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Presentation on Scheduled caste Sub-Plan (SCSP). PRAVIN more Convener Alliance For Dalit Rights. Genesis of SCSP and TSP . Recognizing the relative backwardness of the SC and ST, which are considered as the weaker sections of society
Presentation on Scheduled caste Sub-Plan (SCSP) PRAVIN more Convener Alliance For Dalit Rights
Genesis of SCSP and TSP • Recognizing the relative backwardness of the SC and ST, which are considered as the weaker sections of society • Constitution of India introduced a special responsibility on the State to promote with special care, educational and economic interests of the weaker sections particularly Scheduled castes and ensure to protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation. • Hence planned development of SC and ST needs the effective implementation of constitutional safeguards and welfare measures. • Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) (Previously known as Special Component Plan) and Tribal Sub- Plan (TSP) is being implemented during sixth five year plan 1979-1981 with a view of uplift the economically and socially weaker population group of Scheduled castes (In Maharashtra including Buddha) and Scheduled Tribe. • Special Component Plan (SCP) for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) for Scheduled Tribes (STs) have been important strategies used in the planning process for quite some time in order to ensure that outlays and benefits from the general sectors of the Plans flow to SCs and STs at least in proportion to their population both in physical and financial terms. • Hon’ble Prime Minister in the 51st NDC Meeting held on 27.6.2005 has emphasized that “SCP and TSP should be an integral part of Annual Plans as well as Five Year Plans, making provisions therein non-divertible and non-lapsable with the clear objective of bridging the gap in socio-economic conditions of the SCs and STs within a period of 10 years”.
Objectives and Components of SCSP and TSP Objectives • Sustainable reduction in poverty and un-employment • Creation of productive assets in favour of SC and ST to sustain the growth through development efforts • Human resource development of SC and ST by providing adequate educational and health services, and • Provision of physical and financial security against all type of exploitation and oppression Components • Only those schemes which ensures direct benefits to individuals, families of SC/ST • Area oriented schemes directly benefiting SC/ST hamlets/ villages having majority of SC/ST population • Priority for basic minimum services like primary education, health, drinking water, nutrition, rural housing, rural electrification and rural link road • Schemes to develop agriculture and allied activities like animal husbandry, dairy development, vocational training, etc. that provide a source of livelihood to the SC/ST population should be included • Innovative projects that draw upon institutional finance to supplement plan allocations may be drawn up
Main Guidelines for SCSP/TSP • Additional guidelines have also been issued by the Planning Commission to the States/UTs by way of reiteration of the existing instructions, relating to the formulation and implementation of SCP/TSP at the State/ UT level (vide reference D.O.No.M-13011/3/2005-SP-Co. dated 31-10-2005 and D.O.No.M-13054/2/2005-BC. dated 28-12-2005). • The State Government should prepare Special Component Plan (SCP) and Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) as per the proportion of SC and ST population of the State. The guidelines issued recently by the Planning Commission to the State Governments for the SCP and TSP formulation, implementation and monitoring need to be strictly adhered and followed ( D.O No. M- 13011/3/2005-SP-Co dated 31.10.2005) • Planning Commission has set up a dedicated “Special Component Plan (SCP) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) Unit , This Unit has been set up for monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of the Inter-Ministry Task Group Report on the Development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and to review and monitor the SCP and TSP of States/UTs and Central Ministries/ Departments. • Only those schemes should be included under SCP/TSP that ensure direct benefits to individuals or families belonging to SCs & STs. • It is also reiterated that Secretary, Social Welfare/Tribal Welfare should be the nodal Officer in the designing of schemes/programmes of SCP and TSP and allocation of funds to the implementing Departments/agencies. If it is not feasible, a dedicated Unit of SCP and TSP may be constituted in the Planning Department of the State with the Secretary, Social Welfare/Tribal Welfare as nodal Officer for designing, implementing and monitoring of SCP and TSP schemes/programmes in the State.
