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Common E.N.T. surgeries; 1- adenotonsillectomy 2- UPPP 3- septal
1. Morbidity &mortality in E.N.T. surgeriescauses, diagnosis & prevention
2. Common E.N.T. surgeries;1- adenotonsillectomy2- UPPP 3- septal & terbinate4- FESSS5- nasal tumors6- ear surg. Grommet insertion , tympanoplasty, mastiod surg.7- laryngeal ; D L for VC nodules, polyp , mass
3. 8- Neck surg. Thyroid , thyrogossal cyst &fistula, branchial cyst &fistula, other neck masses
4. Mortality in E.N.T. due to ;A- anesthetic causes B – surg. Causes A- anesthetic causes;1- poor preoperative evaluation;chest; wheezy, asthma, heart; CHD,valvular lesion. HFabdomen; liver, spleen, LN.Neck; vs,LN,thyroid,short obese neckreceding mandible, large tongue, trismus, stridor
5. All cause difficult intubation so stylet , lary. Mask, tracheostomy &its alternatives jaundice …..> isofluranecyanosis………O2 * invest. ; CBC,BT&CT,ESR, liver& kid. Function , PT,RBS
6. Intraoperative causes;1- idiosyncrasy of drugs2- anaphylaxis3- cardiac arrest *prevention;1- venous line2- monitoring of vital signs3- drugs& equipments; adren.,atropine ,ephedrine, xylocaine, steroids &DC shock
7. *Postoperative causes;usually due to respiratory obst. By secretion , bld. Clot ,pack ,vomiting , incomplete recovery &poor positioning of PT.*Diag. difficult resp. stridor , chocking &cough, irritability
8. *prevention &TTT;1- full recovery2- proper positioning3- clearance of secretions4- adjust of pack5- if resp. obstruction ….airway, intubation, consultation, tracheostomy or its alternatives
9. B- surgical comp;I- adenotonsillectomy ;1- Hge; due to;slipped ligature, rise of BP, incomplete removal of adenoid ,excessive curettage of adenoid , trauma by endotracheal. tube
10. *C/P ; bleeding/mouth or nose, false hematemesis*TTT; 1- guard against airway obst. 2- coagulants 3- pack 4- antishock measures 5- consultation
11. II- UPPP ;the same + respiratory obst. Due to palatal edema TTT; steroids , airway.
12. III- septal &terbinate serg. respiratory obst. By secretion , bld. Clot ,pack , incomplete recovery &poor positioning of PT. *diag. difficult resp. stridor , chocking &cough, irritability
13. *prevention &TTT;1- full recovery2- proper positioning3- clearance of secreations4- adjust of pack5- if resp. obstruction ….airway, intubation, consultation,
14. IV- FESS :the same + periorbital ecchomosis, edema & surg. Emphysema .orbt. Hge. Diag.; periorbital reddish or bluish swelling& crepitus, progressive proptosis&loss of vision TTT ; avoid nasal blowing , ice packs, haemostatic,
15. Consultation lat. Or med. Canthotomy V- nasal tumors ; -Hge, edema . *prevention ; - close observation of vital signs- anti shock measures .
16. VI- Ear surgery vestibular manifestations due to trauma to inner ear TTT ; primpiranVII- laryngeal surgerystridor , resp. obst. Due to edema, VC. Palsy,cricoarytenoid dislocationTTT; O2,steroids, intubation, tracheostomy
17. VIII- Neck surgery - thyroidectomy , sistrunk op.- excision of neck swellings *complications ; 1- Hge, shock, respiratory obst. Due to Hge. in closed space, TTT; removal of stitches & evacuation of hematoma , anti shock measures
18. 2- VC palsy ; due to injury of rec. laryngeal n. …….stridor &respiratory distress TTT ; - O2 , steroids - if bil…….. Intubation , tracheostomy or its alternatives
19. Thank you