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Product Selector Interconnect Technologies. Electronic Finishing Connectors Passive Devices Semconductor Industrial Finishing Decorative GMF POP / EMI Steel Mills. March 2012. Sensitive Materials. Soak Cleaner Ronaclean SC 200 Ronaclean 202 Ronaclean 201 Salt
Product SelectorInterconnect Technologies Electronic Finishing Connectors Passive Devices Semconductor Industrial Finishing Decorative GMF POP / EMI Steel Mills March 2012
Sensitive Materials • Soak Cleaner • RonacleanSC 200 • Ronaclean202 • Ronaclean 201 Salt • RonacleanSC 220 • Ronaclean NP-200 Salt • Soak Cleaner • RonacleanSC 200 • Ronaclean 201 Salt • RonacleanSC 220 • Ronaclean 500 • Ronaclean NP-200 Salt • Soak Cleaner • RonacleanSC 200 • Ronaclean 201 Salt • RonacleanSC 220 • ElectrolyticCleaner • RonacleanEC 505 • RonacleanEC/SC 560 • Electrolytic Cleaner • RonacleanDLF • RonacleanEC 700 • Ronaclean NP-200 Salt • Electrolytic Cleaner • RonacleanDLF • Ronaclean500 • RonacleanEC 600 Copper/alloys • Soak Cleaner • Ronaclean 201 Salt • RonacleanSC 220 Steel Nickel/alloys • ElectrolyticCleaner • RonacleanEC 700 Cleaner Ronaclean SC 200: Soak cleaner for iron and copper based materials, 60-95°C Ronaclean201 Salt: Soak or electrolytic cleaner for all common metals, silicate-free, 40-90°C RonacleanSC 220: Low temperature soak cleaner for iron, copper and zinc based materials, 30-50°C Ronaclean NP-200 Salt: Soak / Electrolytic Cleaner, phosphorous free, low foaming, low COD, barrel, rack, high speed for copper and iron alloyRonaclean500: Soak or electrolytic cleaner for all common metals, liquid concentrate, additional Ronaclean 500 Emulsifier, 35-80°CRonaclean DLF: Soak or electrolytic cleaner for all common metals, low foaming Ronaclean DLF Wetting Agent, 35-80°C Ronaclean EC 505: Strong electrocleaner for steel, dipping or reel-to-reel applications, silicate free, 40-95°C Ronaclean EC 600: Mild anodic electrocleaner especially for zinc-diecast, low foaming, insensitive against Cr-(VI) impurities, 35-50°C Ronaclean EC/SC 560: Heavy duty soak (in combination with Ronaclean SC 200) and electrolytic cleaner, removes hardened residues, 35-75°CRonaclean EC 700: Mild electrocleaner for non ferrous metals, 35-60°C specials:Ronaclean 202: Acid cleaner additive (NPE free) for use with sulphuric acid, suitable for copper substrates and ceramics Cleaner PM 900: Cleaner and wetter for plastic surfaces prior to i.e. etching steps, 45-55°C DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Activator 1424 (ER) • Ronasalt369 • RonatabAcid Act PC-1 • RonacleanDLF+KCN • Actronal660 • Ronasalt369 • CircupositEtch 3330 • Acid Cleaner 811 Nickel Substrates Copper Substrates Ferrous Substrates • Ronasalt369 • Activator 1424 (ER) • Actronal660 • BeizentfetterLF Kovar Stainless Steel Mild Steel Cast Iron Copper & Brass Electroless Nickel • Actronal660 • Ronasalt 369 • Actr660+RS369 • Ronasalt369 • Activator 1424 (ER) • RonacleanDLF+KCN Nickel • Activator 1424 ( ER) • Ronasalt369 Alumina • DurALclean • Duraprep520 7025 Alloy Activator Actronal 660 Acidic descaler to remove oxides and heat scale from copper and iron based alloys. Immersion 20 - 50°C Ronasalt 369 Water soluble, UNIVERSAL dry acid salt for oxide removal and surface activation Use in immersion mode or electrolytic mode 15 - 70°C. Contains Fluoride Actronal 660 + Ronasalt 369 Acidic descaler