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Introduction to Computers

Introduction to Computers. Computer Applications. What is a Computer?. An electronic machine that can Receive data Process data Produce results Store the results for future use. Vocabulary. Data - a collection of raw unprocessed facts, figures and symbols

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Introduction to Computers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Computers Computer Applications

  2. What is a Computer? An electronic machine that can • Receive data • Process data • Produce results • Store the results for future use

  3. Vocabulary Data - a collection of raw unprocessed facts, figures and symbols Information - data that is organized Input - any data the user enters into the computer Output - data that has been processed into information (comes out) Storage - area that can hold data for future use

  4. Input, Output, or Storage? • Speaker • Monitor • Keyboard • Hard disk drive • Microphone • Digital Camera • Printer • Scanner • PDA/Smartphone

  5. Types of Computers • Personal Computers (microcomputer or desktop computer) • first in 1977 • Notebook computers—Type of personal computer • Handheld computers—iPad, tablet • Mainframes—used by thousands of people at the same time in large organizations, can fill several rooms • Internet Appliances (Net Books)—internet access

  6. Computer System/Information System • Hardware • Equipment that can be touched • Keyboard, mouse, monitor • Software • Programs that give computer directions • Windows, Word, PowerPoint • Data • Information that goes into the computer—text, graphics, numbers • User (YOU!)

  7. Hardware Components of a Computer System Unit (processing, memory and storage) Also called a chassis or CPU Monitor Keyboard

  8. Types of Software System • Controls the operation of the computer and its devices (OS) • Interface between the user and the computer • Application • Programs that perform specific tasks for users • Utility • Fix computer problems • Virus protection

  9. Ways to Store Information • Floppy Disk (1.44 MB) • Zip (100-750MB) • CD-RW (700 MB) • CD-R (700 MB) • DVD (4.7-17 GB) • Hard Disk (40 GB ) • Thumb/Flash Drive (256 MB )

  10. Data Communications • Computers transmitting data from one to another • Sender • Computer sending message • Receiver • Computer getting message • Channel • Way the message is carried (phone line, cable…) • Protocol • Rules or language of the transfer • (http://) hypertext transfer protocol

  11. Networks • Collection of computers connected to share information and resources • LAN - Local Area Networks • Our room or Our school district • WAN – Wide Area Network • Internet

  12. Internet • ARPANET(Predecessor of the Internet) • Developed by government • First message sent 1969 • Terms to know: • E-mail • Electronic Mail • Intranet • Private for a company or organization’s internal use • Extranet • computer network that allows controlled access from the outside, for specific business or educational purposes

  13. Application Software File Extensions Word processing (Word) .doc 2007 .docx Spreadsheet (Excel) .xls 2007 .xlsx Database (Access) .mdb 2007 .accdb Presentation graphics (PowerPoint) .ppt 2007 .pptx

  14. The End

  15. Elements www.animationfactory.com

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