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Welcome to Third Grade: Class Expectations

Join Mrs. Bellamy, Mrs. Plato, Ms. Mostyn, and Mrs. Shaffer in third grade with these expectations: respect others, be positive, try your best, and speak in full sentences. Let's have a great year together!

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Welcome to Third Grade: Class Expectations

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  1. Welcome To Third Grade! Mrs. Bellamy Mrs. Plato Ms. Mostyn Mrs. Shaffer
  2. Expectations Respect other students’ property and feelings Come into the classroom quietly and ready to learn with a positive attitude Try your best at everything you do Speak in complete sentences Stay on task Be prepared for class each day with homework, pencil, and planner Reach your AR goal each week follow directions, rules, and procedures Listen actively Make incredible learning gains S
  3. Lunch We received a grant this year where all students can eat breakfast and lunch at school for free. If your child is eating breakfast please have him/her here by 7:45 so that we can start class on time. Breakfast will be cut off at 8:15. S
  4. Guide forBehavior Follow rules Demonstrate self-control Respect authority Carries out responsibility Open to feedback Get along well with others S
  5. Guide for Work and Study Works cooperatively Works independently Uses time effectively -completes work Follows directions Takes pride in quality of work Uses resources properly Shows initiative M
  6. Grading Scale 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F M
  7. Are you tardy or absent? Students are allowed 5 unexcused absences/tardies per grading period, OR 10 unexcused absences/tardies per semester. We MUST have a written doctor’s note for excused absences M
  8. www.sealey.leon.k12.fl.us Check out our websites for important information!
  9. PTO Meetings are held the 2ndTuesday of every month at 6:00 in the media center. Fund-Raisers Boxtops For Education Carnival Friday, October 11th-Time TBA Blue Pops- $2, 1st Friday of every month with the exception of January P
  10. Fridays-School Spirit Days Get your t-shirt! P
  11. Morning Procedures Please do not drop off your child before 7:45, as there is no supervision. If you child arrives after 8:30 please make sure that they go to the office first. *At 7:45 students go to their designated computer lab if they are not eating breakfast. P
  12. Grading-What is new this year? Reading and writing grades will be combined into a single Language Arts grade. 80% of the students’ grades will be calculated based on formal assessments. 20% of the students’ grades willbe calculated based on select homework, class work, and projects. ALL grades will be based on 3rd grade level curriculum. B
  13. What is this planner business? Students will write remindersand homework assignments each day. This is creating organized, responsible students. Parents need to sign each day showing that you have seen the announcements and assignments written for that day. Students will lose a point for responsibility if the planner is not signed each night. Ultimately, this is the student’s responsibility!!! Parents, youare not in our class!  B
  14. Media Check Out Students check out books from the media center every week in their Reading class. Wednesday= Bellamy Tuesday=Shaffer Please help remind your child to have his/her books to either renew or return on these days. B
  15. Discipline Policy/Behavior Plan Here are the consequences in 3rd grade for breaking a rule:1st time - Verbal warning2nd time –The student will lose a point.3rd time - The student will be sent to another classroom for a timeout.4th time – Parent will be notified  5th time – A written referral and the student will go to the office for additional consequences, and the parent will be notified. Severe disruptive behavior (e.g. fighting, vandalism, repeated incidents of swearing, repeated disrespect of authority, repeated minor incidents, in which no positive change is seen, etc.) may be handled in the following ways: Phone call to parent. Referral to guidance counselor/office. Punishment that is reasonable, respectful, and related to the inappropriate behavior. S
  16. Students are safe to express themselves, ask questions, and be the third grade student that they are. We are committed to ensuring that our school is a safe, stress free environment where learning can occur. S
  17. We have an absolute ZERO tolerance in regards to bullying or students intimidating other students. S
  18. Friday Folder Please sign every Friday and send back to school on Monday with your child. Reading AP =75% or higher Math AP=90% or higher M
  19. How are citizenship and work study grades calculated? Each student starts with an E in citizenship and work study on Monday. Points are taken after a warning is given in the appropriate area. At the end of the week if the student has lost: - 0-1 point = E - 2-3points = S - 4 or more points = N M
  20. Your child may bring a snack from home to eat during Fun Friday. We ask that students do not share snacks unless there is enough for all classroom students. Some classes have a sign-up sheet. Students earn Fun Friday by having an E or S in both work/study and citizenship. If a student has an N in either area then he/she will attend study hall. Please let us know if your child has allergies to any products. Fun Friday M
  21. Field Trip Any student with more than two Ns in citizenship or has received a written referral 6 weeks prior to the trip will not be permitted to attend field trips this year (as noted in their Friday Folder). If you would like to be a chaperone on a field trip you will need to have the volunteer form filled out and approved. P
  22. SuccessMaker Adjust to student’s level of performance. We look at AP (Acceptable Performance) and is noted on Friday Folder. P
  23. Homework Expectations Regular Reading Homework Tuesday- FCAT Practice due- goes home in Friday Folders. Thursday- Spelling and vocabulary test- Spelling Activity and reading log-Both go home in Friday Folders. Occasionally additional homework will be given that will be written in student’s planners. Math homework is every night with exceptions. Science/Social Studies -Will be written in planners. P
  24. Homework Guidelines Your child should write the assignment for the week in his planner. Daily assignments are follow-up practice to skills we’ve already covered in class. If your child is experiencing difficulty…you may help, but first encourage independent work. We encourage you to look over homework and give assistance if you see mistakes. Homework is for practicing skills and it does no help for your child to practice something incorrectly. However…it is your child’s responsibility to keep track of homework, record assignments, and return homework. It’s good to encourage students to take responsibility for putting things back in their binders and putting their own binders back in their backpack for the next day. B
  25. Accelerated Reading Home Connection Read at least 2 times! Make sure it is the correct test. Reach the goal! B
  26. Spelling Spelling words are based on word families and vowel patterns. Our spelling program is designed to give children the tools for spelling, not just a list to memorize. When studying the spelling words, emphasize writing the words legibly, and NOT using capital letters. When your child’s homework is to write sentences using the spelling words we require complete sentences which begin with capital letters and end with the appropriate punctuation. Sentences should not all begin the same way and only one sentence ( or very few) should begin with “I” or “My”. A goal should be to use interesting words and to write more complex sentences! B
  27. Writing and CCSS Response Journals are used to record students’ individual response to text. Students are asked to think about what was read and record their thoughts. This is a much higher order thinking skill! K-3 will no longer write to a prompt. This is the last year for Florida Writes for 4th grade. Students are asked to respond to text. B
  28. FCAT Testing FCAT 2.0 Reading and Math Testing Dates: April 22nd -25th 2014 Please do not make appointments during this week. Visit FLDOE (FL. Dept. of Education) for more information about FCAT 2.0 S
  29. Promotional Requirements Reading and Math Score of 3 or higher shows students are proficient in that area. Score of 2 shows students are not proficient as classified by DOE. These students are not required to attend summer reading academy and will be promoted. Score of level 1 on FCAT Reading- Students are required to attend summer reading academy. Promotion is then determined. Students must master all benchmarks at 70% in reading, math, writing, science, and social studies. S
  30. We love birthdays! If treats are provided by parents, a few days notification would be helpful.  Easy items such as cupcakes, cookies and drink boxes are encouraged. M
  31. Schedule 7:45-8:20---Computer lab/Breakfast 8:20-8:40---Homeroom 8:40-10:55—Morning Block 11:00-11:45—Special Area 11:45-12:40--- Lunch/Homeroom 12:40-1:00---Developmental Play/Study Hall 1:00-2:45----Afternoon Block 2:50----Dismissal M
  32. P "Leon County Schools announced the beginning of the “Sit down For Kids” campaign aimed at recruiting 500 new mentors to assist students of all grades and ages. Alongside representatives from some of the organizations participating in the campaign Superintendent Jackie Pons invited volunteers from throughout Tallahassee to Mentor." (checkout-www.sitdownforkids.com Do you know of any part-time, full-time or even retired individuals who have time to mentor one (or more ) of our Sealey Superstars?(FYI- State Employees are allocated time to mentor ) Do you know a caring person (parent, friend, relative) who can mentor at  least one hour a week to help enrich a student? Please let me know if you know of any SERIOUS and CARING contenders to serve as mentors.  They’ll need to be able: ·         to attend a mentor training, ·         pass a background check and receive a mentor badge, (FREE fingerprinting) ·         spend at least one hour a week with a student, (during Special Area) ·         and commit to mentoring for the entire school year.    If you know of anyone interested in this program, please email Ms. Hopson know their name(s), telephone, and/or email address.  You may also stop by and pick up a mentor interest form. Let’s help our many Sealey Superstars reach their fullest potential with a little bit of extra LOVE. We have many students who can benefit from a mentor-mentee relationship, but we must first recruit more mentors.
  33. Conferences will be scheduled during the 1st semester. Both teachers will attend. Please sign up tonight if you haven’t already!Additional conferences will be held as needed. P
  34. Why am I in study hall? Homework Assignments not complete Corrections on assignments B
  35. Remember: We are a TEAM! “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” ― Helen Keller B
  36. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions! bellamyj2@leonschools.net platok@leonschools.net mostynk@leonschools.net shafferm@leonschools.net
  37. Questions?
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