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COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns. Davinia Hernández-Leo, Eloy Villasclaras-Fernández, Iván M. Jorrín-Abellán, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Yannis Dimitriadis, Inés Ruiz-Requies, Bartolomé Rubia-Avi GSIC / EMIC Group University of Valladolid, Spain.
COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns Davinia Hernández-Leo, Eloy Villasclaras-Fernández, Iván M. Jorrín-Abellán, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Yannis Dimitriadis,Inés Ruiz-Requies, Bartolomé Rubia-Avi GSIC / EMIC Group University of Valladolid, Spain Workshop on Current Research on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 22-23, 2005 http://gsic.tel.uva.es
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(2) Contents • Introduction • Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns (CLFP) • Collage (COLaborative LeArning desiGn Editor) • Preliminary evaluation • Conclusions
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(3) Introduction (I) • CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) • Social interactions as essential for learning • Coexistence of different expectations, requirements, knowledge, interest of CL practitioners and technologists • Identification and analysis of requirements for the development of CSCL solutions that support effective ways of learning • CL practitioners become active players in customizing technological solutions to the needs of their particular learning situations
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(4) Introduction (II) • How to obtain technological solutions for CL capable of being modified / particularized / customized by users of CSCL, which are not (usually) technical experts? • CL practitioners and technologist are not separated players with clear responsibility boundaries • Solution: • Facilitating practitioners to play the role of designers
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(5) Introduction (III) • Enabling participatory design by means of authoring tools for collaboration scripts • CL practitioners can influence in the behavior and functionality of a CSCL solution by providing a formalized collaboration script • - Formalisms (XML) are not familiar to educators • - CL complexity • Authoring tools that guide practitioners through the elaboration of scripts by representations and abstractions easy to understand and use
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(6) Introduction (IV) • How can teachers develop effective collaborative learning designs/ collaboration scripts that are to be interpreted by LMSs so that they can influence in the behavior and functionality of the CSCL system according to the necessities of a particular learning situation?
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(7) Introduction (V) • Approach: Collaborative learning designs based on patterns in best practices • Re-usable patterns as a basis for new designs (such a kind of template that can be filled to create the new collaboration script) • Patterns can be particularized and combined Formalization of the patterns / designs so that they are computer-interpretable • usingIMS Learning Design (IMS-LD)
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(8) Introduction (VI) • Diverse approaches of LD editors: • RELOAD, CopperAuthor, COSMOS: general purpose editors close to the specification (for LD experts) • MOT+ Editor, ASK-LDT: graphical representations facilitates the authoring, but still LD knowledge is needed… Our approach: • A high-level (distant from the specification, user-friendly) collaborative-learning specialized editor that allows teachers to create their own collaborative LD by starting from existing patterns: COLLAGE (COLaborative LeArning desiGn Editor)
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(9) CL Flow Patterns (I) • Collection and formulation of • Broadly accepted techniques repetitively used by CL practitioners (best practices) when structuring the flow of types of (collaborative) learning activities • as • patterns: Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns (CLFPs) • Solution to a recurrent problem: what flow of activities for promoting desired educational objectives • Way of communicating CL expertise
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(10) CL Flow Patterns (II) Jigsaw CLFP (1) (related “larger” patterns) … SCRIPTED Collaborative Learning… This pattern gives the collaborative learning flow for a context in which several small groups are facing the study of a lot of information for the resolution of the same problem. *** The collaborative learning flow must enable the resolution of a complex problem/task that can be easily divided into sections or independent sub-problems CONTEXT PROBLEM
