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Discover the wonders of our planet's geology, weather patterns, and environmental processes with this comprehensive guide to Earth's systems. From fossil formation to climate cycles, delve into the fascinating realm of our natural world.
Absolute Age • The actual age of a rock, rock layer, or fossil.
Abyssal Plain • A large, flat surface on the ocean floor.
Acid Rain • Rain that contains unhealthy amounts of acid.
Air • A mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.
Air Mass • A large “bubble” of air that has about the same temperature and humidity throughout it.
Air Pollution • The presence of harmful substances in the air.
Air Pressure • The weight of air pushing on everything around it.
Altitude • Height above sea level; also called elevation.
Atmosphere • The layer of air that surrounds the earth. • 78% nitrogen • 20% oxygen • 2% other gases
Bay • An area of water that is partly surrounded by land.
Blizzard • A snowstorm with high winds and low temperatures.
Butte • A steep hill that stands alone in a flat area.
Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle • Process by which humans and plants exchange gases.
Cast • A fossil that formed when a space left by an organism was filled with minerals or grains of rock that turned into solid rock.
Cementing • The gluing together of rock particles to form sedimentary rock
Cirrus Cloud • A high feathery cloud made of ice crystals
Cleavage • The breaking of a mineral along a smooth, flat surface
Climate • Characteristics of weather over an extended time.
Cloud • A larger group of tiny droplets that join together in the atmosphere. • Considered a liquid.
Cold Front • The leading edge of a moving mass of cooler air
Condensation • The changing of gas or vapor into liquid. • Happens as the gas cools. • Example: outside of a drink can.
Conservation • The wise use and protection of natural resources
Constructive Forces • Processes which raise or build up the surface of the Earth. • Examples: Earthquakes, Volcanoes
Continental Shelf • The gently sloping underwater part of a continent
Continental Slope • The sharp drop at the edge of the underwater part of a continent
Core • The center of the Earth.
Crater • A bowl-shaped structure at the top of a volcano or on a planet or moon
Crest • The highest part of a wave
Crust • The thin, outer layer of the Earth.
Crystal • A solid material found in nature that has straight edges and flat sides or that breaks into pieces with straight edges and flat sides
Cumulonimbus Cloud • A huge vertical cloud that can produce a thunderstorm • Also called a thunderhead
Cumulus Cloud • A puffy, white cloud with a flat bottom • Also called a fair-weather cloud
Current (ocean) • A river of water that moves through an ocean
Cycle • A process that repeats itself • Examples: life cycle, water cycle, seasonal cycle.
Delta • A large flat area of land at the mouth of a river
Deposition • The process of dropping or depositing sediment in a new place.
Desalination • The process of removing salt from sea water to produce fresh water
Desert • A biome that has very little rain and few plants
Destructive Forces • Processes which lower the surface of the Earth.
Dune • A hill of sand that is deposited by the wind
Earthquake • A shaking of the ground caused by energy being released in the crust. • Plates sliding past each other. • Measured using a Richter Scale.
Elevation • The land’s height above sea level • Also called altitude
Energy Resources • Materials in the environment that people can use as sources of energy
Erosion • The process of moving sediment from one place to another.
Estuary • The place where a freshwater river empties into the ocean.
Evaporation • Liquid is converted to vapor in the air.
Fault • A break or place where pieces of the Earth’s crust move.
Flow • Movement of water.
Fossil • A rock containing ancient plants, parts of animals, or imprints caused by organisms pressed into them.
Fossil Fuels • Fuel formed from the remains of once living animals. • Natural gas, coal, and petroleum.