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Declarative prototyping

Declarative prototyping. Declarative prototyping. We present a simple programs development methodology based on mathematical induction, declarative prototyping, procedural design and implementation (the references for this chapter include [Boe84,Mur96,RL99, Som01, Zav89]).

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Declarative prototyping

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  1. Declarative prototyping

  2. Declarative prototyping • We present a simple programs development methodology based on mathematical induction, declarative prototyping, procedural design and implementation (the references for this chapter include [Boe84,Mur96,RL99, Som01, Zav89]). • We use the functional programming language Haskell [PJH99] for declarative prototyping, and C as a language for procedural implementation.

  3. Declarative prototyping • Haskell is a lazy purely functional programming language named after the famous logician Haskell Curry, whose contributions to lambda calculus and combinatory logic are well-known [CF58]. • Classic examples of very high-level languages that can be used for prototyping purposes include: Lisp, Prolog and Smaltalk. • Experiments are reported, e.g., in [Zav89,Mur96].

  4. Declarative prototyping • Haskell is a modern strongly typed functional programming language, appropriate for prototypes development. • Advantages of Haskell as a prototyping tool: • Declarative specifications • Referential transparency (it provides support for equational reasoning) • Polymorphism and higher-order functions • A Haskell specification is typically much shorter than a corresponding C implementation

  5. Declarative prototyping • Haskell programs can be seen as ‘executable mathematics’ [RL99]. • Alternatively, we could adopt Z [Spi92] and develop formal specifications. Z specifications are more abstract, but are not executable. • Haskell prototypes are executable and, therefore, can easily be evaluated and tested. • It is generally accepted that prototyping reduces the number of problems with the requirements specifications [Boe84,Som01]. • The approach considered in this chapter is useful when the problems are novel or difficult.

  6. Declarative prototyping • We present a methodology involving the following steps: • Build a Haskell specification (prototype) The prototype is built by an inductive reasoning, which proves the correctness of the specification. • Design a procedural solution This step involves procedural design decisions, decisions concerning data structures representation, memory allocation policies, etc. • Accomplish the procedural implementation We will use C for procedural implementation.

  7. Declarative prototyping • Mathematical induction is a convenient tool for recursive functions design (for the functions defined on finite structures). • The most common forms of induction are • Induction on natural numbers • Structural induction • They can be treated as instances of a general form of induction, called well-founded induction (see e.g. [Mit96]).

  8. Declarative prototyping • A well-founded relation on a set A is a binary relation  on A with the property that there is no infinite descending sequence a0a1a2 … • A well-founded relation need not be transitive (example: ij if j = i+1, on the natural numbers). • A well-founded relation can not be reflexive (if aa then there is an infinite descending sequence aaa…) • An equivalent definition is that a binary relation  on A is well-founded iff every nonempty subset B of A has a minimal element, where aB is minimal if there is no a’B with a’a.

  9. Declarative prototyping • (Generalized or) Well-founded induction principle • Let  be a well-founded binary relation on set A and let P be some property on A. If P(a) holds whenever we have P(b) for all ba, then P(a) is true for all aA. • More familiar forms of induction can be obtained by using the following well-founded relations: • mn if m+1=n, for natural number induction • ee’ if e is an immediate sub-expression of e’, for structural induction

  10. Declarative prototyping • In the sequel we will use mathematical induction to prove the correctness of recursive definitions. • In each case, we will define a complexity measure: a function that maps the concrete structures in the problem domain to a set equipped with a well-founded relation. • The complexity measure must be chosen so that it decreases upon any recursive call. • We will present various kinds of inductive reasoning.

  11. Declarative prototyping • For simplicity, we do not consider Haskell specifications based on higher-order mappings, and we only give recursive C implementations. • Haskell is polymorphic. C is monomorphic. A Haskell prototype can specify an entire class of C implementations. • For simplicity, we ignore this aspect, and we only consider data structures containing primitive types (numeric values).

  12. Declarative prototyping • Haskell  C transcription • Each Haskell function in the declarative specification is translated to a corresponding C function in the procedural implementation (using auxiliary C functions if necessary). • Haskell functions defined by multiple equations are implemented using conditional statements in C. • For each recursive call in the Haskell specification there is a corresponding recursive call in the C implementation.

