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General Test Administration Procedures Test Security and Confidentiality Training. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014. This training does not take the place of reading the manual!!!. The Test Administrator Manual should be read carefully before administering the STAAR-Alt Assessment.
General Test Administration Procedures Test Security and Confidentiality Training Pine Tree ISD2013-2014 Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
This training does not take the place of reading the manual!!! • The Test Administrator Manual should be read carefully before administering the STAAR-Alt Assessment. The district coordinator is the contact person for the campus coordinator, all test administrators, and STAAR–Alt test-related communications in each district. If additional information is needed, the District Coordinator will contact the TEA Student Assessment Division. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Training Topics • Test Security and Confidentiality • Participation Requirements • Test Administrator Training • Timeline • Processes • Resources Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
2014 STAAR Alternate Administration Notes • TAs required to record a description of the materials/approach provided during instruction on last page of the documentation form • A document providing additional information regarding the grade-level content measured will be provided when appropriate and attached to the beginning of the assessment tasks for each grade and course. • Combinations of complexity levels 2 and 1 will be allowed for the 2014 STAAR Alt Administration. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
2014 STAAR Alternate Administration Notes Cont. • The ARDC must select the complexity level. Once the complexity level or combination of levels is determined, TA will use this to guide the selection of the assessment tasks for each subject. • Only a total of 3 observations will be allowed for an assessment task. Any observation started will be counted in the total number of 3 whether it is completed or not. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Changes to Resources • Prerequisite skill targets were added to the Essence Statement documents. • Three of four essence statements are new this year. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Test Administrator Test Administrator (TA) refers to any one who has successfully completed all required training and is administering STAAR Alternate by: • determining which standardized assessment tasks are appropriate for a student after instruction based on ARD committee decisions • preplanning the supports materials, and responses modes • conducting the observation and recording observational notes • evaluating student performance and submitting the assessments. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Test Administrator Cont. • Teacher of record for a specific subject. • The teacher of record is the teacher to whom the student has been assigned for that subject in the TAMS (online system). • A student can be assigned to more than one teacher of record according to the subject • A teacher may serve as the teacher of record for all subjects for a student or for one or more subjects Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Test Administrator Cont. Each TA will have his or her own user ID and password, which cannot be provided to any other individual for the purpose of view or inputting student evaluation data. Sharing user ID or password may result in the loss of student evaluation data and could result in testing irregularity penalties from the state. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Who Can be a Test Administrator for STAAR-Alt • TA’s should beprofessionals or under the supervision of professionals who hold valid education credentials such as Texas educator certificates and permits. Those selected may include the following: • teachers (including those who hold teaching permits or probationary certificates) • substitute teachers • other professional educators Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
How Can My Assistant Help Me? • Test administrators may enlist the support of teaching assistants and other campus personnel in the instruction of a student in the classroom and during the assessment observation. • These individuals do not need to view the modules • These individuals should participate in test security and confidentiality training required by the district. • Manual p. 6 Assistants responsible for providing, interpreting, or recording cues or prompts must have completed all 4 modules and passed the qualification activities, as well as completed training in test security & confidentiality, and signed the STAAR Alternate Oath. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Paraprofessionals may serve as TA’s or Assistants if: May serve as test administrators or assistant • currently employed by the district • routinely work with students in the classroom • trainedin test security and test administration procedures prior to the assessment observations • have passed the qualification activities for all modules and signed the test security & confidentiality oath • supervised, either directly or indirectly, by a certified professional throughout the test administration At no time may the alternate assessment teacher share his/her user ID or password. Sharing may result in the loss of student evaluation data and result in a testing irregularity penalties. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
General Test Administration Training In addition to online training in the assessment procedures unique to STAAR–Alt, test administrators are required to: • receive annual training in test security and general testing procedures by the DTC before TA’s begin their assessment observations. • carefully review the STAAR–Alt Manual for Test Administrators (Teachers). • sign the “Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality for STAAR–Alt Test Administrator” before beginning assessment observations. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Test Security and Confidentiality • Student performance information used or obtained during STAAR Alt Administrations as documented in notes or on the state required documentation form is confidential. • Only authorized personnel may have access to STAAR Alt student information • Personnel must sign a test security and confidentiality oath before handling/viewing confidential information • State required documentation forms are required to be secured in the district for 5 years or seven years if housed with special education records. • Student confidentiality must be maintained at all times. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Test Security and Confidentiality • After submission, forms should be stored in the black file box by your CTC and kept confidential • After April 18, 2014, authorized administrators/supervisors may view the stored documentation forms to access training needs. • For students who move during the STAAR–Alt window, documentation forms may be transmitted to the receiving district if student confidentially is maintained. