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Office of International Affairs. Recruitment: A trip to the University of Botswana in March 2013 produced: 24 applications for the mining engineering transfer program Debswana submitted 4 applications for admission for the trainees in the mining engineering department.
Office of International Affairs Recruitment: • A trip to the University of Botswana in March 2013 produced: • 24 applications for the mining engineering transfer program • Debswana submitted 4 applications for admission for the trainees in the mining engineering department. • A memorandum of academic cooperation was signed with Missouri S&T and Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST).
Office of International Affairs • A recruiting team from S&T visited six current China partner universities and three prospective partner universities. Seven cities were visited during March 16 – March 30. • An Articulation Agreement for a 3+2 transfer partnership was signed by China University of Geosciences-Beijing. • The delegation returned with 25 applications for Fall Semester 2013 admission. • Dr. Shannon Fogg and Dr. Audra Merfeld-Langston will lead a study abroad group of 16 students to France to visit Paris, the Somme region, and Normandy, May 27-June 14, 2013. The students will earn 3 credits for each course, History 301 - The Memory of War in Twentieth-Century France and French 301 – Representations of Violence in 20th Century French Culture.
Office of Sponsored Programs • FY13 activities through the end of March and a year-over-year comparison are as follows: • Proposals awarded in total dollars: $44.5M (up 170%) • Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 188 (down 6%) • Proposals submitted in total dollars: $110.3M (down 6.9%) • Number of proposals submitted: 374 (down 4.6%) • Research expenditures: $30.3M (down 7.4%) • F&A recovered: $4.6M (down 7.1%) • Number of active awards: 533 (down 6.3%)
In his latest book, Dr. Larry Gragg examines the ways Las Vegas - and its allure - are depicted in movies, television programs, the media and popular fiction. • Bright Light City is the first in what Dr. Gragg plans as a four-book series. • Congratulations to Dr. Gragg!
Office of Graduate Studies • Susan Sipaun (Graduate Guide) completed 25 hours of tutoring, 30 hours of training activities, and made other significant contributions earning the title of Level 1 Tutor as listed by the International Tutor Certification by the College Reading and Learning Association guidelines. • Office of Graduate Studies won 1st place in the 2013 Door Decorating Contest held by Lambda Sigma Pi in the multiple occupant category.
Office of Undergraduate Studies Student Design and Experiential Learning Center (SDELC) • Advanced Aero Vehicle Team took 1st place overall in the SAE Aero competition in Fort Worth, Texas over St. Patrick's weekend March 15 - 17, 2013. • Baja will be competing April 18 – 21, 2013 in Clarksville, TN, wish them luck! • Concrete Canoe competed April 4 – 6, 2013 in Edwardsville, IL – final information has not been released yet. • HPV competed April 10 – 16, 2013 in San Jose, CA and took 2nd in men’s and women’s sprint, then took 3rd overall. • Steel Bridge competed April 3 – 6, 2013 in Topeka, KS and took 1st in Economy, 1st in Construction Speed, 2nd in Efficiency; and 2nd Overall – Qualified to go to Nationals.
Global Learning • The coordination of S&T conferences continues at a high level. • The most recent conference was the Laufer Energy Symposium (St. Louis, April 2013) • Next one scheduled is the International Conference on Case Histories and Geotechnical Engineering (Chicago, May 2013)
Enrollment Management • Fall 2013 preregistration is about 2% over same time last year. • Open House for prospective students is Saturday, April 20 with over 200 visitors signed up.