is holy? God is holy; therefore his Word is holy.
LESSON 12 CONNECTIONS • When a parent, teacher, or pastor speaks God’s Word, it’s really no different than if Jesus were speaking to us himself. Why can we say that? They are God’s representatives, and they are speaking God’s Word. God wants us to listen to them.
LESSON 12 CONNECTIONS • The account of Mary and Martha shows one important way that we honor God. Explain. Mary honored God by listening to his Word. She showed that she understood that his Word was important.
LESSON 12 CONNECTIONS • Luke 11:28 tells us that those who hear God’s Word and obey it are blessed. What blessings result from hearing God’s Word? Stronger faith, peace that comes with forgiveness, comfort, hope of eternal life, and the desire to produce fruits of faith.
LESSON 12 CONNECTIONS • Honoring God means more than simply listening to his Word. What else is involved? Obeying the Word.
ORAL TEST THIS WEEKENDPASTOR’S COMING TO YOUR HOUSE! HOMEWORK Review Lessons 1-12 (21 questions) MEMORY WORK Review memory work from Classes 1-5 (1st, 2nd & 3rd Commandments [w/ meaning]) (Old Testament Books of the Bible) (2 [or 4] Bible passages)