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The background

AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING (IDEP) MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY AND INDICATIVE WORK PROGRAM 2003 – 2006. The background. CREATION by UN General Assembly in 1962 LOCATION : Dakar, Senegal MISSION - Train mid-level and senior policymakers

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The background

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  2. The background • CREATION by UN General Assembly in 1962 • LOCATION: Dakar, Senegal • MISSION - Train mid-level and senior policymakers of African countries - Conduct policy-relevant economic research - Advise Afr. Govts and Reg. Organizations.

  3. Defining IDEP’s strategic goals

  4. GOAL # 1 Organize training in order to equip African policymakers and other stakeholders with the latest skills that will enable them to respond to emerging policy challenges and development issues

  5. GOAL # 2 Act as an interface between the research and policymaking communities

  6. GOAL # 3 Promote original thinking and research on Africa’s policy issues

  7. GOAL # 4 Become an internationally recognized center of excellence with full intellectual freedom that will lead the debate on African development issues and uphold the economic independence of African countries

  8. Where does IDEP stand today?

  9. IDEP’s strengths • Only Pan-African institute of higher learning • 40 years of experience • Unparalleled responsibility re: Africa economic agenda • Support from UN General Assembly, ECA, AU • Support from African member states • Actually serves all Africa and in 5 languages

  10. More IDEP strengths • Outreach network: alumni in key positions • Historical intellectual leadership role • Natural venue for policy debates • One key area of IDEP’s focus in increasing demand: role of Govt e.g. planning, programming and institutional economics • UN rules and strong African governance

  11. And its weaknesses • Modest financial resources • Limited research and training staff • Thus little research and advisory services • Weak involvement of governance • Poor visibility and unimposing scientific credibility

  12. But there are opportunities … • Africa’s new emphasis on regional approach to development. • African Union • NEPAD • Common currency for West Africa, COMESA, EAC, etc. • Africans want to design their own strategies thus a new policy debate on: • Regional integration • WTO negotiations • Africa’s growth strategy • Donors see more value in training policymakers than hiring foreign consultants thus a bigger role for IDEP

  13. And threats • Lower visibility may cause misled perception of coverage : French-only or West Africa only. • Intellectual independence at risk if excessive reliance on project (vs core) support • Effectiveness at risk if funding sources not diversified

  14. Selecting IDEP’s strategic priorities A. Coverage B. Leverage

  15. Coverage • TARGET GROUPS: Policymakers, Civil society, Private sector, etc • APPROACH: Capture synergies in research, training and policy • RESPONSIVE TO: - African regional organizations agenda - National governments priorities

  16. Thematic coverage • Regional integration including issues on convergence, harmonization of policies and legislation, policy formulation at the regional level, regional infrastructure building, economics of peace building, etc… • Trade policy and trade negotiations under the WTO including formulation of trade-related incentive policies, competitiveness-enhancing policies, generic and commodity-based WTO negotiations, etc… • And ….

  17. Economic growth and development including growth strategies, macroeconomic management, finance, human capital, HIV/AIDS, education, migration, gender, etc…

  18. Training activities • M. A program in economic policy and management • Target: adult policymakers and others • Emphasis: Policy relevance with up-to-date economic and quantitative knowledge • Current enrolment: 18; planned 25 • What makes it different? i) Hands on policy relevance ii) Higher skill level than similar programs iii) Regional policy agenda is centre-stage

  19. Training: the short courses (1) Global issues 1.   Regional integration 2.  Global WTO negotiations and trade 3.  Commodity-based WTO negotiations 4. Globalization and Economic Development in Africa

  20. Training: the short courses (2) Sectoral policies 1.  Capital budgeting for infrastructure 2.  Agricultural policy 3.  Finance and development 4.  Financial markets 5.  Regulation and supervision 6.   Human development 7.    Poverty and labor market policy 8.   Economics of ICTs

  21. Training: the short courses (3) Applied quantitative techniques • Statistical techniques for surveys • Appliedquantitative methods for economic policy making • CGE modeling

  22. Leveraging with partners • African partners • Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) • African Union (AU) • African Development Bank (ADB) • Association of African Universities (AAU) • Sub-regional organizations and governments • Others: AERC, ACBF, Research centers, Universities, Civil Society, Private Sector

  23. International and Non African Partners • UNDP for long term collaboration • European Commission to promote African Regional integration • Bilaterals for core and project support

  24. A new governance for IDEP • Governing Council composition: • 10 reps. of African govts, 2 per sub-region • 1 rep. of ECA, AU, ADB (3) • 2 reps. of the private sector; • 2 reps. of the civil society; • 1 rep. of the Government of Senegal; • 1 rep. of the Advisory Board; • Director of IDEP as the Secretary of GC; • UNDP if in collaboration with IDEP

  25. A new Executive Committee - Chairperson of the Governing Council - 1 rep. of the Governments - 1 rep. of the 3 Regional Organizations - 1 rep. of the Private Sector - 1 rep. of Civil Society - Director of the Institute.

  26. Category 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total RESEARCH Research projects 1 2 2 2 7 Meetings/workshops 2 4 4 4 14 Policy forum 1 3 3 3 10 Working papers 2 8 10 12 32 Books/monographs 0 0 1 2 3 TRAINING Enrolment in M.A. Program 18 20 25 25 88 Number of short courses 2 4 6 8 20 Enrolment in short courses 50 100 150 200 500 Indicative Program Statistics

  27. ADVISORY & CONSULTING Number of visits to countries 2 6 6 6 20 PROFESSIONAL STAFF Researchers/lecturers (full time) 2 5 7 7 7 Research assistants (full time) 2 3 4 4 4 Research program Coordinators 1 2 2 2 7 Visiting Scholars 2 3 3 3 11

  28. Thank you for your attention.

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