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THE INFINITIVE. By Andrea Dameno and Carlota Docio. The Infinitive. The infinitive is the base of the form of the verb . Gramatically there are two types of infitives : The full infinitive : when to is used before the verb . The bare infinitive : when there is no to .
THE INFINITIVE By Andrea Dameno and Carlota Docio
TheInfinitive Theinfinitiveisthe base of theform of theverb. Gramaticallythere are twotypes of infitives: • The full infinitive: whentoisusedbeforetheverb. • Thebareinfinitive: whenthereisno to.
The full infinitiveisused: • Aftercertainverbs. Ex: Weprefertogotothebeach. • After impersonal phrases (it+be+adjective). Ex: Itisnicetomeetyou. • Afterverbsthatfollowtheconstructionverb+someone+ to do something. Ex: My motherallowed me togotothecinema.
Aftertheverbswhenwe use them in pasive. Ex: He wasforcedtostayat home. • Afterbein a formal instructionorinformationaboutthefuture. Ex: Youaretobequietuntil he finishestalking. • Toexpresspurpose. Ex: i’mstudyingtoget my drivinglicence.
Thebareinfinitiveisused: • Afterverbswhichfollowtheconstructionverb+someone+dosomething. Ex: Theteacherletusstudyfortheexam. • After modal auxiliaryverbs (somemodalscontainto in themselves). Ex: Weshouldn’tmovefromhere.