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Stefan Süß Eva-Ellen Weiß University of Duesseldorf. Leadership and health : Does a transformational leadership style prevent an effort-reward imbalance ?. International Conference Sustainable Employability, Nijmegen , 12 November 2013. Introduction.
Stefan Süß Eva-Ellen Weiß University of Duesseldorf Leadershipandhealth:Does a transformationalleadership styleprevent an effort-rewardimbalance? International Conference Sustainable Employability, Nijmegen, 12 November 2013
Introduction • increasingdemands on employees in recentyears • working conditions are frequently perceived as stressing and burdening • adversehealtheffectsaredocumented • healthrisksresultingfromstressfulexperiencesatworkcanbeexplainedwiththemodel ofeffort-rewardimbalance(ERI) • leaderbehavioraffects subordinates’ subjective perception of health • leadership style focusing on employees: transformationalleadership • hardlyanyknowledge on therelationshipbetween (transformational) leadershipand ERI AimofthePaper analysis of the influence of transformational leader behavior on effort-reward imbalance
Effort-rewardImbalance (ERI) • therelationshipbetweenwork-relatedefforts (commitment, performance) andrewards (via payment, appreciation, recognition) (Siegrist et al. 2004) • ERI resultsfromconstantlyhigheffortwhichis not counterbalancedbyrewards • peoplesufferingfrom ERI experience a higherriskofill-health(e. g. hypertension, heart attacks, depressions, and burnout) • therelationshipbetween ERI andhealthismoderatedbyovercommitment • overcommitment: an individual behavioral motivation and coping pattern, with a high need for approval and excessive involvement in work issues; unrealistic perception of efforts made and rewards received (Siegrist et al. 2004)
TransformationalLeadership • „(…) transformationalleadershipistheprocesswhereby a personengageswithothersandcreates a connectionthatraisesthelevelofmotivationandmorality in boththeleaderandthefollower.“ (Northouse 2013, S. 186) • further development of transactional leadership, adding a mutual stimulation of leader and follower • three components: (1) core transformational (idealized influence/inspirational motivation), (2) intellectualstimulation, (3) individualizedconsideration • individualizedconsiderationhasthe potential tofunctionas a kindofrewardandtherebyreduceorevenprevent an ERI
Hypotheses H1: The greater the degree of transformationalleaderbehavior, the smaller is the effort-reward imbalance of employees. H2: The (preventative) influence of transformational leader behavior on effort-reward imbalance is moderated by overcommitment. The more overcommitted an individual is, the weaker is the (preventative) influence of transformational leader behavior on effort-reward imbalance. H3: The (preventative) influence of transformational leader behavior on effort-reward imbalance is moderated by subjective well-being. The greater the subjective well-being of an individual, the stronger is the (preventative) influence of transformatio-nal leader behavior on effort-reward imbalance. H4: Of all transformational leadership components, the strongest (preventative) influence on effort-reward imbalance is carried out by individualized consideration.
Model SubjectiveWell-being H2 (-) H3 (+) H1 (-) Transformational Leader Behavior I) Core Transformational II) Intellectual Stimulation III) IndividualizedConsideration Health Effort-rewardImbalance H4 (-) - III) > I) ʌ III) > II) Overcommitment
Empirical Study • online survey in summer 2013 • recruitment via online fora, socialnetworksandperiodicals • n=229 employeeswhohad a superior • Operationalizations • ERI: 10 items (Rödel et al. 2004; = 0,75 – 0,79) • Transformationalleadership: TransformationalLeadershipInventory (TLI) with 22 items (Podsakoff et al. 1990; Heinitz/Rowold 2007; = 0,86 – 0,95) • Overcommitment: 6 Items (Rödel et al. 2004; = 0,81) • Well-being: Satisfactionwith Life Scale, 5 Items (Diener et al. 1985; = 0,89)
Regression Analysis H1-H3 H1 H2 H3
ConclusionsandPracticalImplications • H1: Transformationalleaderbehaviorhas a negative impact on ERI. x H3: A moderatingeffectofsubjective well-being on therelationshipbetweentransformationalleadershipand ERI could not bevalidated. xH2: A moderatingeffectofovercommitment on therelationshipbetweentransformationalleadershipand ERIcould not bevalidated. • H4: The strongesteffectof all distinctcomponentsoftransformationalleadership on ERI isexertedbythecomponentindividualizedconsideration.
Future Research • furtherexplorationoftherelationshipbetween (tranformational) leadershipand ERI • testingofotherfeasiblemoderatorsandpossiblemediatedrelationships • longtermresearch design • differentiationbetweengroupsofemployees • comparisonbetweentransactionalandtransformationalleaderbehavior • directinvestigationoftherelationshipbeteween (transformational) leadershipandhealth • research on theprevalenceoftheleaderbehaviordescribed in Germany comparedtoothereuropeanstates
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Backup TransformationalLeadershipInventory (extract) (Podsakoff et al. 1990; Heinitz/Rowold 2007)
Backup ERI Questionnaire (shortversion) (Rödel et al. 2004)
Backup OvercommitmentQuestionnaire (shortversion) (Rödel et al. 2004)
Backup Satisfactionwith Life Scale (Diener et al. 1985)