to remove oxides and heat scale from certain “difficult to process” copper alloys e.g. 7025 alloy when a smut free copper surface is required. Immersion at 25 - 40°C. Ronasalt 369Contains Fluoride Circuposit Etch 3330 Acidic persulphate etch for copper / copper alloys, immersion or spray 20 - 50°C. Etch rate ca. 0.5 micron / min. at 20°C Acid Cleaner 811 Acidic cleaner for copper and brass, free of fluoride, thiourea and sulphate, especially for lead containing brass, 20-50°C Activator 1424 (ER) Acidic activator for steel / Kovar / some stainless steels / aged electroless nickel. Immersion mode 45 - 80°C Ronatab Acid Activator PC-1 Low foaming acidic activator for nickel / nickel based substrates, immersion mode 20 - 30°C Beizentfetter LF An inhibitor for use in sulphuric acid + hydrochloric acid de-ruster (pickle) for use on iron and steel, 20 - 45°C Ronaclean DLF + 50g/l KCN Alkaline activator for anodic activation of Kovar or nickel surfaces following anodic alkaline chromium stripping. Immerse in the activator, 75 g/l Ronaclean DLF, 50 g/l NaCN, 30 - 50oC, 2 - 4 minute anodic at ca. 6 volts. Minimum c.d. 2 amp/dm2 DurALclean Acidic etch cleaner for Alumina that can be used in dip or spray mode, 20 - 40°C Contains Fluoride This product is no longer sold by RHEM but can be purchased from Asbury Brodie in UK under the name ALUKLEEN. Duraprep 520 Alkaline, cyanide free zincate treat for Alumina and its alloys, easy to operate, room temperature DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Alkaline Cyanide-FREE Alkaline Cyanide Semi Bright Bright • CupronStrike • CuPure • Copper Glo (high speed) • Copper Glo 23 • (Copper Glo 38) • Copper Gleam DL 900 • Copper Gleam XL 180 • Copper Gleam BL Acid Copper Functional Decorative • Copper Gleam CLX • Copper Gleam RG-10HS Electrolytic Copper Copper Glo 23 / 38 Sodium or potassium, rack / barrel use 50 – 60 g/l copper, T= 50°C, ca. 0.8 micron/minute @2asd Cupron StrikeCyanide free, copper / zinc alloy strike for rack / barrel use prior to CuPure, pH 8.5, T= 32°C CuPureCyanide FREE alkaline copper, 15g/l copper, pH 10, ca. 0.4 micron / min @ 2asd, 65°C Copper Gleam CLX Acid copper with good ductility for rack / barrel use/high speed, dye free additive Copper Gleam RG-10 HS MSA based, high speed copper for R-2-R applications, 7 microns / minute @ 35asd, 50°C Copper Gleam XL 180 Dye Free, high leveling bright deposits,60 microns / hour @ 5asd, 27°C,IF & P-O-P use Copper Gleam DL 900 Dye containing, high leveled deposit with exceptional bright throwing Copper Gleam BL Dye Free, high leveling deposits, easy to operate process DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Other Applications • Nikal PC 2/3/4/5 • Nikal SC • Nickel Gleam EP-M • Spectra Black • Nicostan 91 • Nickel Gleam EP-M Barrel Plating Rack Plating High Speed Functional Semi-Bright Bright Bright Semi-Bright • Nikal PC2/3/4/5 • Nickel Glm. SB-200 • Spectra LBN-99 • Nickel Glm. BR-220 Nikal PC 2/3/4/5 Spectra TGB Electrolytic Nickel Nikal PC-2 / 3 / 4 / 5Functional, low stress nickel, sulphate or sulphamate, rack, barrel or high speed Nikal SC Functional, low stress, low porosity, matt to semi-bright, sulphamate for high speed applications Spectra TGB Decorative, bright, highly levelled deposits. For Barrel applications only Spectra LBN-99 Decorative, bright & levelled deposits for rack operation. Watts basis, single carrier