Cont… • According to 2001 census SC 10.2%; As the Buddhist of Maharashtra 6.2% is also coming under SC but it is not in the 2001 Census, So that SC including Buddhist should have populations 16.4%, Even though state has shown cumulative populations of SC and Buddhist is 13% but same percentage is not applied for budget allocations. • As per regularly monitoring of allocations and expenditure of funds of SCSP budget of 2010-11. Initially allocations showing 3461 cror rupees according to populations of SC and Buddhists but latter it shows reducing. SCSP found that initially they reduced by 337 cror and finally up-to December 2010 only 103175.68 lacks means only 2% Social justice ministry received budget • In-fact in last three year budget of Social Justice ministry shows increase in allocation of budget but since last ten year (2001- up-to December 2010) only 78 official and staff increased. Hence due to around 1004 vacant position not able to implement schemes is one of the reasons. • Also RTI data shows that up to December 2010 state government not utilized a single rupees on economic development schemes like housing, stall for Gatai Cobbler work, vocational training, establishing ITI, residential schools, women empowerment schemes, agriculture and allied agricultural activities. • The schemes like Cottan Co-operatives of SC have allocated and expenditure shown huge but still gainful employment to SC youth is not seen. Even-though most of these co-operatives are given on the name of SC and Buddhists individuals name to dominant politician of ruling party and not single co-operatives given to political leaders belong to SC and Buddhist communities or movement leaders.
Expectations from Government • Strict instructions to ensure that allocations • to be as per the SCP and TSP guidelines • issued by the planning Commission. • Consultations with Scheduled caste and • Scheduled Tribes organisations and leaders • during the planning and implementation • levels of the budget cycle should be made • mandatory. • State governments to constitute SCP and • TSP Monitoring Committees wherein SC & • ST educated youth are invited to be members • of these committees to take active part in • monitoring TSP and SCP planning and • implementation at the State, Department / • Ministry, district and block levels with • necessary powers to intervene wherever • necessary. • According to Jadhav Task force placing of 43 ministries/departments under no obligation category which needs to be relooked.
Cont.. • Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MSJE) and Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MTA), with sufficient human resources, has to play an effective role in coordination and implementation of SCP & TSP. In particular, MSJE and MTA should ensure: separate earmarking and scheme- wise allocation by the Ministries in their respective Annual Plans; preparation of a Link Budget Book on TSP and SCP; performance analysis and granting of utilization certificates for further allocations. • Planning Commission, as a monitoring and review authority, should evolve a separate set of duties and functions to ensure transparency and accountability by executives responsible for the planning, formulation, implementing, monitoring and evaluation of SCP and TSP. • Each Ministry should have sufficient human and financial resources for effectively implementing SCP and TSP for ensuring inclusion in the growth sectors and new developments taking place. • State level budget diversion should permitted and un-spent amount should be used as a carry forward for SCSP/TSP schemes only.
Expectations from Civil Society • Civil society should pressurize government for making SCP & TSP into an Act which defines clear entitlements for Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribes and has necessary redressed mechanisms to ensure that all duty bearers implement TSP and SCP effectively. • Civil society should monitor at micro to macro level SCSP and TSP , sensitizing Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe communities about effective implementations along with training youth for undertaking Economic Rights Monitoring, tracking and implementation. • Need to evolve more innovative direct benefiting economic development schemes and initiate advocacy for implementations in the modern era of economic reform. • Initiate state level campaign for making state accountable for effective implementation of economic safeguards in general and SCSP and TSP particularly through involving like-minded experts, academicians, mass organizations, influential retired Government officials and leaders along with political parties
“We must make our political democracy a social democracy as well. Political democracy cannot last unless there lies at the base of it social democracy. What does social democracy mean? It means a way of life which recognizes liberty, equality and fraternity as principles of life-. We must begin by acknowledging the fact that there is complete absence of two things in the Indian society, one of these is equality. On the social plane, we have in India a society based on principles of great inequality, which means elevation of some and degradation of others. On the economic plane, we have a society in which there are some, who have immense wealth as against many, who live in abject poverty. We must remove this contradiction at the earliest possible moment or else those who suffer from inequality will blow up the structure of political democracy, which this Assembly has so elaborately built up.”Dr. BabasahebAmbedkarJai Bhim….