  13. Declarative prototyping • Example Set union • Haskell specification: • The specification is correct. This follows by induction on a simple complexity measure: • member(e,xs) - by induction on length(xs) (/ structural induction) • union(xs,ys) – by induction on the length(xs), assuming that xs and ys are lists without duplicated elements member :: (Int,[Int]) -> Bool member (e,[]) = False member (e,x:xs) = if (e == x) then True else member (e,xs) union :: ([Int],[Int]) -> [Int] union ([],ys) = ys union (x:xs,ys) = if member(x,ys) then union(xs,ys) else x:union(xs,ys)

  14. Declarative prototyping • The Haskell prototype behaves as follows (experiments performed using the Hugs interpreter): Main> union([],[1,2,3]) [1,2,3] Main> union([6,7,5,3],[5,6,9,1,2,7]) [3,5,6,9,1,2,7]

  15. Declarative prototyping • Designing the procedural implementation • There are various options: • Recursive implementation • Implementation as WHILE program • Result produced • By the normal function return mechanism • By using an additional parameter transmitted by reference • There are also various options concerning the memory allocation policy • Use static structures (arrays) • Use dynamic structures (lists) • Allocate / not allocate space for the result • Alter / not alter the (input) parameters

  16. Declarative prototyping • We use the following type declaration for the C implementation typedef struct elem { int info; struct elem* next; } ELEM, *LIST;

  17. Declarative prototyping • C implementation of member typedef enum {false,true} BOOL; BOOL member(int e,LIST l) { if (l == 0) return(false); else if (e == l-> info) return(true); else return (member(e,l->next)); }

  18. Declarative prototyping • For union we consider four different implementations: • The first two variants • Alter the input parameters • Do not allocate space for the result. • The last two variants • Do not alter the input parameters • Allocate space for the result

  19. Declarative prototyping LIST union(LIST x,LIST y) { LIST z; if (x == 0) return(y); else if (member(x->info,y)) { z = union(x->next,y); free(x); return(z); } else { z = x; z -> next = union(x->next,y); return(z); } }

  20. Declarative prototyping • The function can be used as follows: LIST x,y,x; … /* Create the ‘sets’ x and y */ … z = union(x,y); /* The ‘set’ z is the union of x and y */

  21. Declarative prototyping • Alternatively, we can implement union as a C function of type void; the function returns its result by using an additional parameter transmitted by reference. void union(LIST x,LIST y,LIST *z) • In the sequel, we find convenient to use the term procedure to refer to such a C function of type void.

  22. Declarative prototyping void union(LIST x,LIST y,LIST *z) { if (x == 0) (*z) = y; else if (member(x->info,y)) { union(x->next,y,z); free(x); } else { (*z) = x; union(x->next,y,&((*z)->next)); } }

  23. Declarative prototyping • The procedure can be used as follows: LIST x,y,x; … /* Create the ‘sets’ x and y */ … union(x,y,&z); /* The ‘set’ z is the union of x and y */

  24. Declarative prototyping • The C function given below allocates space for the result and does not alter the input parameters. LIST union(LIST x,LIST y) { LIST z; if (x == 0) return(copy(y)); else if (member(x->info,y)) { return (union(x->next,y)); } else { z = (LIST)malloc(sizeof(ELEM)); z->info = x->info; z->next = union(x->next,y); return(z); } }

  25. Declarative prototyping • The implementation uses an auxiliary function that makes a physical copy of its parameter. LIST copy (LIST l) { LIST r; if (l == 0) return(0); else { r = (LIST)malloc(sizeof(ELEM)); r->info = l->info; r->next = copy(l->next); return(r); } }

  26. Declarative prototyping • The last implementation solution uses an additional parameter transmitted by reference. It allocates space for the result and does not alter the input parameters. void union(LIST x,LIST y,LIST *z) { if (x == 0) copy(y,z); else if (member(x->info,y)) { union(x->next,y,z); } else { (*z) = (LIST)malloc(sizeof(ELEM)); (*z)->info = x->info; union(x->next,y,&((*z)->next)); } }