component Nickel Gleam BR-220 Decorative bright Nickel, exceptional brightness and leveling, very uniform Nickel Gleam SB-200 Functional semi-bright Nickel, sulphur free undercoat for Duplex, very ductile, leveling characteristics Spectra Black Decorative anthracite nickel deposit, solution operates at pH 9.5. Rack or barrel applications Nicostan 91 Decorative67% Tin 33% Nickel bright corrosion resistant deposits for rack or barrel applications Nickel Gleam EP-M Functional Nickel + 11% Phosphorus alloys. Sulphate based electrolyte for rack, barrel or high-speed DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Low / High Phosphorus Medium Phosphorus Speciality Processes • NipositPM 988 • NipositPM 980 • NipositLT Boron Nickel Semi - Bright Composite High Phos. Low Phos. Bright • RonamaxSR • DurapositMF-1110 • RonamaxNPA 8009 • DurapositMF-0820 Niposit 468 Ronamax SMT Niposit 65 Electroless Nickel Niposit PM 988Lead free, ammonia free, alkaline matt nickel (4 – 7 %P) for P-O-P metallisation applications Niposit PM 980 Alkaline matt nickel (4 – 5 %P) for P-O-P metallisation applications (contains lead and ammonia) Niposit LT Mildly acidic, low temperature, semi-bright, 5 %P alloy for plating of temperature sensitive parts RonamaxSR High phosphorus (10.5 – 14 %P) – nickel alloy, ammonia free, approx. 12 micron / hour, 89°C Duraposit MF-1110 High phosphorus (10.5 – 13.5 %P) nickel alloy, ammonia,Cd, & Pb Free, approx. 11µm/ hour, 88°C Niposit 65 Bright, medium phosphorus (7 – 8 %P), approx. 15 micron / hour, 89°C Ronamax 8009 Semi-bright, medium phosphorus (8 – 10 %P), approx. 17micron / hour, 90°C, Cd Free Duraposit MF- 0820Semi-bright to bright, medium phosphorus(7 – 10 %P), Cd & Pb Free. approx 20 micron / hour, 90°C Ronamax SMTMedium phosphorus (6-9 %P) , suitable for composite, approx.19 micron / hour, 88°C Niposit 468 Nickel – boron (0.25 %) magnetic deposits, neutral pH, approx. 8 micron / hour, 60-70°C DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Trivalent Chromium (Cr III) Decorative - White Decorative - Black • Chrome Gleam 3C JET • Chrome Gleam Post Dip 1&2 • Chrome Gleam 3C • Chrome Gleam Post Dip 1&2 Chromium Chrome Gleam 3CEnvironmentally friendly decorative trivalent chromium solution, for up to 1 micron deposits, pH 2.8, 10 asd, 32°C Chrome Gleam 3C JET Modified version of CG3C to produce thin dark chromium deposits, pH 2.8 - 3.4,12 asd, 32°C Chrome Gleam Post Dip 1&2 Post treatment, reduces staining / fingerprinting, not to be used as corrosion protection, 30 sec.@32°C DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
White Deposit Cu/Tin/Zinc (Lead) YellowDeposit Cu/Tin/Zinc(Lead) White Deposit Cu/Tin (Lead) Technical Decorative Decorative Ronalloy 2000 Ronalloy 2N Ronalloy PM 8N Bronze Ronalloy 2N Process designed to produce (Cu85%/Tin15%/Zn2%) bronze deposit for decorative applications. The color deposit is close to 2N. Ronalloy PM 8N Process designed to produce a bright, white binary Copper/Tin Alloy (Cu55%/Tin45%). Process used for POP to give a white colour finish, the maximum thickness of the deposit is 0.5µm. Ronalloy 2000 Process designed to produce (Cu55%/Tin25%/Zn19%) deposit. Its appearance is similar to Stainless steel. All these processes have Lead as brightener. DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Alkaline Cyanide Alkaline with MINIMALfreeCyanide Alkaline Cyanide FREE Silver