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The Particle Physics Community and ECSITE Working together towards new exhibitions across Europe

The Particle Physics Community and ECSITE Working together towards new exhibitions across Europe David Barney, CERN. ECSITE Session 47: Particle Physics Outreach in Science Centres and Museums 4 th June 2009, 11:30am, David Barney.

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The Particle Physics Community and ECSITE Working together towards new exhibitions across Europe

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  1. The Particle Physics Community and ECSITEWorking together towards new exhibitions across EuropeDavid Barney, CERN ECSITE Session 47: Particle Physics Outreach in Science Centres and Museums4th June 2009, 11:30am, David Barney

  2. The Particle Physics Community and ECSITEWorking together towards new exhibitions across Europe • Overview of presentation • What the public wants from an exhibition on Particle Physics (PP) • Our own experience • Evaluation of “what the public wants” • Case study from the UK • Big Bang exhibition in London Science Museum • Evaluative survey of Big Bang exhibition • Exhibition Content Suggestions • Hands-on • Working particle detectors • Real detector pieces • Models • Photos, Animations, Games, Simulations • Web sites • Live displays • YouTube etc. • Interaction with physicists • PP networks around Europe and the World – we are here to help ECSITE David Barney, CERN

  3. What the Public Wants

  4. What the Public Wants – our own experience • Target audience for exhibitions: general public: 12-100 years old • Many surveys done at CERN, Fermilab etc. on visitors – what they find most interesting etc. • Principle outcomes were the same, in terms of importance/effectiveness: • Interaction with real scientists • Real pieces of equipment (detectors, accelerators) • Interactive high-tech multimedia • Spin-off technologies, especially in medicine Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  5. What the Public Wants – UK Evaluation • 2006: People Science and Policy Ltd. – face to face interviews with target audiences for UK LHC promotion – including “interested public”; production of report [ref] • Main feedback points: • Focus communications on “the Big Bang” and the origin of the Universe • Terms such as “particle physics” not recognized – try not to use • People are interested in the whole development of the [LHC] project, as well as the science outputs afterwards • Some “handles” identified, such as “Questions Einstein couldn’t answer” and “Biggest Experiment Ever” • For spin-offs, medical applications by far the most interesting to the public (more than e.g. engineering developments) Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  6. London Science Museum Big Bang Exhibition • London Science Museum Antenna project • “Big Bang” exhibition, focusing on the CERN LHC project • Target audiences 13-18 year olds and non-science-specialist adults • Opened in April 2007 for 6 months; then was a travelling exhibition to 4 venues around UK • Around 250000 visitors  ~17.5% of all visitors within the Science Museum Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  7. Big Bang Exhibition Evaluation (1) • Big Bang Exhibition Evaluation (Susie Fisher Group) • 2 focus groups + 7 accompanied visits  32 in-depth interviews with visitors • What was successfully communicated? • How relevant to visitors? • Was the exhibition design effective? Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  8. Big Bang Exhibition Evaluation (2) • Main results - positives • Succeeded in creating interest and a greater understanding of the LHC at CERN; title “Big Bang”inviting • Sense of privilege at seeing the inside story and being kept up-to-date on leading-edge research • People saw that the LHC is a massive and complicated engineering project that will deliver new scientific knowledge • Visitors “energized” by the fundamental physics questions: recognized vocabulary such as “anti-matter” and “dark matter” (and understood the questions about them). But the “Higgs” and the question of mass was beyond most people • CERN experiments seen as a triumph of international cooperation and scientific endeavour – but in fact the public assumed this anyway! • Cube structure of exhibition worked well; visitors did not feel crowded etc. • Bulk of the key messages conveyed by a robust combination of display elements: Headlines; Large Images; Objects; Screen interactives (both textbook and games) Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  9. Big Bang Exhibition Evaluation (3) • Main results – negatives • Title “Big Bang” ultimately misleading: visitors did not feel that they saw the Big Bang, with its promise of images of space, explosions etc. • Overall picture not coherent in people’s minds (e.g. what exactly is the experiment? How does it relate to the Big Bang? What are scientists hoping to find exactly? What will it mean for the world at large?) • Methods of particle detection difficult to understand • Visitors not hugely impressed by the scale of operations at CERN. Just another big engineering project! • Adults (in particular) interested in risks and dangers etc. • Benefits that had emerged from past CERN experiments not well picked-up by visitors (could have reassured them) • Paragraphs of text did not receive much attention • One aspect – a cartoon wall to explain some of the theory – engaged younger visitors but somewhat alienated older people Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  10. Big Bang Exhibition Evaluation (4) • Thoughts for Future Development • People want to hear more about anti-matter, dark-matter and the Big Bang • Basic idea of smashing particles together and splitting off fragments is simple to grasp – and everybody gets it • People feel a sense of privilege in being shown what is happening at science’s leading edge • People need a clear mental and physical picture (moving if possible) of the experiment and possible outcomes – to see the significance of it all • Fragmented understanding and confusion leads to mistrust • Only a minority accept that building knowledge is enough; the remainder want to see tangible benefits in the modern world Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  11. Exhibits

