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Welcome to Third Grade

Welcome to Third Grade. Mrs. Kristin Young Room 125 Web Page: Phoenixville Home Page - Schools ~ Schuylkill Elementary- Teacher Pages - Mrs. Young. How to Contact Me. To leave me a voicemail during the school day, please dial 484-927-5075 . My extension is 3521 .

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Welcome to Third Grade

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Third Grade Mrs. Kristin Young Room 125 Web Page: Phoenixville Home Page - Schools ~ Schuylkill Elementary- Teacher Pages - Mrs. Young

  2. How to Contact Me To leave me a voicemail during the school day, please dial 484-927-5075. My extension is 3521. Please send all emails to: youngk@pasd.com Don’t ever hesitate to call or email me—that’s what I’m here for!

  3. What’s Different About Third Grade? * longer periods of attention * higher expectations * higher level of responsibility * more than one skill/concept within one lesson (build upon prior knowledge) * more text on pages * more depth to concepts (especially in Social Studies & Science) * application of learned skills * more detailed writing is expected * attention to organizational skills and study habits Student Government

  4. Remind Your Child About These Things * to watch and listen during lessons *  to participate to show understanding of the lesson *  to ask questions when they are confused *  to check work CAREFULLY *  to watch their spelling *  to bring papers home daily *  to read and reread directions carefully *  to write their name on all papers *  to complete homework each night

  5. The Phantom Way Be Kind Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Your Best Clip Chart

  6. Our Typical Day 8:30 – Arrive and unpack, complete work on the board 8:45 – Special Area Classes 1 – world language, 2 – art, 3 – library, 4 – music, 5 – gym, 6 - gym 9:30 – RTII 10:00 – Math (Mrs. Neiman & Miss Woodman) 11:30 – Fundations (Mrs. Neiman) 12:00 - Recess 12:30 - Lunch 1:00 - Science/Social Studies (Miss Young) 1:30 – 3:00 Language Arts (Mrs. Dehnert & Miss Woodman)

  7. Curriculum Summary Language Arts Daily 5 CAFE RTII Fundations Spelling patterns Handwriting Math Science/Social Studies

  8. Daily 5 Daily 5 is a literacy structure that teaches independence and gives children the skills needed to create a lifetime love of reading and writing. It consists of 5 tasks that are introduced individually. When introduced to each task, the children discuss what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like to engage in the task independently. Then, the children work on building their stamina until they are successful at being independent while doing that task. Read to self Read to someone Listen to reading Work on writing Word work (vocabulary and/or spelling)

  9. CAFE Students whole group mini lesson daily 5 task - focusing on what they need at their level conferring with adult one to one Teacher teaching mini lesson meeting with small group to focus on a specific need conferring with students one on one

  10. RTII • Researched Based Programs • Junior Great Books: • Higher Order Thinking Skills • (whole group comprehension) • Text Types: • Develops Comprehension Strategies • (small group) • Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI): • Decoding and Comprehension • (reading specialist – small group)

  11. Fundations Our focus will be on patterns in words At the start of each new unit, a packet will come home explaining the new patterns, *cursive letter concepts and word study skills that will be introduced. Encourage your child to be on the look-out for the new spelling patterns while they read!

  12. Math ~ NEW Program Math In Focus (MIF) As we begin our new math series, we will be using a 3-2-1 rating scale, as we teach to mastery of mathematical concepts. Homework: As we start the year, expect to see fact fluency come home on Mondays and Wednesdays. Occasionally there may be homework relating to a lesson. Parent University District web page > parent resources > Math in Focus Parent University

  13. Science & Social Studies Social Studies Mapping Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Science Human Body (bones, muscles and coordination) Physics of Sound Water Ecosystems/Habitats

  14. Grading Policy Language Arts/Math Rating Scale 3, 2, 1 3 = Exceeds expectations 2 = Mastered expectations 1 = Working toward expectations N/A = Not applicable at this time Science & Social Studies O, S, U (Outstanding , Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory)

  15. Notes • * PSSA Tests (April 2015) • * PCR (Please Correct and Return) • * Reading Logs – Remember to have your child hand it in each Friday. Near the end of the month and new log will be given out for the next month. When this log comes home, tally up the current month and return it to school! (Thank you) • * Book orders will come home most months • * Please sign up through SSHA if interested in being a parent volunteer • * Dismissing early – often unable to check email between 1:00 – 3:00

  16. At this time… • Please enjoy writing a note to your child in his or her journal! • Sign up to be a Mystery Reader OR note a few dates for a family member to come in and read. Thank you for coming tonight! I am looking forward to a great year!

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