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Brand Inside: Unleashing Creative Excellence in the Business World

Explore strategies for developing a strong brand identity, fostering innovation, and leveraging talent to drive success in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

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Brand Inside: Unleashing Creative Excellence in the Business World

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  1. FidelityBoston02-16-00

  2. Hen scratches @ 37,000 feet …

  3. Microsoft = R.O.W.Microsoft > GM + Ford + Boeing + Lockheed Martin + Deere + Caterpillar + USX + Weyerhaeuser + Union Pacific + Kodak + Sears + Marriott + Safeway + KelloggSource: Business Week data through 5-99

  4. Microsoft = R.O.W. (II)Microsoft >GM + Ford Boeing + Lockheed Martin + Deere + Caterpillar + USX + Weyerhaeuser + Union Pacific + Kodak + Sears + Marriott + Safeway + Kellogg + McDonald’s + Bank One + General Mills + American Airlines + United Airlines + + Delta Air Lines + US Airways + Quaker OatsSource: Yastrow Marketing (through 11-23-99)

  5. “There is probably going to be more confusion in the business world in the next decade than there has been in any decade in history.”Steve Case (2-00)

  6. No Wiggle Room!“Incrementalism is innovation’s worst enemy.” Nicholas Negroponte

  7. Just Say No …“I don’t intend to be known as the ‘King of the Tinkerers.’ ”CEO, large financial services company (New York, 5-99)

  8. Brand InsidePSF 1:Brand Org!

  9. 108 X 5vs. 8 X 1** 540 vs. 8


  11. PSF 1.0Professional Service Firm Conversion Kit / Release 1.0

  12. “support function” / “cost center” / “bureaucratic drag”or …“Rock Stars of the ‘Age of Talent’ ”

  13. Why are there no books on how to create a “Cool, Rocking, WOW-producing Finance Department”?

  14. Brand InsidePSF 2:Brand Work!

  15. “Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.”Phil Daniels, Sydney exec

  16. “You really got to me. So many of our information technology projects take on a life of their own, and I know they’ll never end up as more than ‘mediocre successes.’ ” CEO, F100 financial services company (10-98)

  17. E.g.: WOW Scale1. … Dull as dishwater.5. … Gets the job done.7. … “Good work!”.10. … A serious “Braggable”!

  18. Kaiser: 4.15.29

  19. Liberty Ship2 years240 days9 hours4 days, 15 hours, 29 minutes

  20. WOW Project “Acid Test”Can you explain it - with zest - to your 14-year-old?

  21. “Every project we take on starts with a question: How can we do what’s never been done before?”Stuart Hornery, CEO, Lend Lease

  22. The greatest dangerfor most of usis not that our aim istoo highand we miss it,but that it istoo lowand we reach it.Michelangelo

  23. Epitaph from Hell …Joe T. Jones 1942 - 2000HE WOULDA DONE SOME REALLY COOL STUFF BUT … HIS BOSS WOULDN’T LET HIM!

  24. T.T.D./ Secret No. 1:Go horizontal: Find a (one!) “line” ally in “the Boonies” Secret No. 2:“Powerless” allies are Cool! Secret No. 3:Passion Rules! Secret No. 4:Become a Prototyping Maniac! Secret No. 5:Embrace Politics / “Community Organizing”!

  25. Notes Page • Main Idea: YOU ARE NOT “POWERLESS.” Seek out allies in strange places … and get going! DO NOT WASTE TIME “SELLING UP.” • Attitude: You are the Gandhi/King of your “mission.” • So: IDENTIFY THE FOLKS YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH RE THAT INCREDIBLY COOL IDEA YOU HAVE!

  26. Culture of Prototyping“Effective prototyping may be the most valuable core competence an innovative organization can hope to have.”Michael Schrage

  27. T.T.D./ Prototyper’s LawsDefine a small, practical test of something on a page or less of text. Now.Gather “found” materials … on the [very] cheap.Find a/one partner-“customer” who’ll provide a test site.Set a very tight deadline of about 5 days for the next concrete step.Conduct the test! Debrief A.S.A.P.Set the next test date. Now. [No more than 5 days hence.]

  28. Notes Page • The idea is to establish a “rhythm of prototyping” that defines every project.

  29. K2K

  30. Reference:Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky

  31. “It was much later that I realized Dad’s secret. He gained respect by giving it. He talked and listened to the fourth-grade kids in Spring Valley who shined shoes the same way he talked and listened to a bishop or a college president.He was seriously interested in who you were and what you had to say.” Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Respect

  32. Brand InsidePSF 3:Brand You!

  33. DISTINCT … OR EXTINCT!“If there is nothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you apply yourself, you won’t get noticed and that increasingly means you won’t get paid much, either.” Michael Goldhaber, Wired

  34. Personal “Brand Equity” Eval • I am known for [2 to 3 things] • My current Project is challenging me … • New things I’ve learned in the last 90 days include … • My public “recognition program” consists of … • Additions to my Rolodex include … • My resume is discernibly different from last year’s at this time …

  35. R.D.A.Rate: 15%?, 25%?Therefore: Formal “Investment Strategy”/R.I.P.

  36. Brand InsidePSF 4:Brand Talent!

  37. “Our business needs a massive transfusion of talent. And talent, I believe, is most likely to be found among non-conformists, dissenters and rebels.”David Ogilvy

  38. “The boundaries for acceptable weirdness have dramatically expanded.”Michael Schrage

  39. Axiom:Never hire anyone without an aberration in their background.(Find the One Ton Cookie Man!)

  40. Attributes of Those Who “Made” the 10th Grade History Book • Committed! • Determined to make a difference! • Focused! • Passionate! • Irrational about their life’s project! • Ahead of their time / Paradigm busters! • Impatient! / Action Obsessed

  41. Attributes of Those Who “Made” the 10thGrade History Book • Made lots of people mad! • Flouted the chain of command! • Creative / Quirky / Peculiar! / Rebels! / Irreverent! • Masters of improv / Thrive on chaos / Exploit chaos!

  42. Attributes of Those Who “Made” the 10th Grade History Book • Forgiveness > Permission • Bone honest! • Flawed as the dickens! • “In touch” with their followers’ aspirations • Damn good at what they do!

  43. “Conformity is the enemy of freedom and the jailer of growth.”J.F.K.

  44. Brand OutsideContext:No “Commodities”!

  45. In the Beginning …“The audit has become a commodity.”Big 5 audit partner to TP

  46. What’s Special?“Customers will try ‘low cost providers’ because the Majors have not given them any clear reason not to.”Leading Insurance Industry Analyst (10-98)

  47. “We make over three new product announcements a day. Can you remember them? Our customers can’t!”Carly Fiorina

  48. “The ‘surplus society’ has a surplus of similar companies, employing similar people, with similar educational backgrounds, coming up with similar ideas, producing similar things, with similar prices and similar quality.”Kjell Nordstrom and Jonas Ridderstrale,Funky Business

  49. Brand OutsideStrategy 1:Lead the Customer!

  50. “The customer is a rear view mirror, not a guide to the future.”George Colony, Forrester Research“If you worship at the throne of the voice of the customer, you’ll get only incremental advances.”Joseph Morone, President, Bentley College

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