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KEYS and other NEA Initiatives KEYS Training 101 Baltimore, MD July 30-31, 2008. Jacques Nacson, Ph.D. Senior Policy Analyst NEA New Products & Programs jnacson@nea.org. Propositions.
KEYS and other NEA InitiativesKEYS Training 101 Baltimore, MDJuly 30-31, 2008 Jacques Nacson, Ph.D. Senior Policy AnalystNEA New Products & Programs jnacson@nea.org
Propositions • KEYS and other NEA initiatives such as TEF, C.A.R.E. and PEP/FSCP may support a “systemic approach” to school quality and accountability • Accountability and capacity building are at the intersections of TEF, KEYS, C.A.R.E. and PEP/FSCP • NEA’s KEYS provides the standards for and the opportunity to improve the “soft” measures of school capacity building and, thus, extends the concept of school accountability
TEF: Necessary but is it Sufficient? • Can you have adequate and sustainable funding and still have some schools that are low performing? • Alternatively, are there some or a few high performing schools that are essentially under funded? • What explains the difference?
Likely Outcomes of Adequate School Funding • Highly qualified teachers and ESPs • Safe and healthy places for learning • A modern infrastructure • Sufficient and appropriate resources for learning • Adequate physical and psychological supports • Opportunities to reduce class size • More diversified programs • Pre-k and all day kindergarten
Bottom Line “Adequate and equitable school funding is the first step toward building school capacity to ensure equal opportunity for all children”
Critical Elements of School Capacity that Adequate Funding Does Not Ensure • Program coherence • Staff cohesion, mutual trust and collegial supports • Distributive leadership and shared authority, responsibility and accountability • Effective and productive staff professional development • Strong parental and community involvement and support • Systemic approach to school organization and effective teaching and learning
The NEA KEYS 2.0: In Support of District and School Capacity Building and Internal Accountability What is KEYS? • Deliberative process for school improvement • Research-based and data-driven • Consistent with the NEA’s GPS Criteria • Begins with the use of a valid and reliable online school assessment tool or survey completed by the school community that yields scores on 42 indicators of school quality that correlate with high student achievement • The 42 indicators are grouped into 6 keys
The NEA Six “Keys” of School Quality The 42 indicators are clustered into six essential “Keys” that define the standards for school quality: 1. Shared understanding and commitment to high goals (5 Indicators) 2. Open communication and collaborative problem solving (9 Indicators) 3. Continuous assessment for teaching and learning (5 Indicators)
The NEA Six “Keys” of School Quality 4. Personal and professional learning (11 Indicators) 5. Resources to support teaching & learning (5 Indicators) 6. Curriculum and instruction (7 Indicators)
KEYS Plus • KEYS is more than a school and district assessment system • KEYS as a set of standards for school conditions critical to effective teaching and learning • KEYS as a set of tools for helping schools build capacity to achieve and meet external accountability requirements • KEYS as a measure of internal or process school accountability
KEYS Plus • How is KEYS a measure of internal school capacity and accountability? • How does KEYS provide for an expanded definition of school capacity? • How does KEYS complement TEF’s definition of school capacity?
TEF and KEYS: Expanding the Definition of School Capacity TEF’s Definition KEYS’ Definition Effective distributed leadership Mutual trust and respect Collegial, professional culture and community Collaborative problem solving Program coherence Shared responsibility and accountability Strong parental support Knowledge-based decisions Effective professional development • Teacher quality • School infrastructure • Educational resources • Technology • Class size • Pre-K and all day k • Special programs • Proven educational programs and practices
Redefining School Accountability: A systems Approach • Input accountability -- equity and adequacy standards (opportunity to learn OTL standards) • Output accountability – performance based standards (outcome-based standards) • Process accountability – internal accountability (standards for conditions of teaching & earning-capacity to perform)
KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability INPUTS OUTCOMES PROCESSES
KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability INPUTS OUTCOMES PROCESSES $ Adequate/Equitable Quantity and Quality of Teaching Pool Readiness of Students to Learn National, State, District Policies External Supports Partnerships-Community Parent/Business
INPUTS $ Adequate/Equitable Quantity and Quality of Teaching Pool Readiness of Students to Learn National, State, District Policies External Supports Partnerships-Community Parent/Business KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability OUTCOMES PROCESSES Improved Student Learning/ Achievement Higher Graduation Rates(Lower Drop Out Rates) Improved Attendance (Students/Staff) Increased Satisfaction-student,staff,parent • Successful Citizenship • Post Sec. Enrollments • Satisfying Careers • Etc.
