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South Division High School. Human Rights Temperature. Group 1. What A re We Studying?. We have been learning about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We decided that we wanted to look at the Human Rights Temperature of our school to see if our human rights are being respected here.
South Division High School Human Rights Temperature
What Are We Studying? • We have been learning about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. • We decided that we wanted to look at the Human Rights Temperature of our school to see if our human rights are being respected here.
Our Process • First we taught each other all of the questions on the Human Rights Temperature survey. • Then we walked around the school in small groups and made observations about what we saw. • We came back to class and made a list of “GROWS” and “GLOWS” from our walks. • Then we took the survey and analyzed our results as a class.
Data Results We scored high in #s 1, 4, and 6 • My school is a safe place for me to go. (#1) • In my school, everyone is provided with equal information and encouraged about education, sports, and careers. (#4) • In our school, we welcome all people from different backgrounds and cultures. (#6)
Data Results We need to improve #s 2, 8, and 9 • No one in my school is discriminated against for any reason. (#2) • When someone misbehaves, or an incident happens in my school, everyone involved is treated fairly and in the same way by the teachers and school leaders in finding out what happened and deciding what punishment is given. (#8) • When someone in my school does something that negatively affects the right of another person, they are helped to learn how to change their behavior. (#9)
Next Steps... • We took the results and divided into groups. • We compared the survey results to our “GLOWS” and “GROWS” from our observations. • Each group picked an issue and came up with possible solutions.
Problem Identified We noticed that students at South do not always have their basic needs met. • The bathrooms are often locked during passing time and during lunch. • The lunch options do not always meet the needs of students because of their religious practices, or these students are not given a variety of foods. For example, our Muslim students have to eat peanut butter and jelly almost every day! • There are plenty of lunch choices in the cafeteria, but some people can’t eat the food because of their religion, and so that is unfair to them.
How It Is Connected to UDHR Article 1: We are all born free and equal. Article 18: We have a right to our own thoughts and religions. Article 30: No one can take away our human rights. • 1 and 30 are violated when students are not allowed access to the bathroom. • We are a diverse school with students from all over the world. While we allow students to have their own thoughts and religions, we should make sure that we are also providing them basic needs and choices, like lunch options.
Possible Solutions • One solution that we came up with is that two security guards can stand in the middle of the hallways that are close to the bathroom so that whenever a student needs to use the bathroom one of them can open it for them while the other guard tries to get the students who are in the hallway for no reason back to class. • The school should have more options of food that people of other religions can eat so that they don’t have to wake up early to make themselves food. If other students are given food choices, ALL students should be given the options.
Impact on School Environment If we were to make these changes, there would be a huge impact on our school. • Students would be able to concentrate more because they will be fed well and not hungry. Also they will not have to be focused on needing to use the bathroom during class time. • Our school will be embracing its diversity more by offering more lunch options. We can be an example to other schools of showing how we care for our students and consider their unique needs.
Problem Identified Actions of a student or some students should not lead to consequences for all. Examples: • No Pass policy • Transition time • Suspending students but not having them learn anything from it. When students come back from suspension, they are not asked what they learned from the consequence, and behaviors continue.
How It Is Connected to UDHR Article 6: We have a right to be treated fairly by the law. • Not all students are treated fairly by the current school rules. The actions of one or some often make others have to suffer consequences they do not deserve.
Possible Solutions No Pass Policy • Students who are suspended should have a No Pass policy for one week when they return to school. But we shouldn’t have a No Pass policy for every student.
Possible Solutions Transition Time • Add extra minutes so we have time to go to the bathroom, drink water, go to our lockers, and get to class on time.
Possible Solutions Suspending Students Without Learning from It • Students should not be suspended right away. Instead, they should try other things, like let a person talk to them about it or detention. If they still act the same, then give them suspension.
Impact on School Environment With the current rules… • We feel it’s unfair to all students because we’re punished for the actions of some. With our new solutions… • Everybody would have their rights. • Everybody would feel like they belong here at South Division. • The students who are suspended would learn from their behavior and not have as many suspensions as they do now.
Problem Identified Students need to work on showing respect to each other. • We observed people treating each other badly when we went on our walk through the school and we think that this is an area that we need to work on as a school.
How It Is Connected to UDHR Article 5: Freedom from torture and degrading treatment Article 1: Right to equality Article 2: Freedom from discrimination • All of these are connected because we hear and see people speaking to each other poorly and not treating each other with kindness. We think this needs to change!
Possible Solutions Peer mediation • It is when students are trained to help other students resolve problems. • The studentsinvolved in the problem meet in a private, safe place and work out their problems with the peer mediator there to help them. • Trainings could happen before or after school with students whowould be good mediators. • Then mediation sessions could happen during lunch hours. • Mediation could happen by student or teacher request.
Impact on School Environment • By training students to help others with their problems, and by giving students a space to speak freely and work on problems they may be having with others, hopefully there will be a decrease in disrespect overall.
Problem Identified The artwork in the building is not representative of the student population. It is old and outdated. It is not student created.
How It Is Connected to UDHR Article 27: We have the right to enjoy the arts and sciences. Article 29: We have a responsibility to our community.
Possible Solutions • Add more artwork from students. (mathematical formulas, intelligent people) • Have teachers hang up student projects in the hallway to help students take pride in the environment. • Embrace our school’s diversity and have artwork that is representative of all cultures. The flags are a good start, but we can and should do more! (traditional clothing)
Impact on School Environment • This way, students are being more connected with the school so that they can learn much better. • If the students do something good in school, they will feel good at home because they did something good. • Students are more familiar with the general knowledge and the famous people of different cultures.
Why are the students being segregated? Why are we being separated? The schools says “we’re a diversity school” but then they separate us into monolingual, bilingual, and sheltered? Is it because of our cultures or religion? If they separate us, how are others going to study about other cultures or religions? Problem Identified
How It Is Connected to UDHR Article 1: Right to equality Article 2: Freedom from discrimination • We all should be divided into our classes equally. • We’re not supposed to be discriminated against by gender, religion, the way we dress, the food we eat, who our friends are, the color of our skins, what do we do, and what we don’t do. • Why do we have names that separate us like monolingual, bilingual, and sheltered? • Why don’t we just have a regular name like “Citizenship class, 4th hour” not like “Citizenship class, 4th hour sheltered”?
Possible Solutions • Change the way classes are designed. We could mix all the students depending on their English level for some classes. • All different kinds of students should be in and join different extracurricular clubs. Make sure that it is clear to all students that they can join the Multicultural Club and Latino Club. It is not just for Asian and Latino students. • Do a MIX IT UPday during lunch one time a week. We could start small in our classroom and then start inviting more students. It could help us to cross boundaries and start to feel more comfortable with people who are different from us. Then once our group gets to be too big, we could try it in the cafeteria!
Impact on School Environment The reason that we all should learn about others’ cultures is so we can get along and know aboutotheridentities and cultures. We are all curious, and we go to such a diverse school. It would be great to actually get to learn about the other cultures in the building! The more we learn about their religion, the more we know about them. So there should be no stereotype (one single story) that keeps repeating again and again. It will help the behavior in the school. There will be less arguing and more respect for each other. If we know about each others’ cultures, we wouldn’t have the bad thinking of them, and we can get to know each other in person.
Impact on School Environment Next Steps We hope that our solutions can help to make South Division an even more inviting and human rights friendly school! Our next steps are to look at the solutions we have come up with and see which we can do ourselves to help make South Division a more human rights friendly school. Thank you!