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Fayette Area Coordinated Transportation. Presented by: Ray McDonald. What is FACT?. FACT stands for: Fayette Area Coordinated Transportation Mission Statement:
Fayette Area Coordinated Transportation Presented by: Ray McDonald
What is FACT? • FACT stands for: • Fayette Area Coordinated Transportation • Mission Statement: • Fayette Area Coordinated Transportation (FACT) is fully committed to providing all Fayette county residents with quality transportation services, regardless of age, income, or mobility requirements. • Incorporated by the Fayette County Board of Commissioners in 1996.
Hours • FACT office hours are Monday through Friday, 8AM to 4:30PM. • An answering service is available after regular office hours and on weekends. • Hours of operation are Monday through Saturday 7AM to 5PM and on Sunday 7AM to 1PM.
What Will You Learn Today? • What transportation options are available to your clients • How to determine if your client lives near a public transit bus route • How to help plan a trip using bus schedules • The cost of a bus ride and how to pay • How to use shared ride services • Who to contact for additional questions
Who am I? • FACT Transportation Information Manager & Operations Manager • Primary duties: • Design routing and scheduling for fixed and demand response services • Track and analyze service data and statistics • Apply for and administer grant funding • Oversee the customer service function • Maintain local agency relationships
What is FACT? • Mission Statement: Fayette Area Coordinated Transportation (FACT) is fully committed to providing all Fayette County residents with quality transportation services, regardless of age, income, or mobility requirements.
Where is FACT Located? The FACT Transit Center is located at 825 Airport Road, Lemont Furnace, PA, across from the Connellsville Airport.
How are Transit Services Funded? • Federal funds: • Primarily restricted to capital improvements • Replacement vehicles or fleet expansion • Construction of facilities • Purchase of fixed equipment (computers, fareboxes, telephones) • Allocated based on complex formulas including population, service area size, and ridership • Also include dedicated “earmarks” from elected officials
How are Transit Services Funded? • State funds: • Provide for both capital improvements and operating expenses • Fuel • Wages and benefits • Vehicle maintenance • Come from a variety of sources • Slow growth and inconsistency in these sources has brought about a transit funding crisis in Pennsylvania
How are Transit Services Funded? • Local funds: • Provide mostly for operating expenses • Allow us to subsidize fares for certain customer groups • In our case, these are provided by Fayette County, but they can also come from individual municipalities or a local sales tax • These are important because they not only help us to operate, but also indicate a “hometown” investment in and commitment to transit
How are Transit Services Funded? • Passenger fares: • Offset our reliance on federal, state, and local subsidies • Usually set far below market price of service • Transit agencies are increasingly being judged by elected officials and taxpayers on their ability to recover a high percentage of their operating costs through these fares • Sound route planning and fare policies help to increase this percentage
Shared RideMedical Assistance Transportation Program • This service is a FREE curb to curb transportation for Fayette County residents and is also a Non-Emergency Transportation program. FACT does not provide escorts. A parent or guardian over 18 years of age must accompany a child under the age of 16, the Primary Care Physician, (PCP), must complete an Escort Eligibility Physician Verification Form stating the need for an escort to and from appointments. • Eligibility & Procedure To become eligible to use FACT transportation services, Fayette County residency and a valid medical or Access card is required. An eligibility form must be filled out by the client before FACT can process a request for transportation services. In the event the request for transportation is denied, FACT will place a referral with the County Assistance Office. FACT retains as formal documentation, the referral form indicating denial of transportation service request along with a copy of the letter to the client explaining the reason of denial.
Shared RidePerson with Disabilities Transportation • This grant has provided a reduced fare transportation program for shared-ride service to persons who: • Have a disability • Are 18-64 years old • Live in or wish to travel in the County of Fayette
Other goals of this project include: • Collecting data on customers with disabilities who use public shared-ride transportation service in rural areas in order to assess their transportation needs • Collect data on the impact-quality, and cost of service-on other passengers when shared-ride transportation providers attempt to meet the transportation needs of customers with disabilities • To ensure that the PwD is perceived and used as a supplemental transportation service for customers with disabilities
Human service agencies need to continue to provide and/or pay for transportation services for persons with disabilities as they did before. Such as: HSDF W2W MATP OVR
DESIGN • The PwD uses the public Shared-Ride services model, now used for seniors and the general public. • It is expected that the PwD will be operated in a manner that does not diminish or otherwise have a negative impact on the existing Shared-Ride services available for older Pennsylvanians and other shared-ride passengers.
