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Welcome S.H.S. Parents! Spring Guidance Workshop. For Parents of Incoming 10 th G rade S tudents Welcome & Overview of Evening What’s New at SHS? Course Offerings Online Registration. Course Registration Timeline. New Offerings for Sophomores. A.P. Computer Science (Blended)
Welcome S.H.S. Parents! Spring Guidance Workshop For Parents of Incoming 10thGrade Students Welcome & Overview of Evening What’s New at SHS? Course Offerings Online Registration
New Offerings for Sophomores • A.P. Computer Science (Blended) • Principles of Engineering • European History AP • Non-Academic: Service Learning! Contact Service Learning Coordinator, Tim Galleher tgalleher@gmail.com
English courses (P) English 10 (P) English 10 MAP Concurrent enrollment in World History MAP and Media Arts 1
English course electives + (P) Journalism 1 Grades 9-12 English Language Development (ELD) Grades 9-12 ♦+ (P) Journalism 2-3 and 4 Honors (Yearbook) Completion of previous level ♦+ (P) Journalism 2-3 and 4 Honors (Newspaper) Completion of previous level + (P) Introduction to Rhetoric Grades 9-12 + (P) Journalism/Multimedia 2-4 Grades 10-12 Completion of previous level
Social studies courses (P) World History Grade 10 (P) World History MAP Grade 10 Concurrent enrollment in Eng 10 MAP and Media Arts 1 Social studies electives courses (P) European History AP Grades 10-12 Prerequisites: Completion World Geography, World History. Recommended: B+ average in World Geography, World History and English 10.
MAP Sequence 10 (P) English 10 MAP Concurrent enrollment in World History MAP and Media Arts 1 AND (P) World History MAP Grade 10 Concurrent enrollment in English 10 MAP and Media Arts 1 AND (P+) Media Arts 1 (MA1) Grades 10 Concurrent enrollment in English 10 MAP and World History MAP
Math Courses • 2 yrs req for graduation • 3 yrs req for college (P) Geometry C- or higher in Alg 1 (B- recommended if Alg 1 taken in 8th grade) C- or higher in Seq Alg 1/Geom (P) Sequential Algebra 1 Geometry Completion of Alg 1 or Sequential Alg 1 (P) Algebra 1 (P) Geometry C- or higher in Alg 1 (B- recommended if Alg 1 taken in 8th grade) C- or high in SeqAlg 1/Geom (P) Geometry Enriched B+ or higher in Algebra 2 (P) Geometry C- or higher in Alg 1 (B- recommended if Alg 1 taken in 8th grade) C- or higher in Seq Alg 1/Geom (P) Algebra 2 C- or higher in Geometry/Geometry Enriched taken in high school (P) Algebra 2 Honors B- or higher in Geom Enriched. B+ or higher in Geometry and B or higher in Alg 1 (grades based on both 1st and 2nd semester) ~(P) Trigonometry/ Pre-Calculus ** C- or higher in Algebra 2 (B- strongly recommended in Alg 2) (P*) Trigonometry/ Pre-Calculcus Honors ** B- or higher in Algebra 2 Honors (P) Algebra 2 C- or higher in Geometry/Geometry Enriched taken in high school. (P) Trigonometry/Math 4 ** C- or higher in Algebra 2 (P) Calculus AB AP Trig/Pre-Calculus (B- strongly recommended) (P*)Calculus BC AP B- or higher n Trig/Pre-Calculus Honors • Summer school Algebra 1 is NOT recommended for acceleration to Geometry. • For admission to honors and AP math courses, all prerequisite coursework is recommended to be completed during the regular school year with the exception of Geometry. • For left and middle lanes, students are recommended to maintain C- prerequisites to move onto the next course. For right lane, students are recommended to maintain B- prerequisite to move to the next course. • # Summer school Geometry does not guarantee admittance into Algebra 2 Honors. • ** Summer school Algebra 2 is NOT recommended for acceleration to Trig/Math 4 or Trig/Pre-Calculus.