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Penalties for Prohibited Conduct Any person who violates, assists in the violation of, or solicits another to violate or assist in the violation of test security or confidentiality, and any person who fails to report such a violation, may be subject to the following penalties: • Placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas educator certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term • Issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand • Suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term • Revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or permanently Release or disclosure of confidential test content could result in criminal prosecution Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Viewing Documentation Forms • Prior to the observation, supervisors should view and assist test administrators: • in the development of preplanned supports, materials, and response modes recorded on page 1 of the STAAR Alternate Documentation Form of Student Performance • the Description of Materials/Approach Provided During Instruction section on page 3 of the documentation form • No one but the test administrator is allowed to view pages 2 and 3 of the documentation forms once student performance data has been recorded until the close of the assessment window. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Testing Irregularities Incidents resulting in a deviation from documented testing procedures are defined as testing irregularities and fail into one of two categories – serious and procedural Serious irregularities – severe violations • May result in suspension or termination of educator certification credentials Procedural Irregularities – minor deviations in testing procedures Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Examples of Procedural Irregularities • A TA, testing coordinator, or other entity with access to the STAAR Alternate administration in TAMS shared his/her confidential user ID and password with others. • The student documentation forms were not securely stored allowing unauthorized access to student assessment information. • A student was administered STAAR Alternate at a grade level other than the enrolled grade of the student or the enrolled EOC subject. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Examples of Procedural Irregularities • A student’s assessment was submitted without recording the correct information. • A student’s assessment was submitted without including information on all observed subjects required for the enrolled grade. • A student’s assessment was not documented using the state-developed “STAAR Alternate Documentation Form of Student Performance” during the assessment window. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Examples of Serious Irregularities • A TA falsified information that was submitted in the TAMS. • An individual or group other than a TA endeavored in any capacity to view without authorization/change/edit/alter scores and/or any part of the assessment. • A TA was encouraged, influenced, and/or directed by any individual or group to change/edit/alter scores and/or any part of the assessment. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Reporting Testing Irregularities Each person participating in the state assessment program is directly responsible for reporting immediately any violation or suspected violation of test security or confidentiality to the Campus or District Testing Coordinator. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Participation Requirements • STAAR Alt is used to assess students receiving special education services in grades 3 – high school who have significant cognitive disabilities and who are unable to participate in the other statewide assessments, even with SUBSTANTIAL accommodations and/or modifications. • A student is eligible to participate in STAAR Alt only if the student meets ALL participation criteria as determined by the ARD committee Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Participation Requirements • Beginning with the 2014 STAAR Alternate administration, the ARD committee will be required to make the decision for the complexity level and/or the combinations of levels that will be used for each STAAR Alternate Assessment. • These decisions will be recorded on the “STAAR Alternate Participation Requirements” state-required document. See page 13-16 for the assessment decision process Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Complexity Levels The Process for selecting the complexity levels using the “Student Characteristics for the STAAR Alternate Complexity Levels” is outlined on pages 18-19 in your TA Manual. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
STAAR-ALT Student Transfer Policy • The Receiving District is responsible for completing the assessment for students transferring into a district on or before March 28, 2014. • If a new student moves into a district after March 28, 2014, the receiving district is not required to assess the student. Notify your DTC to ensure that the student is enrolled in the correct campus and registered for the STAAR Alternate administration in TAMS. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
STAAR-ALT Student Transfer Policy It is critical that the student’s teacher in the Sending District evaluate the student’s performance in TAMS on all assessment observations that have been completed for the student who is leaving the district before or soon after the student leaves the district. Notify your DTC immediately to ensure that the student is unregistered in the TAMS. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
New High School Student fromOut of State • ARD committee determines which assessment he/she is eligible for based on participation requirements • Student’s transcript must be evaluated to determine which equivalent courses and assessments the student has previously participated. • The student can be given credit for comparable assessments • If no evidence of comparable assessment(s), the student must be enrolled in the alternate course and participate in the corresponding alternate assessment sometime while in HS Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Testing of Students Repeating a Grade Level • Students are required to be assessed at their enrolled grade level for grades 3-8 even if they passed the assessment during a previous test administration. • For high school students, the alternate course in which the student is enrolled determines the assessment that is given that year • Once the HS course and EOC assessment are complete, the student has met the testing requirement for that course. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Homebound Students • All students in grades 3 – HS, enrolled in the district and receiving special education services in the home must still be administered a state assessment. • No exemptions are given for medically fragile students. • The district will determine who the test administrator will be. Can be the actual home-bound teacher who is delivering instruction. • The district will be accountable for the homebound student even if the family will not allow access to the student Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Change in Assessment ARD committee is responsible for making assessment decisions based on the needs of the student and the participation requirements. • The student must be receiving instruction on the student expectations being assessed. • The student must be given adequate time to learn and practice the content that is being assessed on the specific assessment that will be administered. • When the ARD committee decides to change its recommendation for assessment, the district coordinator must be notified. • Failure to unregister a student from TAMS may result in a “NOT ASSESSED” designation and negatively impact district ratings. Any changes to assessment recommendations must be considered carefully. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