For customers with disabilities, the PwD will fund up to 85% of the general public shared-ride fares that are currently in accordance with the Shared-Ride Program for Senior Citizens. Fares are based on one-way trips and range from $1.50-$6.00. Please contact the FACT Transit Center for the exact fare. All riders must bring EXACT fare when you ride. Sorry, our drivers cannot give change. PwD FARES
PwD Eligibility • PwD can provide trips for services that were previously restricted under other funding streams • Example: • Previously an eligible MATP client with a disability could not be funded to go to a store • Under PwD, an MATP client with a disability would be eligible for a lower fare to go to a store
PwD Eligibility cont. • Provisions for transportation by already established funding streams cannot be shed to PwD • Example • Previously an eligible MATP client with a disability was entitled transportation to medical appointments • Under PwD, this MATP client must continue to use the established program for medical appointments
In other words… • PwD must be used in addition to, not in lieu of transportation services funded by social service and public transportation resources. • These resources must be used before PwD funds are utilized.
Registration Procedures • Fayette County determines the eligibility for the PwD program through a PA Dot approved standard registration form
A person with a disability is ineligible for the Pwd IF The client refuses to have his/her eligibility determined by alternative potential service provider/funding agencies which may fund the trip
The transit provider will conduct a standard registration process for all interested applicants • This intake process will include, but not be limited to • Gathering income data • Confirming that the applicant is a person with a physical and/or mental impairment that limits him/her in one or more of the major life activities • Determining the availability of transportation services from other transportation programs • If applicable, referring the applicant to other agencies to determine the applicant’s eligibility for transportation services outside the PwD
Other Shared Ride Programs: • Welfare To Work: Eligibility determined through CAO • Shared Ride For Seniors: 85% of fare paid for seniors over 65 • HSDF Transportation: For life saving transportation when not eligible for other programs
Shared Ride – Other Guidelines • Every year the client must visit the FACT office and complete an annual eligibility renewal form. The client, when requesting transportation services, must call 24 hours in advance, prior to 2PM. Reservations for transportation services can be made as early as one month in advance. FACT does not offer same day transportation services, except for those clients needing urgent care. • FACT will accommodate urgent care or emergency transportation requests providing the client’s PCP or Managed Care Organization, (MCO), contacts FACT via the telephone or fax stating the need for same day transportation service. FACT must have at least a two hour advance notice to accommodate urgent care or emergency transportation requests. • FACT transportation services are available to Pittsburgh area medical facilities weekly, Thursdays, departing at 8AM and returning 3PM.
Reading the Schedules – • Step 1 – Locate where you are and where you want to go. Let’s assume you’re at the Uniontown Hub and you want to go to Super Wal-Mart • Step 2 – Locate the timed stop closest to your current location. In this example, it is 11:45AM, the next bus will be at the Uniontown Hub at 12:00PM. • Step 3 – To find the arrival time at your destination, read down the timetable column. In this example, the bus leaving the Uniontown Hub at 12:00PM will arrive at Super Wal-Mart at 12:20PM.
The Cost to Ride Fixed Route • The average fare for a FACT customer is $1.90. Please consult the Fare Schedule to determine your exact fare. Your Starting Location: Uniontown Cost to the following Destinations: • Brownsville $1.90 • Connellsville $1.90 • Fairchance $1.90 • Farmington $1.90
Does FACT offer Senior discounts? • Persons 65 and older who are registered with FACT ride for free. • You can stop in at the FACT office to register, or call 1-800-321-RIDE (7433) for more information.