Math course electives (P*) Statistics AP B- or higher in Algebra 2 Honors, or C- or higher in any Trig course. (Priority is given to seniors, then juniors.) (P*) + Computer Science A AP B- or higher in Algebra 2 H or A- or higher in Algebra 2 or prior programming experience ~(P) + Principles of Engineering (For Grades 10-12) Concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 or higher college prep math course and Chemistry or higher science course. (P) + Introduction to Engineering Design (For Grades 9 & 10) B- or higher in Alg 1. Concurrent enrollment in Geometry or higher college prep math course.
Science courses • 2 years for graduation • 2 years for college (P) Earth Science Recommended for 9th graders enrolling in Algebra 1 or who have earned a B+ or below in 8th grade science or math classes. (P) Biology Intended for students in grade 10 or above. (P) Chemistry Course requirements: Biology, Algebra 1 (P*) Chemistry Honors Course requirements: Biology, Algebra 1, English 9. Recommended: B+ or higher in Biology and B+ or higher in Algebra 1 and most recent mathematics class. Concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 or above recommended.
Science course electivesStudents must be in grade 11 or 12 to be eligible for all science electives. (P*) Biology AP Course requirements: Biology, Chemistry, English 10. Recommended: B+ or higher in Biology, A- in Chemistry, or B or higher in Chemistry Honors. B+ or higher in Algebra 2 Honors. B or higher in English 9 and 10 (P*) Chemistry AP Course requirements: Chemistry, English 10. Recommended: A in Chemistry, or B+ or higher in Chemistry Honors. B+ or higher in Algebra 2 Honors, or B+ in current higher-level math class. B or higher in English 9 and 10 (P) Anatomy and Physiology Completion of Biology and Chemistry, or concurrent enrollment in Chemistry (P) Marine Biology Completion of Biology, Algebra 1, and Chemistry. (P*) Physics Honors Prerequisites: Geometry, English 10. Recommended: Enrollment in Trig/Precalculus Honors or higher and B+ or higher in Chemistry or B- or higher in Chemistry Honors. (P) Astronomy Required: Chemistry. Recommended: C or higher in Biology and Algebra 1 (P*) Environmental Science AP Prerequisites: Biology, Chemistry, Algebra 1. Recommended: B or higher in Biology, Chemistry, and Algebra 2 (P) Physics Required: Chemistry Recommended: C or higher in Algebra 1 and Geometry
World Language courses • 1 year of WL or VPA for • graduation • 2 years for college (P) French 1 (P) Chinese 1 (P) Spanish 1 (P) Chinese 2 Recommended: C- or higher in Chinese 1 or teacher approval (P) Spanish 2 Recommended: C or higher in Spanish 1. Final grade of B or higher if two years of Spanish taken in middle school. (P) French 2 Recommended: C or higher in French 1. Final grade of B or higher if two years of French taken in middle school. (P) Chinese 3 Recommended: C or higher in Chinese 2 or teacher approval. (P) Spanish 3 Recommended: C or higher in Spanish 2 (P) French 3 Recommended: C or higher in French 2. (P*) Spanish 4 Honors Recommended: B- or higher in Spanish 3 (P) Chinese 4 Honors Recommended: or higher in Chinese 3 (P*) French 4 Honors Recommended: B- or higher in French 3. (P*) Spanish Language and Culture AP Recommended: B or higher in Spanish 4H or teacher approval (P*) Chinese 5 Honors Recommended: B or higher in Chinese 4H or teacher approval (P*) French Language AP Recommended: B or higher in French 4H or teacher approval (P*) Spanish Literature AP Recommended: Completion of Span Lang AP (P*) Chinese Language and Culture AP Recommended: B or higher in Chinese 5H or teacher approval. Summer School or Community College classes or outside language programs may not be used for advancement. (P*) Spanish and Latin American Cinema Completion of Spanish Language AP
