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Welcome Back ASL 1!!! Today--- Final Exam self-assessments; Ticket Out- new signs (No Technology today). Written Doorbuster --Please copy and complete the parameters grid below: Handshape Palm Orientation Movement Location NMS PAPER SCHOOL LAZY MY TO-WANT THANK-YOU FAMILY
Welcome Back ASL 1!!! Today--- Final Exam self-assessments; Ticket Out- new signs (No Technology today) • Written Doorbuster--Please copy and complete the parameters grid below: • HandshapePalm Orientation Movement Location NMS • PAPER • SCHOOL • LAZY • MY • TO-WANT • THANK-YOU • FAMILY • TO-KNOW • GIRL _______________________________________________________ • Are you stuck? Answers will be on the next slide… • Finished? Signing Set- sign about your winter holiday/Christmas break
Welcome Back ASL 1!!! Today--- Final Exam self-assessments; Ticket Out- new signs (No Technology today) • Written Doorbuster-Answers (right handed)- check/correct yours • HandshapePalm Orientation Movement Location NMS • PAPER Flat 5 towards each other rt to lftneutral space ø • SCHOOL Flat 5 towards each other up & down neutral space ø • LAZY L towards body out & in left chest (emot) • MY Flat 5 towards body to body center chest ø • TO-WANT 5 spread-claw up out to in neutral space ø • THANK-YOU flat 5 towards body down & out lower face ø • FAMILY F out circled together neutral ø • TO-KNOW flat 5 down/left repeat tap rt forehead ø • GIRL A left downward lower rt face ø _______________________________________________________ • Finished? Signing Set- sign about your winter holiday/Christmas break
Final Exam Self-Assessment • Today’s Daily Grade: Written Doorbuster; then checking your exam, and writing corrections as needed; then Ticket Out. • Self-Assessment: Write in your comp. book your grade; then check out an exam and summarize what you missed, in your own words (90 or above may skip this). • Finished? Study hall– our next unit, or other class work
Ticket Out- • New Vocabulary info.; rest of this six weeks instructions • Make-up/re-take signed exam- due by next Tuesday • (written exam make-up/re-take deadline was in December) • Test this six weeks- next Thursday • Daily grades continue for the 3rd six weeks
Welcome ASL 3! Today--- Doorbuster; Finals handed back (check it is correct in gradebook before throwing it away); guided practice signing sets- timed monologues • Doorbuster (5 min.-Everybody up )- Find Five and ask them at least 1 of these questions (then also answer 5 people): • *What did you do over your winter break? • *What did you get (or buy)? • or • *Where did you go?
You are receiving your test answer sheets, and a Final Exam strip--- double check it is correct and in the gradebook (then you may keep or throw away tests- up to you) • Name Expansion Techniques/25: Scantron/25: Written/50: = total/100 • John 25 22.5 41 = 89
Signing Sets--- Timed Monologues • Today’s goal (timer will be on this front screen) - to sign for at least 30 sec. on a topic you know ahead of time (no lips, no writing ). • ***Time to prepare first--- then do not start until we set the timer as a class • Next week’s goal- to sign for 1-3 min. on a topic you know ahead of time. • Next six weeks goal- to sign for 1-3 min. on a random topic the class draws, with no preparation
Topic ideas-your vacation; how classes are going; something you enjoy- describe it; a news topic; a movie you liked recently and why; etc… --- choose a topic for yourself!Remember: Today’s goal is at least 30 seconds of signing- no pauses more than 3 seconds When someone is signing, all other group members are watching. • First, please create this Monologue grid (below in Purple) in your composition books (If you no longer have a comp. book, use a regular notebook or folder- you will need to access this every week). Then, prepare to sign (wait until the timer on the front board starts) • *You will be able to monitor your progress here, and see how you improve each week • *Also- list any new words you did not know that you wish you could sign Monologue Grid • DateTopicTime You Signed New Vocabulary you need to learn • 1/3
Welcome Back ASL 2!!! Today--- Final Exam self-assessments; Ticket Out- new signs (No Technology today) • Written Doorbuster--Please copy and complete the parameters grid below: • HandshapePalm Orientation Movement Location NMS • PAPER • SCHOOL • LAZY • WHERE • TO-WANT • THANK-YOU • TO-LIE • TO-KNOW • LOUSY _______________________________________________________ • Are you stuck? Answers will be on the next slide… • Finished? Signing Set- sign about your winter holiday/Christmas break
Welcome Back ASL 2!!! Today--- Final Exam self-assessments; Ticket Out- new signs (No Technology today) • Written Doorbuster-Answers (right handed)- check/correct yours • HandshapePalm Orientation Movement Location NMS • PAPER Flat 5 towards each other rt to lftneutral space ø • SCHOOL Flat 5 towards each other up & down neutral space ø • LAZY L towards body out & in left chest (emot) • WHERE 1 palm out lft to rtrt neutral ^^ • TO-WANT 5 spread-claw up out to in neutral space ø • THANK-YOU flat 5 towards body down & out lower face ø • TO-LIE bent 5 left rt to lftat/below chin ø • TO-KNOW flat 5 down/left repeat tap rt forehead ø • LOUSY 3 left circle 7 rt of nose (emot) _______________________________________________________ • Finished? Signing Set- sign about your winter holiday/Christmas break
Final Exam Self-Assessment • Today’s Daily Grade: Written Doorbuster; then checking your exam, and writing corrections as needed; then Ticket Out. • Self-Assessment: Write in your comp. book your grade; then check out an exam and summarize what you missed, in your own words (90 or above may skip this). • Finished? Study hall– our next unit, or other class work
Ticket Out- • New Vocabulary info.; rest of this six weeks instructions • Reminders: • Begin at the bell- seated, working • No earbuds; tecnology only if it says yes • Make-up/re-take signed exam- due by next Tuesday • (written exam make-up/re-take deadline was in December) • Test this six weeks- next Thursday • Daily grades continue for the 3rd six weeks