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Expectation to Nuclear Emulsion Technique for New Application in Nuclear Engineering. T. Iguchi, K. Morishima, T. Naka, J. Kawarabayashi, K. Watanabe Nagoya Univ. Neutron Measurement in Nuclear Engineering. New type of neutron detectors are required in nuclear engineering. For instance,
Expectation to Nuclear Emulsion Technique for New Application in Nuclear Engineering T. Iguchi, K. Morishima, T. Naka, J. Kawarabayashi, K. Watanabe Nagoya Univ.
Neutron Measurement in Nuclear Engineering • New type of neutron detectors are required in nuclear engineering. For instance, • High resolution neutron imager J-PARC neutron diffraction spectrometer • Standard neutron detectors for a few tens of keV Standardization of a neutron field • Neutron distributions or absolute total flux from spent fuel rods sub-criticality measurement • Neutron detectors appropriate for these applications have not yet developed !!
Standardization of 24 keV neutron field Neutron Energy 0.01 eV 1 keV 10 keV 100 keV 1 MeV 10 MeV RI source +Graphite pile Neutron Production 45Sc(p,n) 7Li(p,n)7Be D(d,n)3He T(d,n)4He Reactor+Fe filter Unestablished region several 10 keV Established Energy points 144 keV 2.5 MeV 14.8 MeV Thermal neutrons 565 keV 5.0 MeV ISO8529-1: “Reference neutron radiations -Characteristics and methods of production-” 24 keV neutron: One of the reference radiations for the response of neutron-measuring devices as a function of neutron energy. IMPORTANT: from the viewpoint of radiation protection. @ NMIJ (National Metrology Institute of Japan) in AIST
24 keV Thermal peak due to 3He(n,p)T Counts/sec Deposited Energy (keV) Measurements of 24 keV neutrons Measurement Method 3He proportional counter Recoil-proton proportional counter Spectrometry Characterization BF3 or 3He proportional counter ≦ 24 keV Recoil-proton counter > 24 keV Flux Determination Neutron Monitor BF3 or 3He proportional counter Problem Neutron induced reaction base counter (3He(n,p), 10B(n,a) reaction) Difficulty in separating from thermal peak Recoil-proton counter Organic Scintillator: n-g discrimination Gas-filled type: Low sensitivity Neutron Flux: ~500 n/cm2/s (Reactor “YAYOI”&Fe filter) ~5 n/cm2/s (45Sc(p,n)@AIST) Spectra obtained from He-3 covered by Cd
Control of Nuclear Criticality http://www.tepco.co.jp/~fukushima1-np/b42307b.html For (safety and) effective store of fuel assemblies in nuclear power plants(spent fuel rod pit) Accident example; Two unused fuel assembles (PWR) causes a nuclear criticality in a water (non-boric) pool. To avoid nuclear criticality outside reactor cores, 1.The fuel rods should be distributed at a distance. 2.Appropriate absorber will be placed around the fuel rods. 3.Experimental measurement of burn-up of the fuel rods, not calculation. Closed packed Sub-criticality should be estimated based on experimental measurement.
Sub-criticality Measurement Sub-criticality of fuel rod depends on a spacial distribution of nuclides composition (U,Pu,TRU,FP) inside of the fuel rod. However, non-destructive measurement of the spacial distribution of nuclides composition is impossible. Conventional methods for Sub-criticality Measurement are based on total amount and fluctuation of neutrons. ex. γ/n method、neutron source multiplication method, noise analysis method
Problems on neutron measurement for fuel assembly • Criticality is not uniform along axial direction fuel assembly ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Spacial distribution of neutron flux is estimated by an operating history of a nuclear reactor. According to IAEA, the operating histry is NOT admissible as “experimental data”. 4 x fission chamber (for n detection) 2 x high purity Ge detector (for g detection) • Neutron measurement under the condition of high g-ray background • (g/n=105~106) 2 x 20 x ionization chamber (for g detection)
Idea of Neutron Detection by Nuclear Emulsion Technique • Nuclear emulsion has not widely applied to nuclear engineering excepting personal dosimeter • Complex readout of nuclear tracks is bottle neck for application. Automatic readout system for nuclear emulsion developed by Prof. Niwa is key technique for application of nuclear emulsion. Track of recoil proton should have information about neutron energy, orientation of neutron and spacial distribution of neutron source. We propose a novel neutron detector by nuclear emulsion.
Characterization of keV Neutron Field using Multilayer Nuclear Emulsions Requirements for keV Neutron determination High sensitivity & n-gamma discrimination Multilayer nuclear emulsions Tracks of recoil-protons Reconstruction ・Neutron Spectrum ・Directional Distribution ・Neutron Yield Good discrimination between neutrons and gamma-rays & High Sensitivity (large volume & solid state)
Neutron Characterization from a Fuel Assembly by Nuclear Emulsions Raping the fuel assembly by the emulsion films After several hours, track information is read out and neutron energy and absolute total flux are reconstructed. Gamma and neutron discrimination by track darkness (dE/dx deference) ⇒Applicable for high gamma-ray field 4.2m 21cm
Requirements for Nuclear Emulsions To apply the nuclear emulsion for these applications, we need to evaluate • sensitivity for ~10 keV neutron (range of 10keV proton is order of 10-7m) • neutron/gamma discrimination characteristics (n/g ratio is more than 106).
Neutron Irradiation Test of OPERA film at Yayoi Reactor stacked emulsion films (5 OPERA) were irradiated by fission neutrons at Yayoi reactor (Univ. of TOKYO) Fast neutron reactor : max output 2kW
Stacked OPERA film Cut into 25x25mm square Light shielded Vacuum packing 100 mm 125 mm
Neutron Irradiated Direction and Recorded Tracks 1.perpendicular 2.horizontal
Tracks of Recoil Proton in OPERA Film Date:20071213reactor power:2000 W Distance form column: 3840mmhour:~2 BR04 pl02 perpendicular BR09 pl02 horizontal (Details see poster “Test of neutron monitoring” by Mr. Morishima)
Summary • We expect that the nuclear emulsion may show good characteristics as a neutron detector and be applicable for • ~10keV neutron detector • sub-criticality monitor of fuel assembly. by turning the software of automatic readout system and use of NIT to select the neutron tracks. • Study of emulsion as a neutron detector is now launched…
超高速自動飛跡読み取り装置(S-UTS) ・1972年より世界に先駆けて開発 : TS ( Track Selector ) ・現在の世界最高速システム = 毎時50平方センチ 飛跡認識 画像処理専用 プロセッサ
原子核乾板 10ミクロン ・高空間分解能で、全ての荷電粒子飛跡を1本1本記録(最小電離粒子) 乳剤の機械塗布 Fujiフィルム社製 「OPERA film」 均質、取り扱い容易 表面保護層:1ミクロン 乳剤:44ミクロン 乾板断面図 (電顕写真) 乾板断面図 (電顕写真) 支持体:205ミクロン (TAC) 乳剤
原子核乾板で捕らえた反跳原子核の飛跡 BR04 pl02 垂直照射 20071213 2000 W 射出口から3840mm 約2時間
原子核乾板で捕らえた反跳原子核の飛跡 BR09 pl02 水平照射 20071213 2000 W 射出口から3840mm 約2時間
Tracks Penetrating Two Films Distribution of PH +VPH MIP Recoil Proton(?) Pulse Height : number of penetrated film Volume Pulse Height : sum of scattered light