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(11) CL Flow Patterns (III) Jigsaw CLFP (2) (educational objectives) (E.g.) To promote the feeling team members need each other to succeed (positive interdependence) High-risk: more appropriate for collaborative learning experienced individuals Each participant in a group (“Jigsaw Group”) studies a particular sub-problem. The participants of different groups that study the same problem meet in an “Expert Group” for exchanging ideas. These temporary groups become experts in the section of the problem given to them. At last, participants of each “Jigsaw group” meet to contribute with its “expertise” in order to solve the whole problem. (complexity) SOLUTION
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(12) Individual or initial group Teacher CL Flow Patterns (IV) Jigsaw CLFP (3) (diagramrepresentingthe solution) Introductory individual (or initial group) activity Collaborative activity around the sub-problem Collaborative activity around the problem and solution proposal
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(13) CL Flow Patterns (V) Jigsaw CLFP (4) *** (E.g.) The expert-group phase can be structured according to Pyramid CLFP or Brainstorming CLFP Particularization into a script: (E.g.) Provide experts with a tool so that they can take notes during the expert group that provide support when the original group re-assembles… Instantiation of the Jigsaw CLFP-based script: (E.g.) Being the only expert in a sub-problem in the “Jigsaw Group” can be a demanding experience. This can be mitigated if two group members share the same section of the problem. (related patterns) (recommendations for particularization / customization, instantiation and execution)
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(14) CL Flow Patterns (VI) Jigsaw CLFP (5) (example) Collaborative understanding of a paper where each subsection is assigned to each member of every “Jigsaw Group”… Aronson, E., & Thibodeau, R. (1992). The Jigsaw classroom: a cooperative strategy for an educational psychology course. In Lynch, J., Modgil, C. & Modgil, S. (Eds.), Cultural diversity and the schools, Washington: Palmer, 231-256. Clarke, J. (1994). "Pieces of the puzzle: The jigsaw method" In Sharan, S. (Ed.), Handbook of cooperative learning methods, Greenwood Press. Johnson, D.W., & Johnson, R.T. (1999). Learning together and alone: cooperative, competitive and individualistic learning. (5th ed.) Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. … (references)
+ Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(15) CL Flow Patterns (VII) • CLFPs can be collectively used forming CLFPs hierarchies in order to define more complex collaborative learning flows • CLFPs can becombined (a phase of a CLFP is structured using another CLFP) • Orconcatenated (separated consecutive phases of a design are structured using different CLFPs)
Using IMS-LD Interoperable, reusable A CLFP-based Learning Design(the result of particularizing and customizing the IMS-LD description of one or several CLFPs according to the requirements of a particular learning scenario) Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(16) CL Flow Patterns (VIII) • Recapitulating: • Need of formalizing CLFPs so that • they can be implemented in authoring tools • for designing potentially effective collaboration scripts • that are to be interpreted by LMSs
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(17) Collage (I) (COLlaborative LeArning desiGn Editor) http://gsic.tel.uva.es/collage • (Graphic-based high-level specialized authoring tool for collaborative learning. Based on Reload. IMS-LD level A compliant)
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(18) Collage (II) Design process (1) IMS-LD formalized CLFPs a. Choose a CLFP depending on the objectives promoted, the type of problem or task the CLFP is more suited and the complexity… Selecting a CLFP b. Read the “help” about the chosen CLFP: Understand the learning flow structure on which the LD will be based Authoring a CLFP-based LD
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(19) Collage (II) Selecting a CLFP (1) Learning objectives Type of problems / tasks Complexity (CL experience)
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(20) Collage (III) Selecting a CLFP (2) Overview Example
d. Specify the collaborative learning flow: The learning flow of the selected CLFP can be enriched replacing one or several of its phases with another CLFP. Depending on the CLFP some aspects should be decided e. Define the description activities, activity completion, the information about roles (including groups), group-size limits. Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(21) Collage (IV) Design process (2) IMS-LD formalized CLFPs c. Determine the title, objectives and prerequisites of the LD Selecting a CLFP d. Specify the collaborative learning flow: The learning flow of the selected CLFP can be enriched replacing one or several of its phases with another CLFP. Depending on the CLFP some aspects should be decided. e. Define the description activities, activity completion, the information about roles (including groups), group-size limits. Authoring a CLFP-based LD g. Determine and configure the resources needed to support the activities h. Associate resources to activities i. Package the LD into a Unit of Learning f. Create or select resources (content and tools)
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(22) Collage (V) Authoring a CLFP-based LD (1)