  12. Exhibits – the Physics • Some BIG topics • Basic building-blocks of matter • Anti-matter • Dark matter • Mass (Higgs) 1 extra grain: our Universe ! Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary The “Higgs” mechanism Matter: grains of white sand Anti-Matter: grains of black sand Building Blocks Dark Matter represented by black beans; galaxies etc. by coloured beans David Barney, CERN

  13. Exhibits - Accelerators “Circular Accelerator” (Weltmaschine) “Linear Accelerator” (Fermilab) Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary “Linear Accelerator” Kit($30 from Thinkgeek.com!) “Beat the Spiral Accelerator” (Fermilab) David Barney, CERN

  14. Exhibits – Detectors Particles such as the Higgs will not be directly observed. We will infer their presence by looking at the evidence left behind – a bit like forensic scientists. Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary Exhibits range from tens of Euros to tens of thousands! Sure that ECSITE can develop some imaginative concepts David Barney, CERN

  15. Exhibits – Working Detectors “Spark chamber” exampleKit available from Portugal, about 10k Euros Visualizes in real-time the passage of cosmic rays - about 10 per minute Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  16. Exhibits – Working Detectors • Cosmic Ray Interactive Laboratory (CRiL) • Developed in USA (Uni. Notre Dame and Quarknet) • Detects and counts (but does not visualize) cosmic rays • Visitor can change the angle of the detector (to see how the rate changes), put his/her hand between the detector plates etc. • Simple touchscreen interface with information Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=04436413 David Barney, CERN

  17. Exhibits – Real Detector Pieces Detector pieces come in all shapes and sizes. Some may require microscopes to see the detail! Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  18. Exhibits – Accelerator/Detector Models Real-size model of LHC magnet Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary Engineering drawings commercially available for producing models David Barney, CERN

  19. Exhibits – BIG Photos • Many photos taken with ultra-high-resolution cameras (40-120 Mpix!) • Photos suitable for printing life-size (e.g. 15m across) Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary 14072 x 9065 pixel, 800 Mb! Exhibition in Strasbourg 2008 David Barney, CERN

  20. Multimedia – Animations Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  21. Multimedia – Animations Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  22. Multimedia – Animations Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary At CERN an exhibit will be based around this display: 15m wall with embedded pieces of detector, LEDs etc. David Barney, CERN

  23. Multimedia – Time-Lapse Movies Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  24. Multimedia – Virtual Visits Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary http://cms.web.cern.ch/cms/Media/Videos/Virtual%20visits/index.html David Barney, CERN

  25. Multimedia – Games/Simulators Hunt the Higgs (London Science Museum) Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary CERNland (for younger visitors) Plus many others on national websites etc. LHC Project Simulator (UK) David Barney, CERN

  26. Oxford University Astrophysics Dept. www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk Multimedia – Games/Simulators Dozens of constants of Nature fine-tuned to enable our existence What if we changed them? How would the Universe look? (idea from EPPOG co-chair M. Kobel) Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary Heavens Kitchen: select amount of normal + total matter + dark energy in Universe see time evolution + density distribution www.teilchenphysik.de/Particle_Masses.mp4 David Barney, CERN