1 year of WL or VPA for graduation • 2 years for college (P#) Art 1-4 (P#) Ceramics 1-3 Grades 9-12 (P#) Digital Photography Grades 10-12 Drama courses Music courses (P#) Band (Symphonic/Marching) 1-5 and 4-5 Honors ♦ (P#) Chamber Singers 2-4 Grades 10-12 (P#) Drama 1-4 and 4 Honors (P#) Band (Wind Ensemble/Marching) 2-5 and 4-5 Honors ♦ (P#) Music Theory AP Teacher approval required Visual/Performing Arts courses (P#) Advanced Jazz Ensemble + (P#) Soprano/Alto Choir 1-2 Jazz Band 1 (P#) Concert Choir 1-4 (P#) Orchestra 1-5 and 4-5 Honors ♦ (P#) Cantare Chorale 2-4 Grades 10-12
Applied Arts • 1 semester for graduation Media Arts 1 (MA1) + Grade 10 Concurrent enrollment required in English 10 MAP and World History MAP Health/Driver Education + Grade 9 (P) Multimedia Journalism 2-4 + Grade 10-12 C or higher in Journalism, Media Arts 1 or Filmmaking Animated Graphics + Courses listed under other departments that fulfill the Applied Arts Graduation Requirement: *Computer Science AP *Drama 3, 4 and 4 Honors *Introduction to Rhetoric *Journalism 1, 2, 3 and 4 Honors *Advanced Jazz Ensemble *Introduction to Engineering Design *Principles of Engineering Stage Technology and Design-Independent Study + (2.5 credits/semester) Sports Medicine + Grades 10-12 Academic Tutor + Grade 11-12 (10th upon approval) Teacher and counselor recommendation needed
2 years for graduation Physical Education Intermediate Physical Fitness Grades 10-12 OR PE/Spring Sport PE/Fall Sport PE/Winter Sport OR PE/Marching Band Must be concurrently enrolled in Band Spirit Try-out required PE/ColorGuard Audition required PE/Independent Study (ISPE) Approval required prior to semester requested – application available in Guidance Office. PE/WinterGuard Audition required
Registering for Classes Electronically Procedure for course registration for Fall 2014
Log onto your Aeries account • Go to saratogahigh.org and click on “Aeries” in the top gray bar. Log into your student Aeries.net account.
Under “Subject Area” click through each subject to add a class - You can find math selections under the subject area “Math” & “Algebra” - “Show all Courses” will display all subject areas
Using your Course Scheduling Worksheet, click on all the classes you need. For science and elective classes, add alternate courses
Course Request Forms • You must complete both sides of the form and turn into your guidance counselor during your scheduling appointment. You and your parent MUST SIGN THE FORM. This signifies that you both: • approve the courses you have requested • have completed the “24 hours in a Falcon Day” • Initialed (if appropriate), that you understand that you may have not met the recommended prerequisites for your requested classes and/or are planning to take an A.P./Honors course
Examples of Colleges In Other States – Entrance Requirements for Arizona, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado Colleges
Common App 2013 Essay Prompts(Private College Applications) • Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. • Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn? • Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? • Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you? • Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
Approach to College Applications: • From Stanford University Admissions Office “Remember there are no right answers (on the application). No club or activity is more important than another, and no essay topic will ensure your admission…We are more interested in the depth of your commitment and achievement than in the sheer quantity of your activities. An exceptional experience in one or two activities demonstrates your dedication more than minimal participation in five or six clubs. We want to see the impact your participation has had on that club or organization, in your school, or in the larger community.”
Approach to High School Involvement & College Aspirations-Anshu Siripurapu, Former ASB President “A certain level of prudence is necessary to avoid the extreme of severe over commitment. There were times when I felt that I couldn’t devote myself to any one activity because I had so much going on at any given time. If given a second chance at high school, I might choose to scale back my involvement to enjoy a deeper involvement in the activities I loved the most...”