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Environmentally Responsible Turfgrass Management

Phil Sell - Shawnee County Extension Horticulture Agent. Environmentally Responsible Turfgrass Management. If you do it - sell it! . Environmentally Responsible Turfgrass Management.

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Environmentally Responsible Turfgrass Management

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  1. Phil Sell - Shawnee County Extension Horticulture Agent Environmentally Responsible Turfgrass Management

  2. If you do it - sell it! Environmentally Responsible Turfgrass Management

  3. Realize (acknowledge and accept) that it is environmentally responsible (sensible, sensitive, “friendly”) to perform cultural practices that help to maintain a dense stand of grass - because a good stand of grass is an effective bio-filter that helps to keep water, chemicals, and soil (sediment) on the intended site. Environmentally Responsible Turfgrass Management

  4. Cultural practices that reduce inputs, waste, or collateral damage are Environmentally Responsible BMP’s - Best Management Practices IPM - Integrated Pest Management www.oznet.ksu.edu/hfrr Environmentally Responsible Turfgrass Management

  5. Select Adapted Species and Resistant Varieties To have as much going for us as possible To reduce inputs (water, fertilizer, pesticides) Perennial ryegrass poor choice for pure stands of general use turf Intolerant of heat/drought stress Subject to disease (gray leaf spot) Transition Zone (”Crabgrass Belt”) Can grow many species but none are ideally adapted Environment isn’t as forgiving Must do a better job of management Should we be planting more warm season species? Seeded bermudas (Riviera/Yukon) and zoysia (Zenith)? Buffalograss? Type of Grass

  6. Mixes - a combination of two or more species Blends - a combination of several cultivars (cultivated varieties) of the same species Blends capitalize on individual attributes of the component varieties while diluting their deficiencies. To spread out the genetic base hoping to create a wider range of disease resistance and environmental adaptation. Even if we don’t have control over initial selection, we can introduce new varieties when over-seeding. Blends vs Mixes “Hedging” - to protect oneself from losing by a counterbalancing transaction - Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary

  7. Don’t Plant a Problem Purity - Weeds and “Other Crop” Orchard grass will appear under “other crop” Rough bluegrass - Poa trivialis Germination Pure Live Seed - Germ x Purity Seed Quality

  8. Use “silt fences” to keep disturbed soil on site Sediment contributes to turbidity and phosphate pollution Improve the rooting environment Deeply till - Work soil to a depth of 4 to 6 inches Mix in 2 to 3 inches of organic matter (compost, etc.) No sand in most situations - “specced” greens are exception Adjust pH and apply fertilizer based on soil test results Off-site topsoil can be beneficial Avoid stratification/interfacing by blending layers together Sod - After seeding window has passed Repair and new establishment (esp. Critical areas) Can’t skimp on soil prep just because it will be covered Establishment Procedures

  9. Buried Sidewalk - Inadequate Site Prep

  10. Seeding Rate - Seed Count per Inch Seeding rates - Enough seed but not too much Small irregular areas - seed count per square inch Fescue at 6 to 8 pounds per 1000 square feet equals 12 to 16 seeds per square inch

  11. Planting time - During optimum window To reduce required inputs Fall preferred for cool season grasses September is ideal - Late seedings may suffer from heaving Dormant seeding is an option After little chance of germination until spring After several hard freezes - “honey comb” surface Light snow? Surface preparation - aerate/slice Establishment Procedures - Planting Time

  12. Less weed competition - unless wait too long Warm soil contributes to rapid germination Dependable moderate moisture Prospect of cool, favorable growing conditions Better chance of establishment under trees Consider ground covers as an alternative in heavy shade Planting Time - Fall Seeding Cool Season Grasses

  13. Crabgrass competition Cold soil - slower germination Excessive moisture Wet soil may interfere with planting Possibility of thunderstorms - seed washing Hot, dry weather is imminent Will require irrigation throughout the summer Shade and root competition Planting Time - Spring Seeding Cool Season Grasses

  14. Fertilization Irrigation Mowing Turfgrass Management

  15. The Management Triangle

  16. Timing depends on species of grass Cool season grasses - fall emphasis Warm season grasses - summer emphasis Frequency based on maintenance regime Quality expectations Mowing frequency Clipping management Turfgrass Fertilization

  17. Soil test to establish basic nutrient levels Adjust Phosphate and Potash as indicated Potash is adequate in most of Kansas Reduced phosphate use is being targeted in many states Use permitted only if deficiency is documented by soil test Nitrogen is the throttle used to regulate growth Nitrogen source Slow release vs quick release (water soluble) Organic alternatives (alfalfa, manure, sewerage sludge) Turfgrass Fertilization

  18. Fall emphasis September is most important Late season - at about the time of the final mowing Is actually the spring fertilization - will be metabolized by the grass and stored as carbohydrate reserves -Ready to suppot spring growth Spring - After springtime “flush” of growth Use slow-release form of nitrogen only if turf will be watered all summer Makes no sense to encourage growth that won’t be supported Turf Fertilization - Cool Season Grasses

  19. Summer emphasis After growth has resumed Lean diet - Especially Zoysia To reduce thatch accumulation Final application by mid-August Turf Fertilization - Warm Season Grasses


