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Feedback on Pre-testing of IRS IEC Materials

Feedback on Pre-testing of IRS IEC Materials. Pauline Wamulume National Malaria Control Centre. Main objective. Pre-testing is a process to determine an audience’s reaction to messages or behavior change information before materials are produced in final form.

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Feedback on Pre-testing of IRS IEC Materials

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  1. Feedback on Pre-testing of IRS IEC Materials Pauline Wamulume National Malaria Control Centre

  2. Main objective Pre-testing is a process to determine an audience’s • reaction to messages or behavior change information before materials are produced in final form. • understanding of messages or behavior change information before materials are produced in final form.

  3. Methodology • Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) • Community • Spray Operators • Individual In-depth Interviews (IIIs) • DHMT staff • Radio Presenters

  4. Materials Pre-tested • Flier (community) • Poster (community) • Brochure (Spray Operators) • Radio Discussion Guide (DHMT & Presenters) • Drama Script (Drama Groups & DHMT)

  5. Districts • Luapula (Mansa & Samfya) • Central (Mkushi & Chibombo) • Lusaka (Kafue & Luangwa) • Southern (Choma & Namwala)

  6. Criteria The districts were a combination (mix) of the following:- • Rural/Urban • New/old IRS district

  7. Main Findings (1) Posters • Message and meaning clear • Words easy to read, understand, directed at audience and has call to action • Audience suggested the following changes • S.O. to be in full PPE, helmet should be yellow • Overall suit must be labeled • S. O. must have ID • A mosquito to be included on the poster if possible • Show household items piled and covered in room being sprayed • Nozzle too close to the spraying surface • Must show S.O. carrying pump

  8. Main Findings (2) • “Malaria” on the title to be in bold and in a different color • Include both plastered and unplastered wall to cater for both rural and urban type of houses • Indicate that even if house has been sprayed, ITNs must be used • Preferred red poster to green • Easy to read from a distance • Red for danger, implying malaria is dangerous • Attracts attention

  9. Flier (1) • Message generally clear and will help target audience practice the desired behaviour • Allow houses to be sprayed • Prepare houses • Must be in both English and local languages • Preferred colour was white followed by yellow

  10. Flier (2) Suggested changes or inclusions • Period of time after which occupants paint or smear walls after spraying. • Indicate that IRS is not safe for asthmatic patients • Include side effects of chemicals • Indicate that IRS is free • Include dosage of chemicals to deter underdosing by Spray Operators • What to do with houses constructed after spraying

  11. Flier (3) • Emphasis that all rooms must be sprayed, including those outside the main house • More information on disposal of dead pets e.g. chickens • After spraying (instructions) • Sweep the floor • Dead cockroaches should be handed over to the S.O. the following day • Household owners must be advised to take not of IDs • Should not accept requests to spray gardens, bedbugs, pit latrines etc • S. O. should not accept gifts such as chickens • S. O. should never forget chemicals or leave carelessly

  12. Flier (4) • Interesting information • That spraying will be done yearly • IRS also kills other pests • An assurance that malaria will be reduced • The need to encourage and educate neighbors to have their houses sprayed as well. • What to do before and after spraying of houses

  13. Brochure (1) • Material is easy to understand and no difficult or confusing words. • Replace eaves • Information will reinforce what is taught during training

  14. Brochure (2) • Suggestions/changes • Full picture • Trigger held wrongly • Specify duration ( replace long-term) • Include instructions on what to do with leftover chemicals • Include all empty sachets to be handed to the supervisor

  15. Radio Discussion Guide • Appreciated the guide • Should be used for television and other community discussions • Size of brochure is ok • Preferred colours were brown and blue

  16. Radio Discussion Guide (2) Suggestions • Title is obstructing the microphone/move mic • Radio programmeto be in different colour • Consider local languages • Topics – to include a discussion on treatment • Discussants to include EHTs & HPOs • Indicate time of broadcast e.g primetime

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