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National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO October 20-21, 2005 Paul Pisano, Team Leader

Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) Stakeholder Meeting #7. National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO October 20-21, 2005 Paul Pisano, Team Leader Road Weather Management Program FHWA. NCAR Welcome. Richard Wagoner Deputy Director, NCAR Research Applications Laboratory

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National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO October 20-21, 2005 Paul Pisano, Team Leader

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) Stakeholder Meeting #7 National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO October 20-21, 2005 Paul Pisano, Team Leader Road Weather Management Program FHWA

  2. NCAR Welcome • Richard Wagoner • Deputy Director, NCAR Research Applications Laboratory • Chair, American Meteorological Society Committee on ITS and Surface Transportation

  3. FHWA Welcome • Regina McElroy • Director, FHWA Office of Transportation Operations

  4. Stakeholder Participation - Oct 05

  5. Safety at NCAR • Steve Sadler • NCAR Safety Director

  6. Meeting Theme - Deployment • The MDSS concept is sound • The technology has been developed • The system has been tested (yes, there is still more to learn & develop) • All parties are interested (DOTs & VAMS) • It is time to discuss: • What do DOTs want (functionality, cost, etc)? • What do VAMS need to commit to providing MDSS functionality? • When could VAMS begin to provide these services?

  7. MDSS Participation (2000-2005)

  8. Total MDSS Stakeholder Participation 37 (73%) of all State DOTs (including DC) participated as a stakeholder during the 5 year MDSS project!

  9. Representatives from FHWA • U.S. Department of Transportation Headquarters, Washington D.C. • Regina McElroy, Office of Transportation Operations • Paul Pisano, Road Weather Management Program • James Pol, Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office • Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, VA • Rudy Persaud, Office of Operations Research & Development • FHWA Resource Center, Chicago, IL • Ray Murphy • FHWA Colorado Division, Lakewood, CO • Rick Santos • Mitretek, Falls Church, VA • Andy Stern

  10. Topic Overview – Day 1 • Session 1: Opening Remarks • Session 2: MDSS Technical Update • MDSS prototype development & evaluation • Future plans & research needs • Session 3: Moving Toward Deployment • Investments in RWIS • Pooled-fund efforts • State experiences with RFPs

  11. Topic Overview – Day 2 • Session 4: The private sector on MDSS deployment • FHWA vision for MDSS & the emerging market • Corporate capabilities • Session 5: Program Updates • Clarus Initiative • NOAA Surface Weather Program • ESS Siting Guidelines

  12. Meeting Structure • Day 1 (Thursday) • 8:00AM – 5:00PM Sessions • Morning Break (~10AM) • Lunch (on your own) in the NCAR Cafeteria (12:15-1:30PM) • Afternoon Break (~3PM) • Adjourn (5PM) • Day 2 (Friday) • 8:00AM – 11:30AM Sessions • Morning Break (~10AM) • Adjourn (11:30AM)

  13. Miscellaneous (1 of 2) • Light refreshments will be available each morning and during each break • A number of organizations will have displays available each morning, during each break and during the latter half of the lunch break • A 12-seat van will be available on Friday morning to shuttle people to the Westin if they need to leave early

  14. Miscellaneous (2 of 2) • Motor Coach Schedule • Thursday Morning 7:45 AM: Westin to NCAR • Thursday Afternoon 5:15 PM: NCAR to Westin • Friday Morning 7:45 AM: Westin to NCAR • Friday Midday 11:30 AM: NCAR to Westin • NOTE: You will need to have a reservation with the Boulder Express Shuttle to go from the Westin to DIA on Friday. A list will be turned in tonight.

  15. Let the Meeting Begin! • MDSS has been a success because of active participation of the entire stakeholder community • Speak up if you don’t understand something or have something to add • All presentations will be made available on the NCAR MDSS Web site in about a week • www.fhwa.dot.gov/weather • www.rap.ucar.edu/projects/rdwx_mdss/

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