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Explore the concept of hoarding tendencies in a spiritual context, drawing parallels between physical hoarding and the tendency to cling onto material possessions and wealth. Discover the importance of embracing generosity, letting go of possessions, and focusing on eternal treasures.
It is easy for us to look at individuals on Hoarders or at similar situations in the lives of others we know and say, “Thankfully, I don’t have that problem.”
Definition of Hoarding: “The excessive collection of items, along with the inability to discard them.” --------------------------------------- Do you have some “blind spots” where some hoarding tendencies have crept in on you?
Jonah 2:8 “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.”
Isaiah 2: 7-8 “Their land is full of silver and gold; there is no end to their treasures.Their land is full of horses; there is no end to their chariots.Their land is full of idols; they bow down to the work of their hands, to what their fingers have made.”
Luke 12: 13-21, 33-34 “The Parable of the Rich Fool/Hoarder” Followed by the “Do Not Worry” Sermon.
Matthew 6: 19-24 Earthly Treasures vs. Heavenly Treasures ---------------------------- Good vs. Bad Eyes ---------------------------- God vs. “Mammon”
“Our hearts are deeply connected to and are often steered by our treasures. The more I gave away, the less I considered them treasures at all.” - Jen Hatmaker
“The Good Eye” “Haplous” Translates to: Open-handed Clear Focused Simple Free
“The Bad Eye” “Poneros” Translates to: Close-fisted Hostile Jealous Stingy Grudging
Proverbs 22:9 “A man [with a good eye] will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matthew 20:15 “Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or [is your eye evil] because I am generous?”
For each godly command below, what does “Mammon” substitute? Embrace your role to care for the poor. Set your affections on eternal things. Don’t stress out about possessions. Love your neighbor as yourself. Give of your time in ministry. Be humble and grateful. Be radically generous. Live a simple life.
2 Corinthians 9:11 “You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”
“My husband felt we must get a place of worship in the heart of the city, where the gospel could be preached to the poor. He could see no way of doing it except he gave our home towards it. It was all we had. I looked the matter over. We had three children…
“I thought of the way the disciples ‘sold their possessions and goods and parted them to all men as every man had need.’ Let those who have prayed long for blessings not received, begin to feed the poor, clothe the naked, and yield themselves and their substance to the Lord as if they meant it…
“… and He will pour out blessings • that will measure beyond • their desires and expectations.” • Ellen Roberts • (Wife of F.M.C. Founder, B.T. Roberts)
Many NBFMC members generously offered up their money and possessions to pay for this property. Pretty radical generosity, huh?
“The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.”
“Enough” All of You is more than enough for all of meFor every thirst and every needYou satisfy me with Your loveAnd all I have in You is more than enough. More than all I wantMore than all I needYou are more than enough for me.