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LESSON 42 CONNECTIONS. 1. Is it possible for convicts to be members of the holy Christian church? Explain your answer. Certainly . All have sinned. And all who believe that Jesus lived and died to take away their sin are members of the holy Christian church. LESSON 42 CONNECTIONS.
LESSON 42 CONNECTIONS 1. Is it possible for convicts to be members of the holy Christian church? Explain your answer. Certainly. All have sinned. And all who believe that Jesus lived and died to take away their sin are members of the holy Christian church.
LESSON 42 CONNECTIONS 2. On Pentecost Day, how did 3000 people end up among the members of the holy Christian church? Peter preached about Jesus. The Holy Spirit worked through those words and through Baptism to bring the people to faith.
LESSON 42 CONNECTIONS • What do we mean by this statement? The truth that Jesus is our Savior is the foundation upon which the holy Christian church is built. The foundation is the base on which a building is constructed. The truth that Jesus is the Savior is the base on which the church is built.
LESSON 42 CONNECTIONS 4. Nathan’s brother was sent as a missionary to a third-world country. Why do you think he was eager to go and serve, in spite of the fact that he would have to give up many of the comforts we take for granted? He wanted the people of this foreign country to be part of the holy Christian church. He knew they could be if he baptized them and taught them God’s Word so the Holy Spirit could bring them to faith.
LESSON 43 CONNECTIONS 1. While listening to a radio broadcast, Sherry heard the pastor say that the account of the creation in the Bible isn’t the way the world came into being. Why would we say that that church is not a true visible church? A true visible church teaches God’s Word in truth. This pastor is denying what God has said.
LESSON 43 CONNECTIONS 2. Which church teaches the truth? “My advice is that you read through the Bible.” Why is that good advice? We are to test what others teach to make sure it agrees with God’s Word. A true church is one that teaches God’s Word.
LESSON 43 CONNECTIONS 3. Evaluate this statement: What a church teaches about the sacraments is one test that shows whether or not the church is a true visible church. Correct. If a church teaches anything different about the sacraments, it is denying Jesus’ words about them.
LESSON 43 CONNECTIONS 4. How do we recognize a true visible church? A true visible church teaches God’s Word in truth and uses the sacraments as Christ instituted them.
EARNED FOR US • Recall the account of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18:9-14. Why did the Pharisee think God would be pleased with him? He felt he was doing everything God demanded. He didn’t comprehend that he was a sinner.
EARNED FOR US • Read Ecclesiastes 7:20. Evaluate this statement: The tax collector understood this passage, but the Pharisee did not. The tax collector recognized that he was guilty before God. The Pharisee mistakenly thought that he was without sin.
EARNED FOR US • In Ephesians 1:7 we learn that we have redemption through Jesus’ blood. What does that mean? Jesus bought us back from the power of Satan and death by paying his lifeblood as the price.
EARNED FOR US • Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. Who ended up with the guilt of our sin, and who ended up with righteousness? Christ ended up as the one who was guilty of all the sins of the whole world. We ended up with his righteousness.
EARNED FOR US • Some Christians refer to the truth God teaches in this passage as “God’s Great Exchange.” Look at the picture in your book and describe the exchange that has taken place. Our sins were put on Jesus on the cross, while his perfect righteousness was put on us.
KEY POINT #1 God declares that all people are righteous through Jesus’ sacrifice.
OFFERED TO US • A stranger walked into a pastor’s office and told him his “sob story.” “I have good news for you,” the pastor said. What do you think the good news was? That Jesus took away all of his guilt and his sins are forgiven.
OFFERED TO US • The message that Jesus took away the guilt of sin is called the gospel, which means “good news.” Recall the account of the paralytic in Matthew 9:1-7. He also heard the message that his sins were forgiven. Evaluate: The paralytic is a perfect example to illustrate that forgiveness is a free gift. He couldn’t do anything to earn his forgiveness. True.
OFFERED TO US • Below each passage, list a reason why we can’t do anything to earn forgiveness. a. Romans 7:18 Nothing good exists in our sinful natures. b. Romans 8:7 The sinful mind hates God and won’t obey. c. Ephesians 2:1,2 By nature we are spiritually dead.
OFFERED TO US • Read Romans 8:1. What good news (gospel) does God have for us sinners even though we cannot earn forgiveness on our own? Christ has freed us from the guilt and punishment we deserve because of our sins.
OFFERED TO US • Read John 3:16. What proof do you see that God offers all of us forgiveness as a free gift? The passages says, “whoever” believes in him. There are no conditions—no obligations we have to meet.
KEY POINT #2 God offers forgiveness of sins through the gospel.
GIVEN THROUGH FAITH • Recall the difference between the prayer of the Pharisee and that of the tax collector in Luke 18:9-14. Why didn’t the Pharisee ask God for mercy and forgiveness? He believed that he was righteous and therefore didn’t need forgiveness.
GIVEN THROUGH FAITH • The tax collector prayed that God would have mercy on him. Why do you think his prayer was so different? He knew that he was a sinner and believe that God would forgive his sins.
GIVEN THROUGH FAITH • Read 1 Corinthians 12:3. Evaluate this statement: Our sinful nature is like the Pharisee and not the tax collector. Correct.
GIVEN THROUGH FAITH • We receive forgiveness through faith in God’s promise that he has forgiven us. But by nature we don’t believe. Read Ephesians 2:8. How then can we have faith? It is a gift of God established by the Holy Spirit.
GIVEN THROUGH FAITH • Evaluate this statement: Jesus’ work of redemption is of absolute importance to us. However, the work of the Holy Spirit is equally important to us. True.
GIVEN THROUGH FAITH • After you are confirmed, why will you still go to church? I owe God my worship because he has given me life. And I need to hear God’s Word and to take Holy Communion so the Holy Spirit can keep working to strengthen my faith.
KEY POINT #3 The Holy Spirit gives us faith to believe the gospel.
HOW DO WE RECEIVE FORGIVENESS OF SINS? • God declares that all people are righteous through Jesus’ sacrifice. • God offers forgiveness of sins through the gospel. • The Holy Spirit gives us faith to believe the gospel. SUMMARY We receive forgiveness through faith in the gospel.