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European Alliance for Apprenticeships. Wilhelm Vukovich DG Education and Culture Vocational training and adult education; Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig London, 1 4 March 2013.
European Alliance for Apprenticeships Wilhelm Vukovich DG Education and Culture Vocational training and adult education;Leonardo da Vinci, GrundtvigLondon, 14 March 2013 Education and Culture
Level of youth unemployment (4th quarter 2011) in relation to the share of students participating in work based learning at ISCED 3 level programmes Education and Culture
EU Policy context Bruges Communiqué (December 2010) ‘Governments, social partners and VET providers should make the necessary arrangements to maximise work-based learning, including apprenticeships, in order to contribute to increasing the number of apprentices in Europe by 2012’. Education and Culture
EU Policy context The Youth Opportunities Initiative (December 2011) The European Council on 30 January 2012 agreed: “Increase the number of apprenticeships” European semester and Country Specific Recommendations (July 2012): 16 of these CSR are related to VET and the need for reform "Rethinking Education" package (20 November 2012) YouthEmploymentpackage (5 December2012) YouthEmploymentInitative(European Council of 7-8 February 2013 Education and Culture
Rethinking Education (20 November 2012) Key messages from the Communication "Investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes": Skills for 21st century (basic and transversal – special focus on STEM and entrepreneurship; vocational with a focus on WBL and excellence) Open and flexible learning (learning outcomes, transparency and recognition of qualifications – EQF, ECVET; use of ICT and OER; teachers) Collaborative effort (maintain investments in E&T, efficiency of funding, cost-sharing in HE and I- and CVET; partnerships) v Education and Culture
Rethinking Education (20 November 2012) Key action Accelerate improvements in work-based learning, in particular by establishing an EU level Alliance for Apprenticeships. As the first step, the Commission will support a Memorandum on European cooperation in vocational education and training, bringing together a number of Member States to learn from successful approaches and schemes. Education and Culture
Youth Employment Package (5 Dec. 2013) Key action " to set up a European Alliance for Apprenticeships to improve the quality and supply of apprenticeships and to promote national partnerships for dual vocational training systems" Education and Culture
Youth Employment Initiative European Council of 7-8 February 2013 " … invites the Commission to finalise the quality framework for traineeships, to establish the Alliance for Apprenticeships and to make proposals for the new EURES regulation in the coming weeks." Education and Culture
European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) Business Business Member States Commission Social Partners Education and Culture
EAfA's Objectives Improve quality and supply of apprenticeships Change mind-sets towards apprenticeship-type learning Education and Culture
Pillar I - Improvement of apprenticeships - targeted knowledge transfer National partnershipsHelpdesk for tailor-made advice services on apprenticeship and traineeship schemes: www.ec.europa.eu/social/youthtraining Tripartite Memorandum Invitation of EU social partners, Commission, EU Presidency for EAfA's support Peer learning/reviewEAfA thematic working group under OMC process Bilateral technical cooperation Contacts between MS with weak VET systems and "mentor"countries User-friendly toolboxThematic networking on outcomes of LdV projects for dissemination of good practice Education and Culture
Pillar II - spotlight on the benefits Costs and benefits of apprenticeships Studies on return of investment of apprenticeships Championing the EAfA by key personalities and organisations "pact" for introduction/improvement of apprenticeshipstargeted campaigns for career guidance Education and Culture
World/Euro skills competitions VET Excellence Award Education and Culture
Pillar III - Smart use of EU programmes European Social Fund ESF Regulation's investment priority 2014-2020 : labour market integration of NEETsPartnership Agreements and Operational Programmes focus: Reference to smooth school-work transition through apprenticeships Youth Employment InitiativeSupport of the Alliance's objectives Education and Culture
Erasmus for All ambitions Increase mobility for VET apprentices VET staff training Strategic Partnerships Sector Skills Alliances (SSA) Policy reform support Education and Culture
Thank you for your attention. Education and Culture