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PACKAGING. Package functions. Containment. The holding of a product without necessarily protecting it. Holding multiple pieces of chicken parts such as legs, thighs, wings, or breasts allows for them to be sold in various volumes or combinations.
Package functions • Containment.The holding of a product without necessarily protecting it. Holding multiple pieces of chicken parts such as legs, thighs, wings, or breasts allows for them to be sold in various volumes or combinations. • Information.The package carries the nutritional labeling, proper handling practices, product information, and identifiers required by law.
Package functions • Convenience.Single serving sizes of sliced meat and microwaveable packages allow for cooking/reheating and consumption of the product in a part of the package. • Protection.Protecting the product from microorganisms, rodents, dust, external contaminants, humidity, light, and oxygen. protecting the product from tampering and physical damage during handling.
Packaging catagory • Poultry meat packaging can be categorized into primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. • Primary package is the one with which most consumers are familiar, and is the food contact surface. • Secondary package is an outer box, case, or wrapper that contains or unitizes several single primary packages together.
Packaging catagory • Tertiary package holds several secondary packages in shipping loads, such as pallet-sized units.
Packaging materials • Materials used to package meat products include fiber-based (paper, paperboard), glass, metal, and plastics.
Paper, paperboard, fiberboard • The materials are used for secondary shipping cartons of poultry meat. • The secondary paperboard boxes are sometimes produced from wood pulp and reprocessed paper. • The added layer improves the package’s resistance to high humidity and improves wet strength, grease resistance, appearance, and barrier properties.
Metals • Metals used for canned poultry meat include steel and aluminum. • The steel can has greater strength and resistance to denting, while the aluminum can is lightweight and resistant to atmospheric corrosion. • The steel can was at one time coated with tin to prevent corrosion at the food contact surface.
Metals • The metal can is also coated with an additional organic layer on both the inside and outside can surfaces for protecting the can from corrosion and contamination. • Phenolic compounds are used in this organic layer for meat spreads, and modified epons are used for other meat containing products. • Aluminum foil can be used in flexible pouches and is often combined with plastics and paper in layers.
Plastics (polymers) • Plastics (polymers) comprise by far the most common packaging material for poultry meat products due to their versatility, cost, and convenience. • Several kinds of plastics: polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), polyamides (nylons), polyesters, polycarbonates (PC), cellophane.
Polyethylene (PE) • The molecular structure of PE is a (CH2)n with short side ethylene chains located along the main ethylene chain. • There are 3 types of PE: high density polyethylene (HDPE), low density polyethylene (LDPE), and linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). • LDPE and LLDPE have different molecular structures but have similar densities (0.910 to 0.925 g/cm3).
Polyethylene (PE) • LDPE and HDPE differ in the length of side chains and thus, also differ in the overall density of the film. • HDPE is more dense, less clear, stronger, and stiffer than LDPE • HDPE also forms a good seal at relatively lower temperatures and has better grease and heat resistance than LDPE.
Polypropylene (PP) • The structure of PP is a carbon chain with every other side group being a methyl (CH3) instead of a hydrogen as with PE. • This structure results in a harder and more resilient polymer than HDPE. • The permeability to water vapor and gases between those of LDPE and HDPE. • The main application for meat packaging is in cook-in products.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) • PVC has an additional chloride atom included in the ethylene molecule compared to the PVC structure. • The film is also clear and strong, with low permeability to gas and moisture. • It is used as a layer in multilayer material for pouches, bags, and thermoformed packages for meat, where it functions as an oxygen and water vapor barrier.
Polystyrene (PS) • PS structure has a phenyl (styrene) group substituted for a hydrogen in the PE structure. • PS is clear, hard, brittle, and a low strength material. • PS can be foamed to form expanded polystyrene (EPS) (Styrofoam), which is used as the tray in tray-packed poultry meat. • Both have high oxygen permeability. • Styrene is one of the few materials with the thermal melt strength required to form trays.
Polyamides (nylons) • Polyamides (nylons) include polymers formed by condensation of certain amino acids. • They have relatively high melting points and low gas permeability, but they will absorb moisture and lose strength when exposed to moisture. • Nylons are used in cook-in-the-film meat applications.
