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This session focuses on types of observations, peer-to-peer planning, and PLC lesson design cycle. Learn to build a culture of observation, share evidence gathered, and prepare for observations effectively. Come ready to brainstorm, reflect, and enhance teaching practices.
South East High School PD Banked Day #4 October 4, 2016
Think/Pair/Share: What did you gain from last year’s observations? Community Builder 1-2 minutes
Purpose: -Review types of observations -Begin Planning for Peer to Peer Observations -Continue PLC Lesson Design Cycle Outcome: -Understand and choose type of observation -PLC Schedule & Purpose of Observations -PLC Check In -Complete Observation Sign-Up Oct. 5 (Google Form) Setting the Context 1-2 minutes
Instructional Plan 1-2 minutes
How do we build a school culture where school observations are the norm? Essential Question 1-2 minutes
Read the article independently, and consider how the observation will affect your students’ learning/achievement • Identify the “MIP” • Each PLC member shares their MIP and explains why Most Important Passage 8-10 minutes
How will evidence be gathered/shared? • What work do you need to do to prepare for the observations (research, articulation, etc.)? • If your PLC has chosen to share observation evidence, how will it be done? • What questions might you still have? When choosing your type of observation, consider: 2-3 minutes
Cycle 2 Plan/Deliver Cycle 1 Plan/Deliver Cycle 1 Deliver/Reflect/Revise Cycle 2 Reflect/Revise September PD Day #2 #3 November PD Day #6 #7 October PD Day #4 #5 December PD Day #8 LESSON DESIGN TIMELINE PLC Updates Sign-up for peer observations by 10/5 on smartjaguar.com Time: 1-2 minutes
Priority for observing during conference • Coverage for particular circumstances Window: October 5-October 18Post Obs.: by 10/18 -If subs needed, 2 days advance notice (blue form)-Avoid peer observations during Small School Meeting 1 minute
STEP#1-Observation Sign-up Google FormObs. Window 10/5-10/18 Sign-up on smartjaguar.com…by 10/05 3-5 minutes
PLC Lesson Design Time... 40 minutes
PLC Check In on Lesson Design Cycle 2-3 minutes
REMINDERS • Pay FSA dues before Homecoming: 10/7 • Department Chair Meeting: 10/10 • Unassigned Day: 10/12 • PD Banked Day #5: 10/18 • Peer Observations Due: 10/18 • Department Meeting: 10/18 • Parent Conference Night: 10/20 • Minimum Day: 10/21 • WASC Small School Focus Meetings: 10/27