STAAR-Alt Resource page at the TEA Websitehttp://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/special-ed/staaralt/ List of Resources for the STAAR Alternate Test Administration Process Manual pp. 24 Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
General Test Administrator Training Before a test administrator begins planning and conducting STAAR–Alt observations, he or she must: • complete all four modules and pass the qualification activity (80%) for each of these four modules; • Participate in the annual district training in test security and general testing procedures; • Carefully review the STAAR Alternate TA manual; • sign the “Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality for the STAAR–Alt Test Administrator” Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Test Administrator Training • TA’s who passed all four module qualifications last year are not required to repeat the qualifications this year. • TA’s may review modules before beginning assessments • STAAR Alt Modules have not been updated from last year – there are a few changes • TEA recommends persons viewing the modules review the “Updates to the Information Presented in the STAAR Alternate Modules/Transcripts” document. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Test Administrator -Training Teachers who administer the STAAR-Alt assessment are required to: • complete all 4 online training modules • A score of 80% or above on the qualification activities for all 4 modules---two opportunities to score 80% • After a second unsuccessful attempt, supplemental training support can be provided at the discretion of the district by an authorized individual and a third and final qualification attempt provided. • After a final unsuccessful attempt, the TA must be removed from the role or be under the supervision of a local administrator who has successfully qualified. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
If you are not successful on your first and second attempt. Contact your district coordinator Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Online Training & Qualification • Each time TAs access a qualification activity, they must agree and confirm their acceptance that they: • Must independently complete the online qualification activities; • Are not permitted to discuss or otherwise share the questions that constitute the online qualification system before, during, or after the qualification activity; • Will maintain the security & confidentiality of the qualification system; • Are responsible for all activities that occur under their username and password. Print and send certificates to Debbie Terry Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Certificates for Online Training • Completion certificates are not issued for viewing Modules 1–4. • Qualification certificates are issued for each of Modules 1–4 upon successfully passing the qualification activity for each module. • To receive a “Completed” status on any module, the user must view every page of the module. All online modules must be completed by November 23, 2013 for PTISD teachers Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Assessment Task • TA is responsible for selecting the most appropriate assessment task. • TA must select the task that will most likely reflect student success after instruction. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Assessment Task Cont. • If the student can already perform the skill prior to instruction, the TA will need to consider the task at the next higher complexity level if the ARD committee selected combinations of complexity levels. • If not, the TA should recommend that the ARDC reconvene to review student progress and make new assessment decisions. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
NRO • For some students, Level 1 assessment tasks may still be unattainable – even with instruction and supports. • ARDC can select NRO as the complexity level decision for a subject. • The TA should plan one task and observe the student to verify that no authentic response to academic stimuli was observed. • The TA must designate the reason a student meets the definition – either ongoing medical condition (NRO1) or severity of the student’s disability (NRO2) Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Test Administrator –Time Management • Look at all applicable information about your students early in the school year • Consider the total number of weeks available to conduct observations • Set preliminary dates as early as possible Teachers cannot begin assessment observations of students until all required training is completed, the oath of test security and confidentiality has been signed, and the student has been instructed on the skill being assessed. Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
District Timeline 2013-2014 Locally Developed Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
District Documentation Process Must be in the Assessment Office no later than 4:00pm on Friday, April 11, 2014. Send to Debbie Terry • Oath • Signed copy of Teacher Checklist Black Box stored on campus by CTC • File Folder labeled for each student and subject • STAAR-Alt Documentation Form of Student Performance • STAAR-Alt Test Administrator (Teacher) Checklist Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Test Administrator Tools Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
STAAR-Alt Resource page at the TEA Websitehttp://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/special-ed/staaralt/ • Documents housed on this website are subject to updates and revisions. The date shown on each document will indicate when the document was last revised. If the documents are printed for use, please check to make sure you are referencing the most current version. • Updated resources • 2013-14 Participation Requirements • STAAR Alternate TA Checklist • Teacher Tracking Tool • Task Specific Change in Materials/Approach • List of Resources for STAAR ALT Test Admin • icon indicates a new resource posting Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
Websites The STAAR–Alt resources may be accessed at any time from the: TEA website at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/special-ed/staaralt/ STAAR–Alt training modules athttps://texas.pearson.desire2learn.com/ Resources section of the online assessment system athttp://www.TexasAssessment.com Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014
ContactInformation DebbieTerry (903)295-5000, ext. 113 (903)235-4875 dterry@ptisd.org Pine Tree ISD 2013-2014