Glo 3K For higher speed use: 3K or Hybrid 3K / 300SD (See Application Notes) Functional Low Speed Functional High Speed Functional Decorative Functional • Silver Glo 3K BP • Silver Gleam 360 “ Silveron GT-101 “ Up to 15 ASD • Silverjet300 SD-T • Silveron GT-101 Electrolytic Silver Silver Glo 3K99.9% Ag, semi-bright, highcyanide - rack / barrel - 36 g/ Ag, T= 20°C, 0.67 µm/min @ 1asd Hybrid of 3K / 300SD For operation up to 20asd – see Application Notes associated with Silver Glo 3K Silver Glo 3K BP Hard, bright, high cyanide + antimony for rack / barrel, 36 g/l Ag, T= 20°C, 0.67 µm/min @ 1asd Silver Gleam 360 Bright, non antimonial, high cyanide, - rack / barrel, 35g/l Ag, T= 25°C, 0.67µm/min Silverjet 300 SD-THigh speed matt / bright,alkaline (minimal free cyanide) 70g/l Ag, pH 8.3,T= 60°C. 1µm/sec @ 80asd Silveron GT-101 Cyanide-free, alkaline, matte and bright silver process, 35 °C, “Strike” version available DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Pure Gold Strike Cu or Ni substrates Alloy Gold Strike Cu or Ni substrates Gold Strike for Stainless Steel Auro Strike SAG Auro Strike SAS No production proven process available Aurall 292 Strike Ronovel CM Strike Ronovel N Strike Aurall 292C Strike Acidic - Cobalt Acidic - Nickel Aurall / Auro Dure Universal Acidic - Nickel Acidic - Cobalt Gold Strike Aurall 292 Strike Pure gold strike operates at pH 4.5 suitable when used with Aurall 292, Aurall 292HS and AuroDure series no rinsing is required. Aurall 292C Strike Universal pure gold strike (pH 3.7) can be used with Aurall and AuroDure series as well as Decronal and Ronovel series, however a double rinse step is recommended between gold strike and gold plate. Ronovel CM Strike Cobalt alloyed gold strike (pH 3.8), when used with Auronal MRC, Ronovel C, Ronovel CM, Ronovel CM-97 and Ronovel CM 388no rinsing is required Ronovel N Strike Nickel alloyed gold strike (pH 4.0), when used with Auronal MRN, Ronovel N and Ronovel HTN no rinsing is required Auro Strike SAG Very acidic cobalt alloyed strike operating at pH >1, SAG Replenisher contains the appropriate gold Auro Strike SAS Very acidic cobalt alloyed gold strike operating at pH >1, component system that utilises potassium gold (lll) cyanide DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Pure Gold Gold-Nickel Alloy Gold-Cobalt Alloy Gold-Copper Alloy Gold-Silver Alloy 18 Carat Gold • EnduraGleam 195 • EnduraGleam 205 • EnduraGleam 225 • EnduraGleam 2N HS • Decronal100PY • Decronal250HS • EnduraGleam 265 • Decronal300Y • RonaflashP 2/3/5 N • EnduraGlo 520 Endura Gleam 110 Endura Glo 2N-750 • RonaflashP Decorative Gold RonaflashP Lemon yellow flash deposits, 1g/l Au, S/S anodes, pH 7.5, T=55°, 20% efficient 0.05µm in 20secs@ 1asd Endura Gleam 195 Hard Au/Ni (300 VHN, 97% Au), zinc tolerant to ca.500ppm, pH 4.6, T= 35°C, 11% efficient, 0.1µm in 74secs @ 1asd Endura Gleam 205 Hard Au/Ni (200 – 250 VHN 96% Au) low zinc tolerance 50ppm, pH = 4.5, T=45°C, 10% efficient, Pt/Ti or graphite anodes Endura Gleam 225 Hard Au/Ni (150 VHN 99.7%Au), pH = 4.5, T= 50°, 13% efficient, 1µm in 11mins, Pt/Ti or graphite anodes Endura Gleam 2N HS 2N colour, 23carat, Au/Ni/In, pH 3.5, T= 35°C, 23% efficient,1µm in 7min at 0.8asd. Decronal 100PY Hard Au/Ni (250 VHN 96.5% Au),pH 3.7, T= 35°C, Au = 4g/l, Ni = 5g/l, 18% efficient, 1µm in 7.5 min @ 1asd Decronal 250HS Hard Au/Ni (180 VHN, 99.8%Au), Au = 4g/l, Ni = 0.4g/l, pH = 4.3, T=26°C, 30% efficient, 1µm in 4.8minutes @ 1asd Endura Gleam 265 Hard Au/Co (160 VHN), Au 1 to 10g/l, pH 4.5, T= 26°C, 25% efficient, 1µm in 8min @ 0.75asd, S/S or Pt/Ti anodes Decronal 300Y Hard Au/Co/In (170-200 VHN, 98%Au), pH = 3.8, T= 30°C,10% efficient 1µm in 30 min at 0.5asd, PT/Ti anodes. EnduraGlo 520 For 18ct “pink champagne” deposits, pH 8.5, T=57°C, Au = 10g/l, C=5g/l, 45%efficient, 1µm in 3.5min @ 0.75asd. Ronaflash P 2N-3N-5N For thin rose / pink gold deposits by adding a controlled amount of Ronaflsh P Copper Concentrate to Ronaflash P Endura Gleam 110 87%Au / 13%Ag, pH = 8.5, T=30°C, Au=4g/l, Ag=0.4g/l, 73% efficient, 1µm in 4min @ 0.5asd, 18/8 SS anodes EnduraGlo 2N-750Au/Cu/Cd for 2N 18ct deposit, 30g/l free KCN, 1µm in 2.8 mins @ 0.9 asd, pH = 10, T = 65°C, Pt/Ti or SS anodes. DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Gold-Nickel Alloys Gold-Cobalt Alloys • Aurall292 • Aurall292M • AuroDure Series • Aurall735 • AuronalBGA (SEA) • AuroGlo MN • AuronalMRN • RonovelN • RonovelHTN Pure Gold • AuronalMRC • RonovelCM • RonovelCM-388 • AuronalMRC • RonovelCM-97 • Ronovel LB-300 • Aurall292HS • AuronalBGA (SEA) • AurojetUHS-2 High Speed Low Speed High Speed Low Speed Low Speed High Speed • AuronalMRN • RonovelN Technical Gold Aurall 292 pH 7,5 ultra pure gold, High throwing power, High tolerance to contamination Aurall 292 M Modified version of Aurall 292 to achieve improved throwing power and suppress “dog bone” effect AuroDure pH 7,5 pure, compressively-stressed lustrous gold, Hardness modification 100 – 200 VHN Aurall735 pH 8,0 ultra pure 24 carat, semi-bright gold, Non metalloid additive, Resistance to metallic impurities Auronal BGA (SEA) pH 6,2 ultra pure gold, Improved tolerance to metallic impurities, Dry-film compatible, No hydrazine, no arsenic Aurall 292HS High speed version of Aurall 292, 1micron in 10 secs at 10asd AuroJet UHS-2 pH 8,5 pure gold, Pulsed or direct current, Non-aggressive to NiFe, No impurity build up in solution AuroGlo MN pH 4,3Au = 3g/l, T = 30°C for use in “Vibrobot” or vibratory barrel plating systems Auronal MRN High efficiency process for multi purpose applications. pH 4,6 gold and temperature depends on application Ronovel N Multi purpose process with good resistance to deposit burning in all applications Ronovel HTN High conductivity version of Ronovel N designed for demanding barrel plate applications Auronal MRC High efficiency process for multi purpose applications. pH 4,6 gold and temperature dependent on application Ronovel CM Multi purpose process with resistance to deposit burning in all application. Ronovel CM-388 Low efficiency process for rack & barrel applications with exceptional throwing power in Rack applications Ronovel CM-97 High speed process for R-to-R applications, good distribution and tolerance to burning in HCD areas RonovelLB-300 High current density, high selectivity, low metal, low porosity, low bleed on nickel, excellent distribution, Co-alloyed process DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Palladium/Nickel or Palladium/Cobalt Ruthenium Palladium • Pallamet500 • Pallamet600 • Palladure150 • Palladure270 • PalladureStrike • Palladure200 Decorative Functional High Speed Low Speed Decorative Decronal 44 (Black) Pallamet 600(LS) Ru / Pd-Ni / Pd Pallamet 500 High speed ammoniacal, sulphate based, pH 7.2, 80%Pd / 