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WIND POWER GENERATION Study of Wind Energy Penetration in the Iberian Peninsula. 1st March 2006. Introduction: Evolution of installed wind power in Spain. Introduction:. Energy Data 2004 (UCTE) (“Peak”: 3ºX-Dec) Interchange Cap. Data 2004-5 (ETSO). 16.629 MW ins. Wind power(x2,1)
WIND POWER GENERATION Study of Wind Energy Penetration in the Iberian Peninsula. 1st March 2006
Introduction: • Energy Data 2004 (UCTE) (“Peak”: 3ºX-Dec) • Interchange Cap. Data 2004-5 (ETSO) 16.629 MW ins. Wind power(x2,1) 513 GWh annual demand(x2,2) 74 MW “peak” (x2) 83 Minhab (x2) 8.046 MW ins. Wind power 235 GWh annual demand 37,5 MW “peak” 41 Minhab. Import Capacity A: 1.400 - 1.400 MW CZ: 1.700 - 2.300 MW CH: 3.000 - 4.000 MW DK: 1.750 - 1.750 MW F: 2.100 - 2.550 MW NL: 3.000 - 2.900 MW PL: 1.100 - 1.100 MW S: 460 - 460 MW Import Capacity F: 1.200 - 1.400 MW P: 550 - 700 MW MO: 400 - 400 MW
Study Objectives: • Identify technical limits for wind power production: reference for installation plans. • Establish technical requirements for wind farms: fault ride-through capability. • Ministry Plan H2011 (October 2002): Background: 13.000 MWinst
What does the study deal with? • Transient stability study. • System reserves impact. • Daily load coverage. • Participation of the wind farms in system restoration. What does the study NOT deal with?
Study organization : Working groups. Follow-through group Network Planning Group (Spain) & REN: REE, CNE, Wind Associations (AEE y APPA), Spanish electricity companiesand REN Analysis group REE REN AEE (ABB) CNE
Study Methodology: Operational Point (load flow) Power system model PSS/E Models and data of the involved dynamics (“Dynamic data”) -1771,1 Yes No Are the criteria met? Results
Power System Scenarios: Initial Case Horizon 2011. Peak load: Off-peak: Iberian load 65.400 MW Iberian load 26.000 MW 1.500 MW 700 MW 13.000 MW 3.750 MW 13.000 MW 9.800 MW 900 MW 0 MW 800 MW 5.000 MW 3.200 MW 3.750 MW 2.950 MW 1.450 MW Spanish load 53.400 MW Spanish load 21.500 MW Portuguese load 12.000 MW Portuguese load 4.500 MW Initial installed wind power Initial installed wind power Existing wind power 05/05/31 (forecast) 600 MW 600 MW Future installed wind power* Initial wind power production (*) Future wind power are distributed at buses where wind power evacuation is forecasted.
Study Criteria: Iberian Scope • Hypothesis: • Production: 80% of the installed wind power. • Increasing steps of wind power penetration. • Future wind power is technically adapted. • 50% of technical adaptation level in the wind power Portuguese penetration • Sensitivity analysis of adaptation levels for the Spanish Peninsular wind power: • Without technical adaptation. • 50% of the present one. • 75% of the present one. • 100% of the present one. • Criteria (highest production capacity): • Fault cleared in breaker failure times. • Each TSO will apply their steady state security criteria. • Transient Stability Criteria: • Out of step is not acceptable except if this problem is reduced to an individual generator. • Generating trips greater than3000 MW (maximum instantaneous deflection between generation and load, UCTE Operational Handbook) are not acceptable. • Tripping of any France-Spain International interconnections by out of step relays is not acceptable. • Load shedding is not acceptable (except load trip by protection selectivity).
Study Preliminary Results: dependence on the technical adaptation level*. 16-20.000 MWinst (*) The preliminary results presented correspond to Spain only and these are, however, subject to possible changes due to the pending Portuguese study
Situations where generators must remain connected start of disturbance Voltage (pu) 1 0,95 pu 0,8 0,6 isolate 2 ph faults 0,2 Fault length Clearance of the fault 0 1 0,5 15 Time (sec) Study Results: Technical Requirements for Wind Power. • Remain connected to the system in case of faults in the network (3/2/1 phase short-circuits), allowing the protection system to clear de default (fault ride-through capability): • Voltage–time at the connection point to be supported (P.O.12.3) Requirements: • Design: Generators and equipment must be able to carry currents during the fault • Operation Appropriate protection adjustment • Limits in power consumption (P,Q) during the fault and recovery: exception periods - ≈150ms- and lower restriction for unbalance faults
Stage 2: Other conclusions. • The decreasing of the short circuit currents, during a fault, due to the highest wind power penetration case analysed are between 10 to 20% • Other aspects to consider, once the full “ride through capability“ has been reached : • Impact in the necessities of reserves of regulation with high wind power penetrations that assure the system adequacy • In case of “blackout”: to analyze the possibility of participation of the wind farms in the system restoration.
Conclusions: • The technical adaptation of the existing wind farms allows: • The correct operation, guaranteeing a selective1 and coordinated1 behaviour in relation to the rest of the system • The recovering of the local and zonal production capacities (highest production capacity criterion) , reduced by the massive disconnections due to the non adapted existing wind farm. • To maximize the wind power production, allowing itself greater penetrations • The future D/C with France increases the wind power integration and eliminates the possible limitations in the use of the interconnections (1) Essential properties that the protections of the equipment connected to the power system must satisfy