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Locally Developed Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan

Locally Developed Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan. Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit January 15, 2009. Welcome and Introductions. Marianne Freed Administrator ODOT, Office of Transit. Webcast Participants - Contact Information.

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Locally Developed Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan

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  1. Locally Developed Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit January 15, 2009 Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  2. Welcome and Introductions Marianne Freed AdministratorODOT, Office of Transit

  3. Webcast Participants - Contact Information • To Pose Questions and Offer Comments and Ideas • Email Address: • Kim White, Training and Compliance Officer ODOT, Office of Transit Kim.White@dot.state.oh.us

  4. History and Requirements Joshua Gearhardt ODOT, Office of Transit Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  5. SAFETEA-LU • The Transportation Reauthorization Bill passed in 2005 • Added New Federal Transit Administration Programs • Revised some existing programs • Final FTA Circular issued May 1, 2007 • 9045.1- www.fta.dot.gov/documents/FTA_C_9045.1_New_Freedom.pdf • 9050.1- www.fta.dot.gov/documents/FTA_C_9050.1_JARC.pdf • 9070.1F- www.fta.dot.gov/documents/C9070.1F.pdf Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  6. New and Revised Federal Transit Administration Programs • Job Access/Reverse Commute (JARC) • New Freedom • Section 5310 (has many names) • Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities • Specialized Transportation Program • A.K.A.-Section 16 or Section 16(B)2 Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  7. JARC-Section 5316 • Existing Program- Job Access/Reverse Commute • Connect Welfare recipients and low income to: • Jobs • Employment related training including education programs and pre-employment training programs Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  8. JARC-Section 5316 • Funding • Directly to large urbanized areas (over 200,000 in population) • To ODOT for Rural and Small Urban Areas (under 200,000 in population) • From Discretionary to Formula; based on low income population in UZA Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  9. JARC-Section 5316… Operating 50/50 (Federal/Local) Capital 80/20 (Federal/Local) Planning 80/20 (Federal/Local) Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  10. Ohio JARC-Section 5316 • Who Can Apply • Public Entities providing Public Transit service • Private non-profit designated by public to provide Public Transit service • Public entities who are recipients of the Ohio Coordination Program Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  11. New Freedom-Section 5317 • New Program - Beyond ADA Requirements • Targeted toward people with disabilities • Program intent: • Improve public transit service • Provide transportation alternatives • Remove barriers Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  12. New Freedom-Section 5317 • Funding • Directly to large urban areas (over 200,000 in population) • To ODOT for Rural and Small Urban Areas (under 200,000 in population) • Operating 50/50 (Federal/Local) • Capital 80/20 (Federal/Local) Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  13. Specialized Transportation Program- Section 5310 • Existing Program to provide services to: • Elderly and people with disabilities: • Vehicle Acquisition • Equipment • Mobility Management Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  14. Specialized Transportation Program- Section 5310 • Program Requirements • Projects must be derived from a “Locally Developed Coordinated Plan” • Projects must be competitively selected Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  15. Specialized Transportation Program- Section 5310 • Funding • Administered by the State (ODOT) • Capital only - 80/20 (Federal/Local) Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  16. Section 5310 – Specialized Transportation Program • Who Can Apply for funding in Ohio • Private non-profit organizations • Public entities in areas: • Without non-profit organizations available to provide service • Lead in Ohio Coordination Program project Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  17. Federal Requirements • Section 5310, 5316 & 5317 applications “derived from a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan”. • Designated Recipients will have to certify that the plan was “developed through a process that includes representatives of public, private and nonprofit transportation and human services providers andparticipation by the public”. Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  18. What are the REQUIRED elements of the Plan? • There are four outlined in the federal circular • Assessment of available services that identifies current transportation providers • Assessment of current transportation needs for persons with disabilities, older adults and people with low incomes Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  19. What are the REQUIRED elements of the Plan? (Con’t) • Strategies, activities, and/or projects to address the identified gaps between current services and needs, as well as opportunities to improve efficiencies in service delivery • Priorities for implementation based on resources Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  20. What are the REQUIRED elements of the Plan? (Con’t) “Plans must be developed in good faith in coordination with appropriate planning partners and with opportunities for public participation.” (Page V-2, FTA C 9070.1F, 5/1/2007) “The lead agency, in consultation with participants, should identify the process for adoption of the plan.” (Page V-7, FTA C 9070.1F, 5/1/2007) The plan should be updated through a regular update cycle, as identified in the Plan. Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  21. Who are the Transportation Stakeholders? Area transportation planning agencies Public transportation providers Private transportation providers Non profit transportation providers Past or current organizations funded under the JARC or Section 5310 program Passengers and advocates Human service partners Others-Anyone interested in Transportation for Target Populations Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  22. Why Participate? • Advantages • You represent your customer base, public transit or human service provider, in their quest for mobility choices • Will assure that JARC, New Freedom and 5310 funds are used for meeting the particular and unique needs of the residents of your community. • Resources are limited for everyone and increasing efficiency through coordination makes sense. Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  23. Developing the Plan Robbie Sarles RLS and Associates Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  24. Use other plans as model • ODOT website • CTAA website • Transit system website • Ohio peers transit systems • ODOT staff can assist Low Cost/No Cost Methods to Develop a Plan Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  25. Follow template • ODOT checklist • WVDOT Coordination Toolkit • Comprehensive version • Minimal version • Plan update version Low Cost/No Cost Methods to Develop a Plan (Continued) Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  26. Supplemental outside assistance • Peer transit system • Larger transit system • Incorporate in neighboring transit system plan • Regional or local planning agencies • Universities / community colleges • Other agencies • Consultants Low Cost/No Cost Methods to Develop a Plan (Continued) Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  27. Types of supplemental assistance • Overview guidance • Technical analysis • Meeting facilitation • Alternative development • Project selection criteria • Objective project evaluation process Low Cost/No Cost Methods to Develop a Plan (Continued) Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  28. A compilation of information and resources • Tool for communities pursuing transportation coordination • Guide for developing local coordination plans WV Toolkit Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  29. Toolkit contains • Introduction explaining the background for the toolkit • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) • Getting started • Coordination briefs • References and resources • Sample Forms and Templates WV Toolkit (Continued) Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  30. Why the emphasis on coordination now? • When is coordination effective? • Will coordination save me money? • What will coordination cost? • What are the obstacles to coordination? • Who needs to be involved in a coordination effort? Step 1: Obtain Basic Understanding of Coordination Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  31. Step 1: Obtain Basic Understanding of Coordination (Continued) • What problems can coordination address? • What are the goals for coordinated transportation services? • How does coordination work? • What are the benefits of coordination? • Why have some coordinated systems failed? • Why have many coordinated systems succeeded? Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  32. Coordination Plan Sample Table of Contents • I – Introduction and Overview • II – Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions • III – Stakeholder Assessment • IV – Transportation Provider Inventory • V – Identification of Unmet Mobility Needs • VI – Coordination Alternatives • Goals, Objectives, and Implementation Strategies Step 2: Create an Outline of Your Plan Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  33. Coordination Plan Sample Table of Contents (Continued) • VII – Action Plan • Selection Criteria • Prioritization • Implementation Strategy • VIII - Adoption and Approval of Plan • IX – Plan Update • Appendices – Stakeholder and Public Involvement Record Step 2: Create an Outline of Your Plan (Continued) Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  34. Example of outreach activities • Focus groups • Public hearings • Surveys • Interviews • Public forums, workshops, open houses • Meetings – targeted populations Step 3: Develop Public Participation / Outreach Strategy Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  35. Notification methods • Newspaper notices • Flyers • Direct mailing • Media public service announcements • E-Mail Step 3: Develop Public Participation / Outreach Strategy (Continued Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  36. Identify stakeholders • Comprehensive list • Core group Step 4: Identify Who Should be Invited to Participate Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  37. Major trip generators • Major origin and destination data • Typical destinations outside of service area • County demographic profiles Step 5: Collect Population and Demographic Data Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  38. U.S. Census • County Profile • County Commissioners • Chamber of Commerce • Department of Economic Development • Agriculture Extension Office • School System Sources of Demographic Data Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  39. Survey • Interviews Step 6: Inventory Existing Transportation Services Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  40. Compare supply of service with demand • Identify current coordination efforts • Identify challenges to coordination • Develop goals for coordination Step 7: Conduct Gap Analysis / Needs Assessment Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  41. Describe potential projects Step 8: Identify Potential Projects Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  42. Develop selection criteria • Evaluate potential projects • Prioritize potential projects Step 9: Evaluate and Prioritize Projects Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  43. Step 10: Create Implementation Strategy Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  44. Document planning process • Document results • Document public participation / outreach • Adopt plan Step 11: Finalize Plan Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  45. Step 12: Establish Procedure and Timeline for Updating Plan Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  46. Examples of Coordination Activities • Information and Referral • Planning • Grants Management • Specification Development • Training • Joint Policy/Procedure Development • Passenger Aides/Escorts • Joint Purchasing • Vehicle Sharing • Trip Sharing • Mobility Managers • Transportation Brokerages • Volunteer Pools • Vehicle, Equipment, and Facility Purchases • Joint Dispatch and Scheduling • Call Centers • Guaranteed Ride Home • Shared Supplemental Service Contracts • ITS/GPS Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  47. Developing the Plan Carla Lakatos Lakatos Group, Ltd. Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  48. Elderly Low Income Disabled Target Populations Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  49. Benefits to Users and Community Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

  50. Lakatos Group Experience • Example Agency: Ohio Coordination Project Lead • Background: • As an Ohio Coordination Project, serves the public transportation and human service transportation needs of the County since 1999 (County Commissioners are grantee). • Coordination Project includes 18 participating agencies and is the principle provider of transportation for seniors in Union County. Locally Developed Coordinated Plan Workshop

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