SCSP- Perspective Development of Scheduled Castes/ Neo Buddhists comprising economic, educational and social aspects and fulfillment of minimum needs
Scheduled Castes Sub Plan SCSP as an UMBRELLA under which schemes implemented by State and Central Governments are dovetailed by apportioning funds exclusively for Scheduled Castes for addressing their needs/ problems.
SCSP- Objectives Main objectives • Family and individual oriented programmes aimed at economic development of the SCs • Through income generating assets and skill • Enable to earn sustained income and cross the poverty line. • To offer direct benefits of the services • provision of basic amenities drinking water, health, housing, drainage, link roads etc. • Developmental programmes like education, vocational guidance etc.
Strategy of SCSP To channelise the flow of outlays and benefits from all the sectors of development in the Annual Plans of States/UTs and Central Ministries at least in proportion to their population both in physical and financial terms.
SCSP in Maharashtra SJD as nodal department for coordinating the SCP activities • Actual formulation of the SCSP • Decides the outlay for different schemes. • The line departments and the District collectors are allocated the funds • Monitoring and review of schemes under SCP is directly conducted by the concerned Administrative Departments. Helps • Addressing actual needs • Ensuring provision of adequate resources • Checking any diversion and • Avoiding duplication of administrative machinery.
SCSP in Maharashtra Includes about 85 schemes under state and Districts • Agriculture and allied services • Rural Development • Electricity • Industry and minerals • Transport and Communication • Social and community services, • include education, technical education, health, water supply, housing, urban development, welfare of BC, social welfare, labour and labour welfare and nutrition
Guidelines for implementation of SCSP in Maharashtra • Only the schemes where the benefit can be measured in respect of SCs are included in the SCSP. • The schemes where participation of SCs is nil, such as major and medium irrigation projects, EGS, General economic services…etc are not included in the SCSP. • Special care has been taken in implementation of SCSP so that the benefits of scheme should go exclusively to individual or groups of SCs and their bastis
Issues of concern and future direction • Transparency- Data availability and validity • Under-utilisation and diversion of funds • Violation of guidelines • Study of Physical targets and achievements • Collection of primary data and triangulation • Need to study schemes/ corporations • Need to study departmental budgets • Only post-facto analysis?? • Need for ongoing monitoring mechanism • Politicising- Advocacy with SJD and with FD • AWARENESS???
Thank You and JAI BHIM kamblemahesh@tiss.edu maheshtiss@gmail.com Tel: 98219 11081
Flow to SCSP under 10th Plan (2002-07) SCSP in Maharashtra
Highlights SCSP in 2007-08 Out of state outlay (658.80 Cr) • 234.21 Cr (35.55%) to NSAP • 200 Cr (30.36%) Govt hostels and residential schools • 100 (15.18%) Cr on Ambedkar Bhavan • 61.50 Cr (9.45%) on Land distribution
SJD in Maharashtra Source: Samarthan CBS
Total Annual PlanBudget- 41500 Cror SCSP- 4233 cror 10.2% TSP- 3693 cror 8.9% As per the guidelines of planning Commission- SCSP expecting 16.4% as SC-10.2% and Buddhist 6.2%. Cumulative Populations 13%
Need to appreciate • Group Housing scheme- 800 cror • Pre-matric scholarship for Minority and VJNT • Hostel- construction 135 cror.
Need to re-look • Allocations for hindu worshiping places but not for the demanding Ambedkarite movement for Chaityabhoomi and other Ambedkar Smarak • Evolving Economic development schemes • Implementing SCSP planning commission guidelines • Increasing allocations as per populations.
Demands • SCSP- 16.4% allocatios • Effective implementations • Un-spend money- use as a pool and carry forwards • Allocations for Chaityabhoomi and other important spaces where Ambedkarite movement demanded.