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Ionic Charges

Ionic Charges. What kind of charge do ions formed from metals have? Nonmetals? What is the difference between Cu and Cu 2+ ? Cu is the neutral atom of copper; Cu 2+ is the cation of Cu, which has lost 2 electrons What is the difference between Cu 2+ and Cu + ?

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Ionic Charges

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  1. Ionic Charges • What kind of charge do ions formed from metals have? Nonmetals? • What is the difference between Cu and Cu2+? • Cu is the neutral atom of copper; Cu2+ is the cation of Cu, which has lost 2 electrons • What is the difference between Cu2+ and Cu+? • Cu2+ indicates the loss of 2 electrons; Cu+ indicates the loss of one electron • What does the ionic formula for hypochlorite, ClO-, indicate? • that the atoms in a hypochlorite ion act as a unit with an overall charge of 1-

  2. Monatomic ionsions consisting of only one atom, the ionic charges can often be determined by using the PT

  3. Cations of the transition metals have more than 1 common ionic charge

  4. Transition Metals • -suffix “-ous” is used to name the cation with the lower of the two ionic charges • ous, less • suffix “-ic” is used to name the cation with the higher of the two charges • Silver (Ag) is a transition metal that nearly always has a 1+ charge • Cadmium and Zinc are transition metals that nearly always have a 2+ charge

  5. sulfur lead, 4 electrons lost strontium argon bromine copper, 1 electron lost S2- Pb4+ Sr2+ no ion Br- Cu1+ What is the charge of the ion typically formed by each element?

  6. Sulfur lead, 4 electrons lost strontium Argon bromine copper, 1 electron lost sulfide ion/anion lead (IV) ion or Plumbic ion/cation strontium ion/cation no ion bromide ion/anion copper (I) ion or cuprous ion/cation Name the ion and state whether it is a cation or an anion

  7. Polyatomic Ions • tightly bound groups of atoms that behave as a unit and carry a charge. • Examples: • Nitrate ion NO3- • Phosphate ion PO43- • Sulfate ion SO42- • Ammonium ion NH4+

  8. Naming • “-ite” and “-ate” • (less) (more) • These terms refer only to the number of oxygen atoms involved. It doesn’t tell you how many, it just tells you which one has more or less

  9. Write the formula for each ion ammonium ion tin (II) ion chromate nitrate ion cyanide ion iron (III) ion permanganate ion manganese (II) ion NH4+ Sn2+ CrO42- NO3- CN- Fe3+ MnO4- Mn2+ Ionic Charges Review Questions

  10. Write the symbol for each ion. Be sure to include the charge oxide ion lead (II) ion lithium ion nitride ion cupric ion fluoride ion O2- Pb2+ Li+ N3- Cu2+ F- Ionic Charges Review Questions

  11. Name the following ions Ba2+ I- Ag+ Hg2+ P3- Sn4+ barium ion iodide ion silver ion mercury (II) ion phosphide ion tin (IV) ion Ionic Charges Review Questions

  12. Name the following ions OH- Pb4+ SO42- O2- HPO42- Cr2O72- Al3+ ClO2- hydroxide lead (IV) sulfate oxide hydrogen phosphate dichromate aluminum chlorite Ionic Charges Review Questions

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