OUTCOMES Improved Student Learning/ Achievement Higher Graduation Rates(Lower Drop Out Rates) Improved Attendance (Students/Staff) Increased Satisfaction-student,staff,parent • Successful Citizenship • Post Sec. Enrollments • Satisfying Careers • Etc. KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability INPUTS PROCESSES $Adequate/Equitable Quantity and Quality of Teaching Pool Readiness of Students to Learn National, State, District Policies External Supports Partnerships-Community Parent/Business
PROCESSES KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability KEY 1 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals
KEY 1 SHARED UNDERSTANDING AND COMMITMENT TO HIGH GOALS • Effective leadership • Clear focus, purpose, and directions related to academic emphasis and instructional issues • Shared commitments, collective responsibility and trust
KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability KEY 2 Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving PROCESSES KEY 1 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals
KEY 2 OPEN COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING • Culture, governance and decision making structures • Professional community and learning organization with major focus on academics • Collaborative and supportive environment • Strong sense of trust and collegiality • Cooperative labor-management relations • Supportive parent-community-school relations
KEY 3 Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability PROCESSES KEY 1 KEY 2 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving
KEY 3 CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING • Culture of data-based decision-making • Action research (school and classroom levels) • Process and product evaluation of instructional programs • Use of multiple data sources to make decisions that affect student learning • Use of feedback from stakeholders to shape and modify curricular offerings
Personal & Professional Learning KEY 4 KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability PROCESSES KEY 1 KEY 2 KEY 3 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning
KEY 4 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LEARNING • Quality teaching/ collective efficacy (content and pedagogy and general knowledge) • Teacher and staff selection and assignments • Professional development including professional community, mentoring, peer assistance • Teacher and staff evaluation • Compensation, rewards, recognitions
Appropriate Use of Resources for Teaching and Learning KEY 5 KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability PROCESSES KEY 1 KEY 2 KEY 3 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning Personal & Professional Learning KEY 4
KEY 5 RESOURCES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING • Appropriate use of resources with decisions based on quality not price • Availability of a broad range of resources: • -- Safe and healthy learning environment • --Curriculum materials (books, library resources and computer services) • --Social, emotional and psychological services • --Health and recreational services • --Art, music and physical education
Curriculum and Instruction KEY 6 KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability PROCESSES KEY 1 KEY 2 KEY 3 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning Appropriate Use of Resources for Teaching and Learning Personal & Professional Learning KEY 4 KEY 5
KEY 6 Curriculum and Instruction • Challenging content standards • Curriculum aligned to the challenging standards • Wide range of assessments appropriate to the curriculum • Flexible and varied pedagogy to address individual differences among students • Appropriate curricular programs responsive to the varying needs of students
KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability INPUTS OUTCOMES PROCESSES $ Adequate/Equitable Improved Student Learning/ Achievement KEY 1 KEY 2 KEY 3 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning Higher Graduation Rates(Lower Drop Out Rates) Quantity and Quality of Teaching Pool Readiness of Students to Learn Improved Attendance (Students/Staff) National, State, District Policies Appropriate Use of Resources for Teaching and Learning Increased Satisfaction (Student/Staff/Parent) Personal & Professional Learning Curriculum and Instruction External Supports Partnerships-Community Parent/Business • Successful Citizenship • Post Sec. Enrollments • Satisfying Careers • Etc. KEY 4 KEY 5 KEY 6
TEF and KEYS: A Natural Partnership for School Capacity Building and Accountability KEYS TEF Together TEF and KEYS provide the conditions that support and ensure that schools develop the capacity to achieve internal accountability and meet external accountability requirements.
Consider How KEYS and C.A.R.E. may be Connected(Culture, Abilities, Resilience, Effort)
How are KEYS and C.A.R.E. Similar? • Both are designed to support our members’ efforts to improve student learning, increase student achievement and narrow or close the achievement gaps • Both involve applications of research findings to school and classroom settings • Both address elements of internal school accountability and a system perspective of school functioning (KEYS vis-à-vis school wide conditions and C.A.R.E. related to classroom interactions between teacher and students) • Both require building state affiliate capacity for successful implementation
How does KEYS support C.A.R.E. activities? • By measuring and improving its cornerstone conditions! • Table activity: Which KEYS Indicators are most relevant for each of the four C.A.R.E. Cornerstones?
Cornerstone of C.A.R.E. Initiative School Organization: leadership, policies and practices Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Cultural, Economic And Language Differences Cornerstones for Decisionmaking Effort and Motivation Abilities and Potential Unrecognized and Underdeveloped Knowledge Based Themes Resilience Staff Development Community, Family and School Engagement Source: Dr. Belinda Williams
Consider How KEYS and PEP/FSCP May Be Connected(Public Engagement Program/Family School Community Partnership)
How KEYS Supports PEP/FSCP • New KEYS 2.0 parent and community surveys are available as school assessment tools • Parents and community members’ perceptions of school organization and functioning may be compared to the perceptions of teachers and ESPs:-Shared understanding and commitment to high goals and shared responsibility for student learning-Sense of welcome and comfort at school-Frequency and type of communications and involvement-Parent-school trust and school outreach to parents
How KEYS Supports PEP/FSCP(Bottom Line) KEYS data provide valuable information regarding the efforts and the successes of the school to involve parents and community members in decisions about school operations and in the work of the school