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Office of Academic Affairs

Office of Academic Affairs. Curriculum Completed review of MOU with Federal University of Ceara (Brazil) for exchange program in Sustainable Drinking Water Studies Professional Science Master’s degree under review.

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Office of Academic Affairs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Office of Academic Affairs • Curriculum • Completed review of MOU with Federal University of Ceara (Brazil) for exchange program in Sustainable Drinking Water Studies • Professional Science Master’s degree under review. • Working on ABET accreditation for Cooperative Engineering program with MSU (civil and electrical engineering degrees).

  2. Office of Academic Affairs • Faculty Activities • Completed review of two department-level non-tenure track faculty policies. • Third Year Review meetings in progress.

  3. Global Learning • Non-credit operations are continuing to expand. • A group of students from Italy are currently enrolled and taking face to face courses covering various aspects of Systems Engineering at the Engineering Education Center in St. Louis. • General Motors student-employees are taking on-line courses in a variety of topics including: • Introduction to the Coating System (Paint Chemistry) • Contamination Control • Statistical Process Control & Data Analysis • Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers • Meetings are currently underway with Caterpillar to determine the disciplines of interest to them.

  4. Office of Undergraduate Studies Upcoming Events: • April 22, 2011– Earth Day, this is the 10th Annual Rolla event hosted by Missouri S&T Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experiences (OURE) • 120 applications received for the 2011-12 OURE and & OURE Fellows applications 7th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference • There were 66 students that participated in the conference with 56 projects. The list of winner can be found here: http://ugs.mst.edu/ugrc.html

  5. Office of Undergraduate Studies Student Design & Experiential Learning Center • New building nearing completion with expected move in to start middle of May • Richard Dalton has completed OSHA training allowing the SDELC to offer OSHA approved 10 and 30 hour safety courses in general industry and construction.  Courses to be offered soon. • GM has graciously renewed their corporate support for the SDELC for next year and have included six $1,000 scholarships to support the student team leaders. • FIRST FTC State Championship was a huge success • Engineer’s Week exhibit at the St. Louis Science Center supported by MSPE was well received including the streaming video from campus of the FIRST FTC State Championship

  6. Office of Graduate Studies • Chancellor’s Fellows Research Poster Awards Ceremony held on March 16, 2011. • Continued to reduce the number of graduate pending applications files. • Presented a hot topic discussion on Financial Survival Strategies at the Annual Mid-West Association of Grad Schools meeting (April 1, 2011) • Completed 70+ thesis/dissertation format checks in the Spring 2011 session.

  7. Office of Sponsored Programs • FY11 activities through the end of March and a year-over-year comparison are as follows: • Proposals awarded in total dollars: $34.3M (down 12.3%) • Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 225 (down 9.6%) • Proposals submitted in total dollars: $95.1M (down 0.9%) • Number of proposals submitted: 388 (up 2.7%) • Research expenditures: $35.3M (up 6.2%) • F&A recovered: $5.4M (up 2.1%) • Number of active awards: 618 (up 0.5%)

  8. Enrollment Management • On-track to meet FY12 Enrollment Targets • Fall 2011 Freshman Class Projections 1130 to 1177 (1170 in fall 2011) 274 Females (24%), 857 Males (76%) 914 Freshman Engineering 262 Out-of-State (23%), 891 Missouri residents (77%) 3.849 Ave. high school GPA at application date 27.9 Ave. ACT composite score (upper 10%) at application 5 perfect scores admitted to date • Enrollment cap decisions after May 14

  9. Updated National Interest in Engineering 1.4 M ACT tested high school seniors in 2009-10

  10. Census Data Supports Downward Trend in High School Graduates 2011-2017

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