  21. Apply granules carefully Drop spreaders along curb Deflectors on broadcast spreaders Either sweep up and reapply product that gets in the street - or blow it back onto the adjacent turf “If you do it - sell it” Granular Products

  22. Sharp blade is essential Dull blade can contribute to disease problems Bruises and frays the ends - providing entry site for pathogens Turfgrass Mowing

  23. Height of cut - High end of recommended range Higher cut results in deeper rooting Higher cut will insulate the soil surface Reducing temperature extremes Higher cut will reduce evaporation from the soil Higher cut will shade out weed seedlings Turfgrass Mowing - Height of Cut

  24. Mowing Height and Weed Control

  25. Recycle clippings (”Don’t Bag It”) Clippings don’t cause “thatch” Can return up to 25 % of Nitrogen Avoid unnecessary disposal Must “buy in” to total program - management triangle Turfgrass Mowing - Clipping Removal

  26. If you return clippings as you mow, be sure that your mowing pattern keeps them on the lawn if using a side discharge mower. If clippings are blown into the street, and not swept up, they can contaminate surface water downstream. If clippings are collected, they should be composted, not set out for curbside pickup. Herbicide contamination can be an issue Turfgrass Mowing - Clipping Removal

  27. Windrowed Grass - Rake or Collect

  28. The shorter you cut - the more often you need to mow More fuel required More water required Turfgrass Mowing - One Third Rule

  29. New grass or well-established (year old, or more) Cool Season or Warm Season species Turfgrass Irrigation

  30. Early Morning is Best (4:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Less wind to deflect the sprinkler pattern Better water pressure in the system Soil Moisture will be present during mid-afternoon heat Less disease potential More Efficient Mid afternoon irrigation is wasteful and not environmentally responsible Turfgrass Irrigation - Time of Day

  31. Well-established Grass (year old, or more) Avoid premature irrigation in the spring Don’t spoil the grass early Permit the grass to stress some - to develop deep roots Deep and infrequent in spring and fall More often during the summer? Turfgrass Irrigation - Cool Season Species

  32. Keep green and growing - or let go dormant? Established tall fescue - growing on a good site and soil -can tolerate 5 to 8 weeks w/o irrigation if the crowns are hydrated every couple of weeks This conscious decision must be made before season Don’t fertilize in the spring if lawn won’t be regularly watered If allowed to go dormant, wean off of moisture dependency -gradually transition into dormancy Don’t abruptly abandon after a wet spring Turfgrass Irrigation - Allow Dormancy?

  33. Keep water on the turfgrass site Out of the street/gutter Use sensors that over-ride the system when its raining Turfgrass Irrigation - Don’t Be Wasteful

  34. Turf Irrigation - Keep Water on Site Don’t be an example of wasteful practices

  35. Weeds are the result of a poor lawn, not the cause A competitive stand of grass is best weed control Herbicides can be an important tool while upgrading a thin stand of grass Pre-emergents for germinating seeds Post-emergents for established weeds Weed Control

  36. Pre-emergence herbicides Shouldn’t be necessary every year Repeated use can contribute to root pruning of turf Post-emergence herbicides Don’t treat a whole lawn for a few scattered weeds Spot treat scattered weed or isolated patches Weed Control - Herbicide Use

  37. Broadleaf weed control - ie. Dandelion Fall is best - if it won’t interfere with seedling grass Carbohydrates are being accumulated in the crown and roots Metabolism of the plant is downward Herbicides are translocated throughout the plant Less chance of inadvertent damage to off-target plants Plants not killed outright may succumb to winter-kill Observe wind speed Below 10 mph Use low volatile formulations Low pressure - large droplet size Weed Control - Herbicide Use

  38. Avoid indiscriminate - arbitrary treatments “We’ll include a free bag of insecticide” Don't apply preventive treatments for surface insects Avoid routine grub treatments Merit/Mach 2 preventative for sensitive sites Not good for “rescue” treatments Consider “threshold populations” Targeted treatments - treat “hot spots” Turfgrass Insect Control Unnecessary insecticide applications can kill beneficial insects and could lead to resistant strains of the damaging ones

  39. A susceptible host A virulent pathogen Environmental conditions that favor the disease Turfgrass Disease Management The “Disease Triangle”

  40. Cultural practices that break the disease triangle Fertilization Adequate nitrogen to prevent dollar spot Moderate nitrogen to reduce brown patch Avoid spring/early summer on cool season grasses Adjust irrigation practices - avoid evening hours Avoid excessive plant populations (thick/dense stand) Turfgrass Disease Management


  42. Core aeration - important for established turf Improve aeration and gas exchange Improve infiltration of water, fertilizer, and pesticides Innoculate thatch layer with micro-organisms Not solid tines (for general turf) Create lateral compaction and glazing Slit aerators - Less disruptive of the surface during periods of active use Turfgrass Cultivation CORE AERATION

  43. Hollow or Open tine for general use Core Aeration AERATION EQUIPMENT

  44. Vertical slicers Thin metal blades that are securely attached Best for preparing surface for overseeding Best for de-thatching zoysia and bermuda grass “Power rakes” (Lawn “combers”) Thick, swinging (flail type) blades Beating action can cause damage Turfgrass Cultivation - Power Raking

  45. Slicers vs “Power Rakes”

  46. The End

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