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Graduation Speeches. 6-3-14. Requirements. 3-5 minutes long Typed Thank people on behalf of the class Priests Sisters Teachers (faculty and staff) Parents **Do not mention specific names unless you mention them ALL!**. Other Important Info. Everyone is writing one
Graduation Speeches 6-3-14
Requirements • 3-5 minutes long • Typed • Thank people on behalf of the class • Priests • Sisters • Teachers (faculty and staff) • Parents **Do not mention specific names unless you mention them ALL!**
Other Important Info. • Everyone is writing one • Only a few will be chosen • But-I AM TOO NERVOUS TO SPEAK! • That’s ok! You still turn a speech in (with a note about nerves) • The first time the class will hear the speeches: on Graduation Day!
Format • Open with a hook • Quote • Anecdote • Example: Good evening St. Mary’s Elementary School graduating class of 2002. “There is always a moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.” For the graduating class of St. Mary’s Elementary School, tonight is such a moment. As we sit down to ponder over our last 8 or 9 years at St. Mary’s, let us try and recall who or what may have opened this great door for us, and let the light of all we will eventually love and learn start to shine through. This moment may have been brought upon by an inspirational teacher, a loving parent, or a close friend…
Format • Introduce yourself • Point of view is from the whole class • Can be chronological, theme, or quote based (or can be determined by the speaker) • Humor is ok- BE APPROPRIATE • REMEMBER: • Use adjectives and adverbs • Pick strong verbs
More Examples The third virtue, perseverance, is described in Doctor Seuss’ book when he states, “There are things, down the road between hither and yon, that can scare you so much you won’t want to go on. But on you will go, though weather be foul. On you will go, though your enemies prowl. Onward up many a frightening creek, though your arms may get sore and your sneakers may leak.” Perseverance is the quality which prevents one from ever giving up, even when facing daunting obstacles. Although perseverance is often associated with success, this was not the case for the 8th graders as they battled the teachers in the 2nd annual volleyball game. Even though the score was painful for the losing student team, they gave a valiant effort. The class fought vigorously until the end of the game. The students learned and lived the virtue of perseverance.
More Examples Hello everyone, I’m Julie Schindel, President of Student Leadership, and on behalf of the class of 2005, I would like to welcome you to our Eighth Grade Graduation Ceremony. I’m sure I speak for all of us here, when I say that this day would not have been possible without the hard work of our faculty, administration, clergy, and support staff. I would also like to give a special thank you to our principal, Mrs. Danmeyer, who has helped make St. Mary’s a school we are very proud of. Last but certainly not least, we would like to express our gratitude towards our parents. We hope you realize how much you mean to us. The love and guidance you have given us as we grow up never will be forgotten.
Contd. Not long ago, I was driving in the car with my parents, and I heard a song by a country music artist entitle “I’m Gonna Spend My Time”, which emphasized the importance of living life to the fullest, and not taking your time for granted. The words to the song quickly make me realize how fast the time has flown by in the last nine years, and that we will never be able to experience it together again. I couldn’t help but think of all the wonderful memories that were made for us in St. Mary’s and how lucky we all are to have spent that time together.
Contd. Third and fourth grade brought memories of our days dressed up as our favorite saint , and wishing that we could get glasses or braces and be as cool as our other friends that were getting theirs. When holey cards were introduced in math, we spent hours trying to memorize our multiplication tables. We rejoiced as we went to the store to by our school supplies, knowing that we were now “mature” and we had finally earned the privilege to use erasable pens instead of pencils.
Contd. And last, but definitely not least, we spent time in eighth grade as the “big fish” thinking we were all grown up, anxiously awaiting the removal of our orthodontic c braces. All of a sudden, those braces were no longer the cool thing we coveted back in third and fourth grade. We experienced our much awaited trip to New York, the dinner dance, and the final celebration of our education at St. Mary’s, our eighth grade graduation ceremony, where once again for many of us, we are spending our last moments together creating one more lasting memory of time.
Contd. There it is, nine years in the blink of an eye. If I can leave you with one thought, it would be that time is precious and it really does pass quickly, For all the opportunities taken, there were some we missed, for all the friendships made, there were some we didn’t make, and for all the acts fo Christian kindness shown, there were some not give. We cannot go back and recapture any of that. However, we have been given a tremendous gift of a strong religious academic foundation built here at St. Mary’s. As we go forward we need to use that gift wisely. We should build on what we have learned here- what is means to be a good student, what it means to be a good friend, and most importantly what it means to be a good Christian.
Contd. There’s a saying by an unknown author that goes, “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” We can smile today, because of the last nine years that have happened for us. TO my classmates that are leaving the St. Mary’s family to venture out to new schools, I wish happiness, health, and success. Please know that you will never be forgotten. May God always guide you in your life. And for my fellow classmates that will move on to St. Mary’s High School, join me as we say, “Look out St. Mary’s High, cause here we come!” And now, to the entire Class of 2005, our time has passed…may God bless us all!
Format Contd. • Consider: • What have we been through together as a class? • What defines us? • Where are we going next year? • Memories • Inspirational Quotes • Challenges Close the speech STRONG! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GS1qyIcHWQ
Due Date • ALL speeches are due: May 12 • You will have a day during this coming cycle to work on speeches (A Day will start today, etc.). • Be working on the speech outside of class • Remember, it needs to be typed • Practice saying your speech (so you know how much time it takes- should be 3-5 minutes)