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Land and Hold Short Operations. (LAHSO). IMPLEMENTATION. On April 11, 1997, the FAA expanded and replaced, Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways (SOIR) with LAHSO. (Order 7110.118) The LAHSO procedures presented in this program became effective on August 14, 2000. BACKGROUND.
Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)
IMPLEMENTATION • On April 11, 1997, the FAA expanded and replaced, Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways (SOIR) with LAHSO. • (Order 7110.118) • The LAHSO procedures presented in this program became effective on August 14, 2000.
BACKGROUND • Notice sets standards for : • LAHSO intersecting runway • LAHSO intersecting taxiway • LAHSO approach/departure flight path • LAHSO of a pre-determined point
Purpose • Establishes air traffic control procedures to increase airport capacity without compromising safety.
DEFINITIONS • Land and Hold Short Operations: The practice of conducting simultaneous operations on two intersecting runways, LAHSO includes landing operations to hold short of an intersecting runway, taxiway, predetermined point, or an approach or departure path. (LAHSO)
DEFINITIONS • Available Landing Distance: (ALD) That portion of the runway available for landing and rollout. The distance is measured from the landing threshold to the hold-short point.
DEFINITIONS • REQUIRED LANDING DISTANCE: The FAA approved AFM/POH distance over a 50 foot obstacle for the configuration, environment, and weight plus 1000 feet.
DEFINITIONS • Dry Runway: A dry runway has no visible moisture on the runway surface, to include standing water, ice, snow, slush, or frost in any form.
Definitions • Hold short point: A point on the runway beyond which a landing aircraft with a LAHSO clearance is not authorized to proceed.
DEFINITIONS • Land and Hold Short Lights: Six or seven in-pavement, pulsing white lights at the LAHSO hold short point.
DEFINITIONS • