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This report discusses the importance of social statistics in managing development results in Zimbabwe. It examines the implementation of gender policies, gender-based budgeting, and the Results Based Management (RBM) Programme. The report also highlights the challenges faced in implementing these initiatives.
THE ROLE OF SOCIAL STATISTICS IN MANAGING FOR DEVELOPMENT RESULTS: THE CASE FOR ZIMBABWESolomon Mhlanga Results Based Management ProgrammeReforms DepartmentGovernment of Zimbabwemhlangasolomon@yahoo.comStockholm 22 Nov. 2008
1. Gender Policy in Zimbabwe • It was introduced and launched in 2004 and it is being implemented throughout the public sector by the Ministry of Gender, Women’s Affairs and Community Development. • Implementation of the Policy has been strengthened by the appointment of Gender Focal Persons in all line Ministries as well as State Enterprises. • The purpose of the Gender Focal Persons is to mainstream gender in all policies, programmes and projects being implemented by a Ministry as well as to ensure that all data being produced is gender disaggregated. • The Gender Focal Persons produce quarterly reports which are submitted to the Ministry of Gender for policy recommendations. • Some of the gender disaggregated data compiled from Ministries include: • Who is at senior management • Who is employed at all other levels of the Ministry • What service is being provided and to who
Gender policy cont’d • Capacity building in gender statistics and indicators being provided by the Central Statistical Office which holds regular seminars with Gender Focal Persons in line Ministries as well as Budget Review Officers in the Ministry of Finance.
2.Gender Based Budgeting • Gender Based Budgeting was launched in 2007. • The programme ensures gender mainstreaming in all programmes within ministries. This is done by Budget Review Officers in the Ministry of Finance when they craft Ministry budgets at beginning of a financial year.
3.The Results Based Management Programme in Zimbabwe • The Results Based Management Programme (Managing for Development Results) in Zimbabwe was introduced in 2006. • The Programme focuses on the appropriate and timely achievement of relevant goals and objectives through systematic planning, implementation, performance monitoring, measurement and reporting as well as systematic utilization of performance information to improve policy decision making.
The RBM Cont’d The RBM Programme being implemented in Zimbabwe is integrated and has the following components: • Integrated Development Planning (IDP) • Within the five year medium term plan, gender has been taken as a cross cutting issue. In this regard, gender disaggregated data and all indicators have been taken on board • Results Based Budgeting Heads of Ministries sign performance agreements linking the financial resources allocated to output and outcomes.
The RBM Cont’d • Personnel Performance System • It links the performance of civil servants to output and outcomes identified under Results Based Budgeting • Monitoring And Evaluation • This is an e-enabled mechanism of systematic monitoring and reporting on the performance agreement. The M and E system picks up all indicators and critical performance data including that of cross cutting issues like gender and reports on them on a quarterly basis • It is central to the Results Based Management Programme because the information is used by managers and policy makers to improve implementation of policies, programmes and projects at the Ministry level as they strive to achieve results.
4.Role of Social Statistics in MfDR MfDR in Zimbabwe is centered on resolving the needs/problems of clients through the performance agreement of a Ministry. • Statistics are necessary for identifying needs and problems within societies. • They are necessary for identifying the underlying causes of situations prevailing on the ground. • They are necessary for investigating inter-relationships among different issues. • They form the foundation of the policies, programmes and projects aimed at solving the needs/problems of societies. • They are a means to monitor and evaluate the change that is brought about in the lives of people by such policies, programmes and projects. • They are a tool for transparency and accountability to the public.
5.Challenges • Weak State Institutional Systems and Administrative set up • Leadership/champions • Tools- International best pactices • Resources • Politics