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Inceptisols Soils of cool to very warm, humid, and subhumid regions Chad Geeslin

Inceptisols. Inceptisols exhibit minimal horizon development. They are more developed than Entisols, but lack the features of other soil orders. Inceptisols are widely distributed and occur under wide ranges of ecological settings. They are often found on steep slopes, on young geomorphic surfac

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Inceptisols Soils of cool to very warm, humid, and subhumid regions Chad Geeslin

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    1. Inceptisols Soils of cool to very warm, humid, and subhumid regions Chad Geeslin

    2. Inceptisols Inceptisols exhibit minimal horizon development. They are more developed than Entisols, but lack the features of other soil orders. Inceptisols are widely distributed and occur under wide ranges of ecological settings. They are often found on steep slopes, on young geomorphic surfaces, and on resistant parent material.

    3. Inceptisols Most of Inceptisols are found in mountainous areas such as central Idaho, northern Michigan, West Virginia, and in the Appalachian mountains in North Carolina. Inceptisols are also found in Texas, New Mexico and Colorado in the rockies, as well in California and Oregon. Globally, Inceptisols contain 9.8% of the ice-free land area. In the United States Inceptisols consume 9.7% of the land area.

    4. Inceptisols: Suborders 1.Aquepts 2.Anthrepts 3.Cryepts 4.Ustepts 5.Xerepts 6.Udepts

    5. Inceptisols: Suborder Characteristics Aquepts: Inceptisols with a water table at or near the surface for most the year Cryepts: Inceptisolsfound in cold climates Ustepts: Inceptisols found in semiarid and subhumid climates Udepts: Inceptisols thatare found in humid climates Xerepts: Inceptisols found in a temperate climate with dry summers and wet winters

    6. Inceptisols Distribution

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