  27. Declarative prototyping • In this case we use the following auxiliary procedure to make a physical copy of a list. void copy(LIST l,LIST *r) { if (l == 0) (*r)=0; else { (*r) = (LIST)malloc(sizeof(ELEM)); (*r)->info = l->info; copy(l->next,&((*r)->next)); } }

  28. Declarative prototyping • Example Merging • Haskell specification: • The correctness proof for merge(xs,ys) can proceed by induction on the following computed complexity measure: (length(xs) + length(ys)). The sequences xs and ys are assumed to be ordered. merge :: ([Int],[Int]) -> [Int] merge([],ys) = ys merge(xs,[]) = xs merge(x:xs,y:ys) = if (x<y) then x:merge(xs,y:ys) else y:merge(x:xs,ys)

  29. Declarative prototyping • The Haskell prototype behaves as follows: Main> merge([1,3,5,7],[2,4,6]) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

  30. Declarative prototyping • For merge we only design two implementation solutions (as function / procedure). • In the both cases the input parameters are altered and no memory is allocated for the result.

  31. Declarative prototyping • Function LIST merge(LIST x,LIST y) { LIST z; if (x == 0) return(y); else if (y == 0) return(x); else if ((x->info) < (y->info)) { z=x; z->next = merge(x->next,y); return(z); } else { z = y; z->next = merge(x,y->next); return(z); } }

  32. Declarative prototyping • Procedure void merge(LIST x,LIST y,LIST *z) { if (x == 0) (*z)=y; else if (y == 0) (*z)=x; else if ((x->info) < (y->info)) { (*z)=x; merge(x->next,y,&((*z)->next)); } else { (*z)=y; merge(x,y->next, &((*z)->next)); } }

  33. Declarative prototyping • Example Tree flattening using difference lists • Haskell specification: • Difference lists notation: if xs = e1:…:en:ys then xs-ys = [e1,…,en] • The correctness proof for flat(t,ys) can proceed by induction on the structure of t (by structural induction). flat(t,ys) – ys = the list of nodes in t (obtained by a left-node-right inorder traversal) data Tree = Nil | T(Tree,Int,Tree) flat(Nil,ys) = ys flat(T(l,n,r),ys) = flat(l,n:flat(r,ys))

  34. Declarative prototyping • The Haskell prototype behaves as follows: Main> flat(T(T(Nil,2,T(Nil,4,Nil)),1,T(Nil,3,Nil)),[100,100]) [2,4,1,3,100,100]

  35. Declarative prototyping • Apart from the type declaration for lists, in the C implementation we use the following type declaration for trees typedef struct node { int info; struct node *left, *right; } NODE, *TREE; • We offer two implementation solutions.

  36. Declarative prototyping • Function LIST flat(TREE t,LIST y) { LIST x; if (t == 0) return(y); else { x = (LIST)malloc(sizeof(ELEM)); x->info = t->info; x->next = flat(t->right,y); return(flat(t->left,x)); } }

  37. Declarative prototyping • Procedure void flat(TREE t,LIST *x,LIST y) { LIST z; if (t == 0) (*x)=y; else { z = (LIST)malloc(sizeof(ELEM)); z->info = t->info; flat(t->right,&(z->next),y); flat(t->left,x,z); } }

  38. Declarative prototyping Rewriting techniques • Many computations can be described using rewriting techniques. • Sometimes, a data structure must be prepared before performing some calculations or some transformations on it. • We want to transform a binary tree in a list. • We use a rewriting operation to reduce the complexity of the left sub-tree until it becomes Nil. • Next, the transformation is applied recursively on the right sub-tree.

  39. Declarative prototyping • Example Tree flattening using a rewriting transformation • Haskell specification: data Tree = Nil | T(Tree,Int,Tree) deriving Show transf Nil = Nil transf (T(Nil,n,r)) = T(Nil,n,transf(r)) transf (T(T(ll,nl,rl),n,r)) = transf(T(ll,nl,T(rl,n,r)))

  40. Declarative prototyping • The Haskell prototype behaves as follows: Main> transf (T(T(T(Nil,3,Nil),2,Nil),1,Nil)) T(Nil,3,T(Nil,2,T(Nil,1,Nil))) • The result is a degenerate tree (rather than a list)

  41. Declarative prototyping • To prove the correctness of transf we use a more complex measure. • The support set is NN, and we use the so-called lexicographic ordering (that we denote here by ) over NN. The lexicographic ordering is defined as follows: (n1,m1)  (n2,m2) if (n1<n2) or (n1=n2 and m1<m2) • It is easy to check that  is a well founded relation over NN. Also, for each (n,m)NN either (n=0, m=0) or (0,0)(n,m).