20%Ni, 30 g/l Pd, T= 50°C, 0.05 µm/sec @10asd Pallamet 600 Low ammonia, chloride free PdNi(80:20 - 70:30), high speed and low speed application, pH 7.2, 60°C, Ni-Strike version available Decronal 44 Richanthracite tone, rack operation, 1 – 5g/l Ru, pH 1.5,T= 65°C. 1µm in 20mins @ 0.5asd Palladure 150 Ammoniacal, pH7.5, 6g/l Pd, T= 50°C, 1µm in 35 secs @ 0.75asd crack free deposits up to 0.5 µm Palladure 270 Ammoniacal,pH 7.5, semi-bright / bright, crack free to 5 µm, rack / barrel, T= 38°C. 0.6 µm/min @ 2.5asd Palladure Strike Acidicstrike for use prior to pure Pd or Pd/Ni processing, pH 4.5, 2g/l Pd, T= 42°C, 0.1µm/min @ 1asd Palladure 200 Ammoniacal,pH 8.3, semi- to bright crack free, high speed / rack / barrel, T= 45+°C. 2.5 µm/min @ 10asd DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Solderon ST-200 • Solderon ST-300 • Solderon ST-380 • Solderon ST-300T • Solderon MHS-W • Tin Gleam CD • Solderon BT-250 • Solderon BT-280 (LS) • Solderon BHT-350 (LS) • Solderon LG • Solderon LG-M1 • Solderon SG-J High Speed Low Speed • Ronastan EC-1 • Solderon ST-200 • Solderon MLS-100 • Solderon BT-150 • Solderon BT-280 • Solderon BHT-350 Bright Bright Matte Matte Pure Tin Tin Gleam CD NPE-free additives, Sulfate based, Wide window, Easy to use, Universal SolderonBT-250Sulfonate based, Wide window, Whisker Resistant Solderon BT-280(LS)Sulfonate based, Narrow window, Analyzable Ronastan EC-1Sulfate based pure tin process for CBT and PFT applications Solderon MLS-100 Low organics, Low pH, matt white deposits, room temperature, rack and barrel Solderon LG / LG-M1Sulfonate based, pH 3 - 4 for Sensitive Ceramic Substrates, LG-M1 minimises “Twinning” defect Solderon SG-J Sulfonate based, pH 3.6 for pH-Sensitive Ceramic Substrates, good thermal resistance and superior soldering properties SolderonBT-150 Low foaming, Elevated solution temperature, Bright up to high metal contents, Suited to full strip SolderonBT-280No foaming, Whisker Resistant, low carbon content, Suited to connector application and wire Solderon BHT-350 No foaming, Whisker Resistant, low carbon content, Elevated solution temperature, low speed version available Solderon ST-200 Satin-Matte, Low foaming, Extremely low organics, Suited to connector application Solderon ST-300 Matte, Low foaming, Extremely low organics (reduced whisker risk) Solderon ST-380 High Speed pure tin for reel-to-reel application, whisker resistant, good solderability after steam aging Solderon ST-300T Matte Tin for high speed deposition of uniform tin deposits, designed for M-t-M and R-t-R applications Solderon MHS-W High Speed Wire Plating DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Auxiliaries • ClarostanCT-10 • SolderonSD Antifoam • Solderon BT-64 • Solderon BHT-90 • Solderon BTD High Speed Low Speed • Solderon SC • Solderon MTC-200 Bright Matte Bright Matte Solderon LG Solderon BLS -2 Tin-Alloy & Auxiliaries Solderon BLS-2 60/40 to 95/5 Sn-Pb deposits, 0.5 – 2.5 amps/dm2, 19°C Solderon LG90/10 Sn-Pb deposits, sulfonate based, pH 3 - 4 for Sensitive Ceramic Substrates. Solderon BT-64Low foaming, Bright 60-40 Sn-Pb deposits, 22°C, 5 – 50asd. Solderon BHT-90Low foaming, Bright 90-10 Sn-Pb deposits, Elevated solution temperature to 40°C, 5 – 25 asd. Solderon BTDLow foaming, Bright 90/10 Sn-Pb deposits, 20°C, 5 – 30 asd Solderon SC Matte, 90/10, 60/40, 7/93 Sn-Pb, 40°C, 5 – 50asd, Low foaming, Suited to