  27. Multimedia – Games/Simulators Calculate the number of particles in your own body (CERN travelling exhibition) Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  28. Multimedia – Games/Simulators Spacebook (CERN travelling exhibition) Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  29. Access to Real Data • “Learning with ATLAS (LA@CERN)” • Develop pedagogical scenarios (user-centered activities) for public, schools, science centres • Develop tools and support material for using the REAL DATA shortly after acquisition • An educational and outreach portal where all the above material will be organized in a user friendly way Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  30. Photo/Video Repositories and Web Sites • Multimedia galleries exist at all major laboratories/institutes, e.g. • http://multimedia-gallery.web.cern.ch • Thousands of high resolution royalty-free photos available on the web • http://cdsweb.cern.ch/collection/Multimedia%20%26%20Outreach?ln=en • http://zms.desy.de/ (click “Journalists”) • http://www.fnal.gov/pub/presspass/index.html • Extensive web sites exist for the LHC and experiments, as well as at all major laboratories, most Universities and national Research Councils, e.g. • www.cern.ch • www.cern.ch/Lhc • www.cern.ch/Atlas • www.cern.ch/Cms • www.cern.ch/Lhcb • www.cern.ch/Alice • zms.desy.de • www.fnal.gov • www.infn.it • …… Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary multimedia-gallery.web.cern.ch/multimedia-gallery/Videos.aspx David Barney, CERN

  31. ATLAS online event display www.cern.ch/atlantis/webstart/atlantis.jnlp Live Displays Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary ATLAS control room webcam pcatdwww.cern.ch/atlas-point1/ATLASview/ACR.htm World-wide LHC Computing Grid real-time display CMS Detector in the cavern http://cmsinfo.cern.ch David Barney, CERN

  32. Live Displays CMS TV – see status of accelerator, detector, latest images etc. Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cmscc/cmstv/cmstv.jsp?channel=5 David Barney, CERN

  33. YouTube Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary LHC Rap (>5 million viewers) YouTube CERN TV Channelwww.youtube.com/user/CERN David Barney, CERN

  34. TV Clips Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  35. Support from Physicists

  36. Direct Contact With Physicists • Most Universities include a Particle Physics Group • Willingness from many Particle Physicists to spend some time at exhibitions • Help guide visitors through exhibitions • Give evening lectures to the public • Liaise with local schools for group visits • Video conferencing to CERN/DESY/Fermilab etc. • Question and answer sessions to physicists etc. Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  37. Direct Contact With Physicists Demonstrations “Fun with physics” – including making ice-cream using liquid nitrogen Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  38. Support for ECSITE

  39. Networks to Help ECSITE • EPPOG (European Particle Physics Outreach Group) – see next slide • formed more than 10 years ago • Participants from all CERN member states + experiments + labs etc. • EPPCN – European Particle Physics Communication Network • Professional Particle Physics communications people in each CERN member state (list of members at: https://espace.cern.ch/forum-EPPCN/default.aspx) • Interactions.org – web site mainly aimed at journalists and other professional communicators. Regular updates on status of the big PP projects Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  40. EPPOGhttp://eppog.web.cern.ch/eppog/Members.html Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary At least one representative per CERN member state + representatives from main LHC experiments + CERN + DESY + USA etc. David Barney, CERN

  41. EPPOGhttp://eppog.web.cern.ch/eppog/Members.html Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  42. Summary • Huge public interest in Particle Physics • Significant number of many types of exhibit already available – can be copied, borrowed, improved-upon etc. • Willingness from the Particle Physics community to help as much as possible • With designing an exhibition • During the course of the exhibition Public Surveys Experience UK survey Case Study Exhibits Hands-on Real Detectors Models Photos Multimedia Real Data Web Sites Live Displays YouTube etc. Physicists Support Networks EPPOG Summary David Barney, CERN

  43. David Barney, CERN

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