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Unit 4 Earthquakes Warming Up

Unit 4 Earthquakes Warming Up. Reading & Memorizing ( 识记 : 齐读 + 记忆 ) 1.natural ['nætʃərəl] disaster [di‘zɑ:stə] 自然灾害 2.destroy[dis‘trɔi] 毁坏,毁灭 (vt.) 3.earthquake['ə:θkweik] 地震 ( quake ) 4.crack [kræk] 裂缝 ; 出现裂缝 (n. & vi.) 5.nervous[‘nə:vəs] 紧张的 (adj.)

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Unit 4 Earthquakes Warming Up

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  1. Unit 4 Earthquakes Warming Up

  2. Reading & Memorizing(识记: 齐读 + 记忆) 1.natural['nætʃərəl] disaster [di‘zɑ:stə]自然灾害 2.destroy[dis‘trɔi] 毁坏,毁灭(vt.) 3.earthquake['ə:θkweik]地震(quake) 4.crack [kræk] 裂缝;出现裂缝 (n. & vi.) 5.nervous[‘nə:vəs] 紧张的 (adj.) 6.bury[‘beri]掩埋 7.injure[‘indʒə]使…受伤(vt) 8.rescue[‘reskju:] 营救;救援(vt & n.) 9.rebuild[‘ri:’bild] 重建 (vt) 10.donate[dəu‘neit] 捐赠,捐献 (vt)

  3. Discussion:Q1.What kind of life do you think this family are living? happy This family are living a __________ life.

  4. Q2.How about this family? Why? bad This family are living a _________ life. Their village is _______________________________________ because it suffered from a natural ________________________________ . gone (entirely destroyed [dis‘trɔi]毁坏) disaster [di‘zɑ:stə]自然灾害

  5. Q3.What happened in Wenchuan at 2:28pm on May 12, 2008? earthquake ['ə:θkweik] (地震 ) A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan at 2:28 pmon May 12, 2008. It was at 2:28 pmon May 12, 2008 that a terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan.

  6. Unit4 Q.Do you believe the saying “It is always calm before a storm[stɔ:m]”? If there has been an earthquake, what might happen to the persons and objects(事物) in the city?(P25) Tangshan City San Francisco

  7. Thinking: 1)Before an earthquake, what would happen to the things on the ground? 2)In the earthquake, what would happen to things or person on the ground? 3)After the earthquake, what can we do to help those who are trapped (被困) in it or who are suffering from it?

  8. Describing(描述):Q1.What strange things happened before the earthquake? Weather:A heavy _______is coming. The well:Some _____________ have appeared on the wall of the well. rain cracks [kræk] Animals:The animals, such as_______,______, ____ and ______are so _____________________that they are running and jumping madly. dogs pigs mice nervous['nə:vəs] fish so…that…: 如此…以致于

  9. Q2.What happened in the earthquake? 1.The buildings _______ down. 2.The bridge was ___________. fell broken 1.Some people were_____________, some were __________________, others were _______. buried['beri] injured['indʒə] killed

  10. Q3.What should we do after the earthquake? After the earthquake, the soldiers tried to ________________ those injured. Some people helped _____________________their homes, others__________________ some money for them. As students, we should ___________ to support them. rescue['reskju:] rebuild ['ri:'bild] donated [dəu'neit] study harder

  11. Generalization(概括): Don’t you believe the ________(say) “It is always calm before a storm”? ____________________, “It is not calm at all before a storm”. ________________, some __________things might happen to the persons and objects(事物) before an earthquake. A heavy rain might be coming. Some __________might appear(出现) on the walls of the well. The animals, _____________ dogs, pigs, mice and fish, might get so nervous ________they run and jump madly. saying But in my opinion For example strange cracks such as(= like) that

  12. In the earthquake, almost everything will _______________(destroy). The buildings might_______________. The bridges might______________. Some people might _______________(bury), some people might get_________, others might____________. After the earthquake, people will try to ________those injured. Some people will help ____________their homes, others will ____________some money to them. As students, we should _______________to support them. be destroyed fall down be broken be buried injured be killed rescue rebuild donate work harder

  13. 口头翻译: 1.这家人过着幸福的生活. 2.他们家遭受了一次可怕的地震. 3.地震来临前,并不总是平静. 4.这些动物如猫和狗,非常紧张,(以致于)到处乱跑(run madly). This family are living a happy life. Their family suffered from a terrible earthquake. Before an earthquake, it is not always calm. These animals, such as cats and dogs, are so nervous that they are running madly.

  14. 5.2008年5月12日下午2:28,汶川发生一场可怕的地震.5.2008年5月12日下午2:28,汶川发生一场可怕的地震. 6.在地震中,几乎所有的事物都被毁灭了. 7.在这场地震中,一些人被掩埋,一些人受伤,还有一些人失去了生命. A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan at 2:28 pm on May 12, 2008. Almost everything was destroyed in the earthquake. In the earthquake, some people were buried, some got injured, others were killed. = In the earthquake, some people were buried, some injured, others killed.

  15. 笔头翻译: 1.这家人过着幸福的生活. 2.他们家遭受了一次可怕的地震. 3.地震来临前,并不总是平静. 4.这些动物如猫和狗,非常紧张,(以致于)到处乱跑(run madly). 5.2008年5月12日,汶川发生一场可怕的地震. 6.在地震中,几乎所有的事物都被毁灭了. 7.在这场地震中,一些人被掩埋,一些人受伤,还有一些人失去了生命.

  16. 基础写作: 事件:汶川大地震 要求:请用5-6句话写一篇短文,必须包括下表中的所有内容(用5-6句话)。题目已给(Wenchuan Earthquake)。

  17. Thank you

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