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(23) Collage (VI) • Trade off between generality and unrestricted design options vs. good reuse and particularization of CLFPs (and hierarchies) and an easy edition of collaborative LDs • Intuitive graphical representation of CLFPs • User do not need to know the existence and function of some (difficult to understand) IMS-LD elements • Interoperability but it is not a viewer of any LD • Selection of CLFPs (considering users not familiar with the jargon): supporting the analysis phase • Reuse learning flow vs. reuse activity (LAMS): complementary
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(24) Preliminary evaluation (I) • Collage and further information about our authoring tool is available in http://gsic.tel.uva.es/collage • User manual, worksheet and questionnaire • Example: • brief description of the example • UoL • some snapshots of CopperCore running it
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(25) Preliminary evaluation (II) Design a real CL experience • Faculty of Education, University of Valladolid, Spain • Course: “The use of ICT in Education” • Conceptual objective: deeper understanding of three topics • Blended scenario (F2F and distance activities, with and without computer-support) • 40 students • Tools: Synergeia: BSCL and MapTool • Method: Combination of Jigsaw and Pyramid CLFPs
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(26) Preliminary evaluation (III) Conditions of the evaluation study • The three teachers (familiar with CLFPs but not with LD, first time using Collage), 90 minutes, worksheet • Qualitative and quantitative approaches • Direct observations, questionnaires, analysis of the generated UoLs • Categories of analysis: user profile, general use of the editor, example creation and suggestions
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(27) Preliminary evaluation (IV) Some results Use of the editor • Intuitive adequate representations of CLFPs. Arguments that support the user-friendliness Example creation • Successful (with minor problems) • CopperCore correctly validates the three UoLs • UoLs largely describes the example (but some description of activities not completed)
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(28) Preliminary evaluation (V) Opinions • “It helps to think in terms of CL and its previous arrangements” • “It helps to structure a complex learning design and promotes time and resources planning” • “It enables the generation of contextualized learning processes according to the needs of each situation”
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(29) Preliminary evaluation (VI) Further evaluation • Two other teachers (minor LD knowledge, familiar with CLFPs, first time using Collage) • Design experiences already performed • “Administration of communication networks” • Jigsaw CLFP combined with Brainstorming CLFP (expert phase of Jigsaw) and Pyramid CLFP (last phase of Jigsaw) • “Advanced Telematic Systems” • Jigsaw CLFP • Analogous evaluation method • Minor usability problems (without worksheet)
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(30) Conclusions (I) • CLFPs not only stored in a pattern repository but implemented in an authoring tool • Communicating CL expertise, common conceptual ground, etc… Facilitating its reuse! • Collage : Easy edition of potentially effective LDs by reusing and customizing best practices in CL structuring(6 CLFPs at the moment but no limit on combinations…) More CLFPs… • Preliminary evaluations have been made but further evaluation is needed… (users not familiar with CLFPs, running UoLs in real settings)
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(31) Conclusions (II) • Integrating Collage into Gridcole, a system capable of interpreting LDs and setting up the technological environment • Exploring solutions to the lack of support of LD level B and C in Collage • Exploring alternative for creating LDs including CLFPs and other structures • Printed lessons plans (for checking, F2F…) • Management tool for the creation of groups and binding of individuals to groups according to the CLFP hierarchy structure of an LD
Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 2005 COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns(32) Conclusions (III) • e-Learning project: TELL (Towards Effective network supported coLLaborative learning activities)(http://cosy.ted.unipi.gr/tell/) • Identifying patterns using real case studies as a starting point • Other types of patterns. Patterns that involves activities (e.g. discussion) or general aspects (e.g. awareness) • How to incorporate these other types of patterns into authoring tools?
COLLAGE, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns Davinia Hernández-Leo, Eloy Villasclaras-Fernández, Iván M. Jorrín-Abellán, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Yannis Dimitriadis,Inés Ruiz-Requies, Bartolomé Rubia-Avi GSIC / EMIC Group University of Valladolid, Spain Thank you for your attention! Workshop on IMS-LD Valkenburg, September 22-23, 2005 http://gsic.tel.uva.es