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ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION. 16.04.2013 INFORMATION MEETING. ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION. NEWS Integration “Appointment R” en Previous Appointment TIE (from 25 de March). MEDIA NEWS. ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION. NEWS Stadystict information implant Previous Appointment TIE
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION NEWS • Integration “Appointment R” en Previous Appointment TIE (from 25 de March). MEDIA NEWS
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION NEWS • Stadystict information implant Previous Appointment TIE • Medium time of confirmation: 1,5 DAYS.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION LEGISLATION • Ley 11/2007, de 22 de junio, de acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a los servicios públicos (LAECSP). • Real Decreto 1671/2009, de 6 de noviembre, por el que se desarrolla parcialmente la Ley 11/2007, de 22 de junio, de acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a los servicios públicos. • Disposición Adicional Cuarta del Reglamento de la LOEx, aprobado por Real Decreto 557/2011, de 20 de abril.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION NAME / COMPANY ADDRESS IN SPAIN LOCALITY MOBILE PHONE I apply/consent communications and notifications are performed via electronic media In order to perform the notification, this box must be ticked.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • CONSENT • OPTION 1.Individuals • Optional(art. 28.1 LAECSP) • OPTION 2. Legal persons, natural persons • Mandatory(art. 27.6 LAECSP y DA4 Regl. LOEx) DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF STAKEHOLDER
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • COMPLETING • OPTION 1. Individuals • If the addressee of the notification is: • THE INTERESTED: Tick the box of consent as shown concert box. THE APPLICATION FORM
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • COMPLETING • OPTION 1. Individuals • If the addressee of the notification is: • Individual DIFFERENT from the interested: tick the consent box and complete the form with the name/company and DNI/NIE. THE APPLICATION FORM
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • GOOD PRACTICE • OPTION 1.b) Individuals different from the interested • Always fill in the field with DNI/NIE. COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORM
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORM COMMON MISTAKES OPTION 1.b) Individuals different from the interested There are only filled in, the paths refering to address: in this case not indicating name/company and DNI/NIE, the interested is notified.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORM • COMMON MISTAKES • OPTION 1.b) Individuals different from the interested • Name/company is indicated, but DNI/NIE path is not filled in: • It Is not possible the notification by electronic appearance at the electronic office to the addressee. • It is notified to the interested
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION INTERPRETATION OF FILLED APPLICATION FORM • REMOVE AMBIGUITIES • OPTION 1. Individuals • If all the fields in the application form are filled in and the accept box ticked, the notification via electronic media prevails.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORM • OPTION 2. Legal persons, collective of natural persons • It is not necessary to tick the accept box. • Fill in any case, the DNI/NIE field or CIF, whichever is applicable. INDIFERENT
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • UNCERTAINTY • What is the electronic office. • How to know there is an awaiting notice. • Where to access to view and download this document. • We wil answer to each of the issues established.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • Once a document (request or resolution) is electronically signed and the notification via electronic media is accepted, 3 actions will be carry out: • The document is sent to the electronic office. • An SMS and a complementary e-mail is sent to the addressee, indicating there is an awaiting notice. • An automatic note in the output register is generated and at the same time, the document in the electronic office is avalaible (art. 28.2 LAECSP).
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • 1. A document is sent to the electronic office. • The URL to the electronic office is: • The electronic office is that electronic address avalaible to all the citizens through telecommunication networks whose ownership manage and administration belongs to a Public Administration, Public Administration Body or Administrative agency in the exercise of their powers. (art. 10.1 LAECSP) • They wil be managed through electronic offices all actions, procedures and services requering authentication by the Public Administration or citizens via electronic media. (art. 4.1 RD 1671/2009)
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION 1. The document is sent to the electronic office.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION 2. A SMS and a complementary e-mail is sent to the addresee indicating there is an awaiting notice.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • 2. A SMS and e-mail is sent to the notification addressee. • It is required to fill in Mobile phone and E-mail fields to receive a SMS and a complementary e-mail:
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • 3. An automatic note in the output register is generated and, at the same time, the document in the electronic office is avalaible (art 28.2 LAECSP). • From this moment, it begins a limited period of 10 days, after that the notification is to be refused(art. 28.3 LAECSP).
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • We acced to my files in https://sede.mpt.gob.es/
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • Identified access is required (art. 40.1 RD 1671/2009). • First condition to the notification by electronic appearance in electronic office (art. 40.1 RD 1671/2009). • Means of identifation (art. 13.2 LAECSP) • e-DNI. • Valid electronic certifcate: FNMT, ACCV, etc. • Technical requirements • Installment client component of @firma: requirement to fulfil in the first access to the electronic office.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • When you push entry, our identification is required by some of the exposed identifying means. • Identifying means (art. 13.2 LAECSP) • e-DNI. • Valid electronic certificate: FNMT, ACCV, etc.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • Once identified we access to Extranjería. • IMPORTANT • They will only appear the files whose DNI/NIE/CLF coincide with the DNI/NIE/CIF shown in the application form. • Nobody else wil acced to the files.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • Tick within Notifications in the act type, Resolution in this case. FILE NUMBER ADDRESSEE OF THE NOTIFICATION KIND OF ACT TO NOTIFY Resolution and an identifier is unfolded. If we click these, we will proceed to electronic apparance at the electronic office (art. 40 RD 1671/2009).
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • Before accessing to the document we are informed about what kind of notification from the Public Administration which will have such access. • 2ª condition for the appearance at electronic office notification (art. 40.2.a) RD 1671/2009). • Once read it, click in Continue.
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • The date of notification is the date of this access. • Automatically a note is generated in the enter register to record the notification, being signed an acknowledgment. • 3ª condition for the appearance at electronic office notification(art. 40.2.b) RD 1671/2009).
ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION • Copy of entry register. • Resolution.