Polyesters • The most common polyester is polyethylene terephthalate (PETE), used in carbonated beverage containers. • It has excellent strength, clarity, and heat stability and is used for vacuum packaging and cook-in applications for meat. • PETE is strong, clear, and has very low moisture and gas permeability. • PETE is also used in sterilizable pouches and boil-in bag applications.
Polycarbonates (PC) • The PCs contain polyesters of carbonic acid. • They are stiff, transparent, tough, and hard. • PCs have high gas permeability and absorb moisture.
Cellophane • Cellophane is regenerated cellulose film made from trees and manufactured from sheets of wood pulp. • Cellophane is a good gas and grease barrier but will break down in the presence of moisture. • it is often coated with a hydrophobic layer.
Fresh poultry packaging • Wet shipper is a wax-coated corrugated box in which whole birds are placed with ice (Fig 1). • Dry shipper is similar to the wet shipper with ice excluded. Whole carcasses have been placed in polymer bags and sealed or clipped. (Fig 2).
Fresh poultry packaging • Oxygen permeable polystyrene foam trays with a high oxygen permeable PVC or polymer-based, stretch film overwrap. These include breast, thigh, drum, and wing portions (Fig 3).
Fig 1. Ice-pack broilers packaged in a wax-coated corrugated box
Fig 3. Chicken parts packaged in polystyrene tray with an oxygen permeable overwrap film
Methods of vacuum-package poultry meat • Whole carcasses are packaged in heat-shrinkable plastic bags with low oxygen permeability, using a rotomatic or chamber with a clip seal or heat-seal system. • Cut-up poultry uses a vacuum system prior to heat-sealing the package. • Ground poultry uses a thermoforming or horizontal overwrap machine where the meat is placed in a tray, a vacuum is pulled, then the package is gas-flushed before being sealed.
Processed meat packaging • Processed meat products include nitrite-cured meat and non-cured cooked products. • Processed meat is typically packaged in heat-shrinkable films such as PVC/nylon (Fig 4). • Dried meat products stored at room temperature require a high oxygen and moisture barrier film such as PVC and aluminum foil (PE laminated).
Processed meat packaging • Cook-in-the-bag type products are restructured deli-type meats such as turkey hams, turkey breasts, and turkey rolls that are cooked in the bag after the package is sealed. • nylon material is used in packages for hot wings and roasted chicken lines for its oxygen barrier, toughness, heat resistance, and forming properties (Fig 5).
Fig 4. Cooked luncheon meat packaged in MAP and heat-shrinkable packages
Fig 5. Roasted chicken packaged in polystyrene foam trays with a heat-shrinkable overwrap film
Vacuum-package poultry meat • Whole carcasses are packaged in heat-shrinkable plastic bags with low oxygen permeability, using a chamber with a clip seal or heat-seal system. • Cut-up poultry uses a vacuum system prior to heat-sealing the package. • Ground poultry uses a thermoforming or horizontal overwrap machine where the meat is placed in a tray, a vacuum is pulled, then the package is gas-flushed before being sealed.
Film permeability • Film permeability affects the growth of bacteria on fresh poultry. • The presence of oxygen in the package inhibits growth of the typical spoilage organisms associated with fresh poultry meat. • The high oxygen permeable copolymer delayed the detection of off odors and resulted in a higher concentration of oxygen in the package headspace.
Modified atmosphere packaging • MAP is a packaging method by using modification of atmosphere surroundings the poultry product. • MAP is used to control enzymatic reactions, microbiological effect, and to eliminate poultry products degradation. • MAP is combination of 3 elements packaging machine, packaging materials, and gases.
Advantages of MAP • Increased shelf-life allowing less frequent loading of retail display shelves, • Reduction in retail waste, • Improved presentation-clear view of product and all round visibility, • Hygienic stackable pack, sealed and free from product drip and odor, • Easy separation of sliced products.
Advantages of MAP • Little or no need for chemical preservatives, • Increased distribution area and reduced transport costs due to less frequent deliveries, • Centralised packaging and portion control, • Reduction in production and storage costs due to better utilisation of labour, space and equipment.