How to Identify Your Bus • Bus front destination sign sample picture:
How do I know exactly where the FACT bus stops along a particular route? FACT routes are designed with "flag stops". This means that you can "flag" or signal the driver to stop the bus anywhere along the route to pick you up (as long as it doesn't create a hazard for the driver). These rolling stops allow riders easier access than a traditional designated stop. Stops designated at businesses or offices are made at the main entrances of these facilities.
How to Board the Bus • Please be at a designated stop on-time • In most cases, drivers must adhere to a strict schedule and will not be able to wait • As the bus approaches, stand close to the stop and signal the driver • Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop, then board at the front door • If you require the bus to “kneel”, or the use of a wheelchair lift, please ask the driver
How to Pay Your Fare • As you board, please have your exact fare ready in the form of cash, pass, or token • This will help speed the boarding process and keep the bus on-time • Drivers do not carry change • In most cases, drivers will allow an exception to you if you do not have the full amount needed to pay your fare – however, this is a one-time courtesy only • You will generally not be permitted to deboard at an interim stop to get change in order to pay your fare
How to Pay Your Fare • If paying by cash: • You will notice two slots on the farebox • Coins are dropped in the left slot • Paper media are deposited in the slot on the right • To ensure that the correct fare is being paid, and help to prevent farebox breakdowns, bills must be unfolded before being placed into the farebox.
How to Pay Your Fare • Farebox sample picture:
How to Pay Your Fare • If paying by pass: • Passes are sold by month for unlimited use for work or recreation • Show your pass to the bus driver • If your pass is expired, visit the FACT office to purchase a new pass • Passes are also sponsored through the Welfare To Work Program, ask your caseworker for details
Half Fare Program for Persons with Disabilities: • Ride for half-fare at all times. • Customers must show a Half Fare ID card to receive half fare rate. • Half Fare ID cards are available from FACT to persons with qualifying disabilities. • Persons under age 65 with a Medicare card qualify for this program.
How to Conduct One’s Self • Conduct prohibited aboard FACT vehicles includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Refusing to pay the proper fare • Harassing or threatening the driver or other passengers • Using profanity • Drinking alcoholic beverages or being grossly intoxicated to the point of the following: • Harassing or disturbing others • Loud or disruptive • Loss of control over bodily functions
How to Conduct One’s Self • Conduct prohibited aboard FACT vehicles includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Smoking • Eating • Drinking • Except non-alcoholic beverages from a covered, spill-resistant container such as a travel mug • Carrying weapons • Listening to music without headphones and/or at a volume that disturbs other passengers or the driver
How to Conduct One’s Self • Conduct prohibited aboard FACT vehicles includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Lying down or occupying more than one seat • Of course, we make reasonable exceptions for children and sleepy adults as space permits • Loud or disruptive behavior • Putting feet up on the seats • Littering • Defacing the vehicle or other peoples’ belongings • Bringing animals aboard that are not service animals or are not carried in an approved pet carrier
How to Conduct One’s Self • Violation of these rules can result in the following: • Expulsion from the vehicle • Refusal of future service • Fine • Arrest • In general, our rules are common sense and we expect our passengers to treat others the way they would like to be treated
How to De-board the Bus • Shortly after the bus passes the stop before yours, pull the cord located directly above or alongside your seat • A “stop requested” light and a bell at the front of the bus will let the driver know you want to de-board • Don’t hesitate to ask the driver if you need help identifying your destination • Please wait to exit the bus until it comes to a complete stop
How to De-board the Bus • De-boarding features sample pictures:
If You Need More Information • We will be happy to assist you in person, by mail, via email or over the phone • Toll Free:1-800-321-RIDE (7433) • Main Office: Phone:724-628-7433 • E-Mail:info@factbus.com • Office Location: 825 Airport Road Lemont Furnace, PA 15456 • Office Hours: 8:00AM - 4:30PM Monday thru Friday Closed Weekends and Holidays
If You Need More Information • Answers are also available over the web: www.factbus.com • What you will find: • Timely service news and updates • Descriptions of FACT programs • Contact information • Schedules and fares