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Global Culture: Linkings and Changes Erla Zwingle

Global Culture: Linkings and Changes Erla Zwingle. Espresso 意式浓缩咖啡是意式咖啡的精髓。做法起源于意大利,在意大利文中是“特别快”的意思,其特征是利用蒸汽压力,瞬间将咖啡液抽出。 to the strains of strains 旋律、曲调:一段演奏;一只曲子调子 melodic strains of the violin. 小提琴优美的旋律. hang around: to spend time idly Filipino 菲律宾人 the Philippine

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Global Culture: Linkings and Changes Erla Zwingle

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  1. Global Culture: Linkings and Changes Erla Zwingle

  2. Espresso意式浓缩咖啡是意式咖啡的精髓。做法起源于意大利,在意大利文中是“特别快”的意思,其特征是利用蒸汽压力,瞬间将咖啡液抽出。Espresso意式浓缩咖啡是意式咖啡的精髓。做法起源于意大利,在意大利文中是“特别快”的意思,其特征是利用蒸汽压力,瞬间将咖啡液抽出。 to the strains of strains旋律、曲调:一段演奏;一只曲子调子 melodic strains of the violin. 小提琴优美的旋律

  3. hang around: to spend time idly Filipino菲律宾人 the Philippine stout: a strong, very dark beer or ale烈性黑啤 hippo: hippopotamus 河马 vintage: old; classic fanatic: enthusiast

  4. in the throes of: in a condition of agonizing struggle or trouble剧痛中 tectonic shift: fundamental change巨变 argot: a specialized vocabulary or set of idioms used by a particular group暗号 dislodge:remove or force out移动;挪位

  5. wrought: work的过去式和过去分词 accelerated and complicated connections: convenient transportation, e-communication, information technology

  6. Westernization, I discovered over months of study and travel, is a phenomenon shot through with inconsistencies and populated by very strange bedfellows. shot through with: be filled with 充满 inconsistency: not in agreement or harmony; incompatibility; conflict; 矛盾 After studying and traveling for several months, I discovered that westernization is a phenomenon full of contradictory elements and confusing ideas.

  7. Coke: (slang) cocaine. salubrious: favorable to health or well-being有益健康的 Optimists look forward to a global village, linked together by the internet and benefiting from ever increasing material well-being. Pessimists see a frightful corporate tyranny destroying the environment, and sweeping away all that is healthy and meaningful to human existence.

  8. Apparently westernization is not a straight road to hell, or to paradise either. Obviously westernization will not lead to a disastrous world with endless sufferings nor will it result in a happy and carefree world like the Garden of Eden.

  9. resilient: the ability to recover readily, as from misfortune; capability of returning to an original shape or position有弹力的 ostensible: appearing公开的,表面的 fountainhead: source根源 Los Angeles, the ostensible fountainhead of world cultural degradation: It is a fusion central, where cultures mix and change. In influencing others, it is being changed, which is quite normal in a globalized world.

  10. Mehndi is the art of applying Henna on the body. It is a beautiful form of temporary body decoration. Mehndi is a traditional form of decoration for both men and women. oblivion: the condition or quality of being completely forgotten 遗忘,淹没 curving tendrils卷须状物 sinuous 弯曲的 uncoiling circle:untwisting; unwinding 伸开或展开

  11. cuticle: the strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail.角质层:位于指甲或趾甲基部边缘的硬化带状皮肤 incorrigibly: firmly rooted 无法矫正的 ravenous: greedy for gratification 渴望的

  12. Incorrigibly curious, ravenous for novelty, Americans love to experiment with ethnic food, clothes, and words. As Americans are born to have a liking for something new, they are crazy about everything unusually and they love to try out food, clothes and words from other cultures. exotica: unusual; excitingly strange 异域风情的

  13. Cool Hunter 酷尚 The Cool Hunter brings today's most happening movements, styles and trends to readers across the globe covering genres such as fashion, music, urban living, designer and cultural trends. maj-jong(g) 麻将

  14. It is a realm populated by individuals he’s never met who may be more real to him than the people who live next door. It is a world in which people may be more familiar with each other than with their neighbors, because they communicate much more on line without meeting each other. party line: A telephone circuit connecting two or more subscribers with the same exchange.合用线:同一个电话局内连接两个或多个用户的电话线路

  15. The Third Wave : mankind has experienced three waves of change. The First Wave of change was the Agricultural Revolution. With the rise of agriculture, human society evolved from small, migratory hunter groups or tribes into civilizations. The Second Wave was the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. Starting in the mid-1700s, industrialization revolutionized life in Europe and North America and quickly spread around the globe. During the decade after World War II, at some time around 1955, a new, little-understood Third Wave began, ushering in a new age an Information Age that would change every aspect of life as we know it.

  16. outnumber: exceed the number of 比…数量多 Sputnik: Any of a series of Soviet satellites sent into Earth orbit, especially the first, launched October 4, 1957(苏联)人造地球卫星 agrarian: of agriculture smokestack: industries, or places involved in heavy manufacturing or in the processing of materials重工业的

  17. brash: hasty; presumptuous; self-assertive upheaval: a sudden, violent disruption or upset突变 teem with: be full of 充满 connote: suggest; imply 言外之意 profit margin利润率, 毛利率 stay afloat: have just enough money to pay their debts ad not become bankrupt; free from financial difficulty:没有经济困难地

  18. Many multinationals, from McDonald’s to Panasonic, have had to accept paper-thin profit margins to stay afloat in India. Many multinational companies, like McDonald’s and Panasonic, have to accept the fact that if they want to survive in India they have to accept very small profits.

  19. And while some politicians rail against “cultural pollution”, they make no mention of the fact that many foreign companies have “gone native.” Some politicians are worried that the local cultures are changed because of the invasion of foreign cultures. However, they do not take the fact into consideration that many foreign companies are also influenced by local cultures. Cultural influences are mutual.

  20. Revlon露华浓(化妆品公司), 1932年,公司成立于纽约 palette: range of colors 色系,调色板 rating: the popularity of a television or radio program as estimated by a poll of segments of the audience.收听率,收视率:通过对听众,观众的调查得出的电视或广播节目的受欢迎程度 interminable: endless; tiresomely long无限的 live with: put up with; accept 忍受

  21. Linkings: Goods move. People move. Ideas move. Shinto: a religion native to Japan, characterized by veneration of nature spirits and ancestors and by a lack of formal dogma. 神道教:日本本土的一种宗教,以其对自然中的神灵和祖先的尊敬为特征,该宗教没有正规的教义

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