Disadvantages of MAP • Capital cost of gas packaging machinery, • Cost of gases and packaging materials, • Cost of analytical equipment to ensure that correct gas mixtures are being used, • Cost of quality assurance systems to prevent the distribution of leakers, etc., • Increased pack volume which will adversely affect transport costs and retail display space,
Disadvantages of MAP • Potential growth of food-borne pathogens due to temperature abuse by retailers and consumers, • Benefits of MAP are lost once the pack is opened or leaks.
Penyimpangan kualitas selama penyimpanan • Penyusutan kualitatif dimana bahan mangalami penurunan mutu (bahan pangan yang rusak mengalami perubahancita rasa, penurunan nilai gizi atau tidak aman lagi untuk dimakan karena mengganggu kesehatan) sehingga menjadi tidak layak dikonsumsi manusia.Pada kondisi ini maka makanan sudah kadaluarsa atau melewati masa simpan (shelf life).
Penyimpangan kualitas selama penyimpanan • Penyusutan kuantitatif mengakibatkan kehilangan jumlah atau bobot hasil pertanian, dan inidisebabkan oleh penanganan yang kurang baik atau karena gangguan biologi (proses fisiologi,serangan serangga dan tikus).
Pengemasan dan kualitas kangan Pengemasan dapat mempengaruhi mutu pangan antara lain melalui: • Perubahan fisik dan kimia karena migrasi zat-zat kimia dari bahan kemas (monomer plastik,timah putih, korosi). • Perubahan aroma (flavor), warna, tekstur yang dipengaruhi oleh perpindahan uap air dan O2.
Perubahan bahan pangan 1. Perubahan Biokimiawi • Perubahan Alami pada bahan pangan, spt Bahan-bahan pangan segar yg mengandung air, perubahan aktivitas enzim, warna, tekstur,aroma dan nilai gizi bahan. 2. Perubahan Kimiawi dan Migrasi Unsur-Unsur • Perubahan kimiawi yang terjadi pada bahan pangan disebabkan oleh penggunaan fungisida, plastisizer, bahan pewarna dan pestisida yang dapat bermigrasi ke dalam bahan pangan.
Perubahan bahan pangan Pengemasan dapat mencegah terjadinya migrasi bahan-bahan ini ke dalam bahan pangan.
Keracunan logam • Logam yg berbahaya : timah, besi, timbal dan alumunium dalam jumlah yang besar akanbersifat racun dan berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia. • Batas maksimum kandungan logam dalambahan pangan menurut FAO/WHO adalah 250 ppm untuk timah dan besi dan 1 ppm untuk timbal.
Keracunan logam • Logam-logam lain yang mungkin mencemari bahan pangan adalah air raksa (Hg), kadmiun (Cd),arsen (Ar), antimoni (At), tembaga (Cu) dan seng (Zn) yang dapat berasal dari wadah dan mesinpengolahan atau dari campuran bahan kemasan. • Wadah dan mesin pengolahan yan telah mengalami korosi dapat menyebabkan pencemaranlogam ke dalam bahan pangan.
Migrasi plastik ke dalam bahan pangan • Plastik dan bahan-bahan tambahan dalam pembuatan plastik plastisizer, stabilizer danantioksidan dapat bermigrasi ke dalam bahan pangan yang dikemas dengan kemasan plastik danmengakibatkan keracunan. • Monomer plastik yang dicurigai berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia adalah vinil klorida, akrilonitril, metacrylonitril, vinilidenklorida dan styrene.
Migrasi plastik ke dalam bahan pangan • Monomer vinil kloridadan akrilonitril berpotensi menyebabkan kanker pada manusia, karena dapat bereaksi dengan komponen DNA yaitu guanin dan sitosin (pada vinil klorida) sedangkana denin dapat bereaksidengan akrilonitril (vinil sianida).
Migrasi plastik ke dalam bahan pangan • Selain monomer plastik, timah putih (Sn) juga dapat bermigrasi pada makanan kaleng dengan batas maksimum 250 mg/kg. Sn merupakan mineral yang secara alami terdapat pada bahan pangan yaitu sebesar 1 mg/kg dan dibutuhkan oleh manusia dalam jumlah kecil.
Migrasi plastik ke dalam bahan pangan • Dosis racun dari Sn adalah 5-7 mg/kg berat badan. Sn dapat mengkontaminasi bahan pangan melalui wadah/kaleng dan peralatan pengolahan.