lead frames Solderon MTC-200Matte, 98/2 Sn/Cu, Low foaming, 40°C, 5 - 30 asd, for M-2-M lead frame applications Clarostan CT-10 Two part liquid clarifier for the precipitation of suspended solids in Solderon plating solutions Solderon SD Antifoam Non silicone material for use in Solderon processes to suppress foam, to be diluted and sprayed onto solution surface DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Silver Miscellaneous Copper Tin / Tin-Lead • No Tarn SG-2 • Pore Blocker 200 • No Tarn PM-3 • Pore Blocker 200 • Watershed 18 • NeutraRinse 98/80 • No Tarn SN-2 • SolderGuard100 • Cuprotec3 • Oxyban60 • Pore Blocker 100/200 Post Treatment Pore Blocker 200 Water soluble immersion pore blocker for use on silver and gold substrates Watershed 18 Liquid rinse aid to promote faster stain free drying, 45 - 60 seconds at 20 - 50°C Cuprotec 3 Anti-tarnish (organic), 72 hours protection of electroless copper coated printed circuits, use in sulphuric dip, 2min, 25°C Oxyban 60Acidic anti-tarnish (organic) for electroless copper substrates immersion in a 1% solution (pH<2) for 2 - 5 minsat 21-38°C No Tarn SG-2 Immersion process to protect silver from sulphur induced staining, 5 - 10 minutes at 26°C No Tarn PM-3Electroless, non chromate passivation for silver, 5-120 secs immersion at 40°C, no adverse effect on solderability or aspect Neutra Rinse 98/80 Neutralises acidic films after tin plating to improve solderability and ageing,1 - 10 secs immersion at 20 - 60°C No Tarn SN-2 Stabilises the surface of electroplated tin, minimises the risk of reflow discoloration, 5-30 secs immersion at 15-40°C SolderGuard100 Post treatment process to create a hydrophobic anti-corrosion surface on tin deposits, 5 - 20 secs at 20 - 45°C DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
Tin Silver Bronze Copper Palladium Nickel Gold • Solder Strip SM • Ronastrip TL-85 • Solder Strip EBS 2000 No R&H specific process No R&H process Silver Strip LR-525 Circuposit Etch 3330 Nickelstrip • Super Strip 100 • Super Strip 108 For P-O-P, strip all metals off with nitric acid Ammonium persulphate NaOH plus H2O2 A) 19 parts H2SO4 + 1 part HNO3 B) Electrolytic NaCN Super Strip 100 will strip thin Pd deposits @ 55-60°C Not for R2R - slow Metal Stripping Super Strip 100 Immersion stripper (salt), the solution contains thallium and cyanide, will strip up to 3 µm gold/minute at 25°C Super Strip 108 Immersion stripper (liquid), thallium free, contains cyanide, for back strip applications up to 6 µm gold /min at 45°C NickelstripCyanide free system for use on both electroless AND electrolytic deposited Nickel substrates Silver Strip LR-525 MSAlkaline non cyanide for electrolytic stripping from cut edge bleed & backside of lead frames after silver plating Circuposit Etch 3330Effectively a microetch capable of removing 0.75 µm copper per minute at 100 g/l, T = 25°C, max uptake Cu = 15 g/l Solder Strip SMNitric acid based tin strip, up to 20 µm/min with vigorous agitation, OK with Ti, CAUTION exothermic – maximum 30°C RonastripTL-85 Fluoride-peroxide stripper, up to 50 µm/min in spray, do not use with Ti, CAUTION exothermic do not exceed 30°C Solder Strip EBS 2000Electrolytic striper for removing tin or tin-lead from S/S belts on M-2-M equipment, 28 µm/min at 1.5 volts, T = 35°C DOW CONFIDENTIAL - Do not share without permission
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