  42. Declarative prototyping • The correctness of transf can be proved by induction on the following composed complexity measure: c:Tree  NN u,v:Tree  N c(t)=(u(t),v(t)) for any t :: Tree • Here, u(t) is the number of nodes in t and v(t) is a measure of the complexity of the left sub-tree: u(Nil) = 0 u(T(l,n,r)) = 1 + u(l) + u(r) v(Nil) = 0 v(T(l,n,r)) = 1+v(l) • Remark that c(t)=(0,0) iff t=Nil. • We present two different implementation solutions.

  43. Declarative prototyping • Function TREE transf(TREE t) { TREE p; if (t == 0) return(0); else if (t->left == 0){ t->right = transf(t->right); return(t); } else { p = t; t = p->left; p->left = t->right; t->right = p; return(transf(t)); } }

  44. Declarative prototyping • Procedure with inout parameter void transf(TREE *t) { TREE p; if ((*t) != 0) { if (((*t)->left) == 0) transf(&((*t)->right)); else { p = (*t); (*t) = p->left; p->left = (*t)->right; (*t)->right = p; transf(t); } } }

  45. Declarative prototyping • Example Mutual recursion and simultaneous induction • Haskell specification: data Btree = NilB | B(Int,Ttree,Ttree) data Ttree = NilT | T(Int,Btree,Btree,Btree) flatB :: (Btree,[Int]) -> [Int] flatB (NilB,ys) = ys flatB (B(n,tl,tr),ys) = n:flatT(tl,flatT(tr,ys)) flatT :: (Ttree,[Int]) -> [Int] flatT (NilT,ys) = ys flatT (T(n,bl,bm,br),ys) = n:flatB(bl,flatB(bm,flatB(br,ys)))

  46. Declarative prototyping • Let t :: Ttree; b :: Btree t = T(2,NilB,B(3,NilT,T(4,NilB,NilB,NilB)),NilB) B = B(1,t,T(5,B(6,NilT,NilT),NilB,B(7,NilT,NilT))) • The Haskell prototype behaves as follows: Main> flatT (t,[0,0,0,0]) [2,3,4,0,0,0,0] Main> flatB (b,[]) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

  47. Declarative prototyping • Claim • flatB(b,ys)-ys = the list of nodes in b (obtained by a node-left-right traversal) • flatT(t,ys)-ys = the list of nodes in t (obtained by a node-left-mid-right traversal) • ProofBy simultaneous induction on the number of nodes in the tree structure (the first parameter of each function): • Base case For trees with zero nodes the specification is: flatB(NilB,ys)=ys, flatB(NilT,ys)=ys; this is correct since ys-ys=[]. The both functions behave correctly for trees with zero nodes. • Induction step For the induction step each function uses the induction hypothesis of the other function.

  48. Declarative prototyping • For the procedural implementation we use the following type declarations: typedef struct Bnode { int info; struct Tnode *l, *r; } BNODE, *BTREE; typedef struct Tnode { int info; struct Bnode *l,*m,*r; } TNODE, *TTREE; • We give implementations as functions and procedures.

  49. Declarative prototyping • A pair of functions LIST flatT(TTREE,LIST); LIST flatB(BTREE b,LIST y) { LIST x; if (b == 0) return(y); else { x = (LIST)malloc(sizeof(ELEM)); x->info = b->info; x->next = flatT(b->l,flatT(b->r,y)); return(x); } }

  50. Declarative prototyping LIST flatT(TTREE t,LIST y) { LIST x; if (t == 0) return(y); else { x = (LIST)malloc(sizeof(ELEM)); x->info = t->info; x->next = flatB(t->l,flatB(t->m,flatB(t->r,y)); return(x); } }

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