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7. Accruals and Prepayment 期末調整. (Accrued expenses, Prepaid expenses, Revenues in arrears, Revenues in advance) ( 應計費用、預付費用、應收收益、預取收益 ) Reference: Chapter 20 (p.221) 參考書目:第二十章 (p.239). A Accrued Expenses 應計費用.
7 Accruals and Prepayment 期末調整 (Accrued expenses, Prepaid expenses, Revenues in arrears, Revenues in advance) (應計費用、預付費用、應收收益、預取收益) Reference: Chapter 20 (p.221) 參考書目:第二十章 (p.239)
A Accrued Expenses 應計費用 • Definition: Accrued expense is an expense which has been incurred, but has not yet been paid for. 定義:某一個會計年度內應付之費用,於年度終結時仍未支付。 • E.g. The rent of Tai Tai Co.is $1,200 for a year, $1,100 rent was paid for the year ended 31 December 2008. 例子:大大公司一年之租金為$1200,該公司於2008年12月31日止只支付了$1100。
Exercise 1 練習一 • The rates of Siu Siu Co. for a year is $240,$220 rates was paid for the year ended 31 December 2008. 小小公司一年之差餉為$240,該公司於2008年12月31日止,只支付了$220。
B Prepaid Expenses預付費用 • Definition: Prepaid expense is an expense to be incurred in the following period, but which has been paid in advance. • 定義:企業預付下年度之費用。 • E.g. The annual rent for Tai Tai Co. is $2,400. $2,600 was paid for the year ended 31 December 2008. • 例子:大大公司一年之租金為$2400,該公司於2008年12月31日止,支付了$2600,請用適當的帳記錄以上項目。
Exercise 2 • 練習二 The annual rates for Siu Siu Co. was $360. $390 rates was paid for the year ended 31 December 2008 小小公司一年之差餉為$360,該公司於2008年12月31日止,支付了$390。請用適當的帳記錄以上項目。
練習三 花式公司於2004年12月31日止,支付了$5200租金及$330差餉。其中包括了一個月的預付租金及尚欠一個月差餉未付。請用適當的帳記錄以上項目。
C Revenue in arrears應收收益 • Definition: Revenue in arrears / Accrued revenue means other revenue earned by the firm which has not been received at the end of the period. • 定義:某一個會計年度內應收之收益,於年度終結時仍未收到。
Example: Annual rental income for Lee Wan Co. is $2,400. $2,200 rental income was received for the year ended 31 December 2008. • 例子:利宏公司一年之租金收入為$2400,該公司於2008年12月31日止,收取了$2200,請用適當的帳記錄以上項目。
Exercise 4 練習四 The rental income of Fa Fa Co. for the year ended 31 December 2008 was $3,600. Only $3,300 was received. 花花公司於2008年12月31日止之佣金收入為$3600 ,只收取了$3300,請用適當的帳記錄以上項目。
D Revenue in advance 預取收益 • Definition: Revenue in advance / Prepaid revenue is the other revenue to be earned in the next period but which has been received in advance 定義:企業預先收取下年度之收益。 • Example: Annual rental income of Woody Co. was $7,200. $7,800 rental income was received for the year ended 31 December 2008. 例子:木木公司一年之租金收入為$7200,該公司於2008年12月31日止,收取了$7800租金。請用適當的帳記錄以上項目。
Exercise 5 練習五 Annual rental income for View Co. was $4,800. $5,200 rental income was received for the year ended 31 December 2008. 觀境公司一年之租金收入為$4800,該公司於2008年12月31日止,收取了$5200租金。請用適當的帳記錄以上項目。
練習六 卡歐公司於2004年12月31日止,收取了$6500租金收入及$1820佣金收入。其中包括了下年度的一個月租金收入,但仍有$140的佣金未收。請用適當的帳記錄以上項目。
E Year-ended adjustment in the final accounts 期末調整於決算表的記錄 Profit and Loss A/C for the year ended 31 December 2008
E Year-ended adjustment in the final accounts 期末調整於決算表的記錄 損益帳 2008年12月31日
Amount recorded in the Profit and Loss損益帳內所記錄之數目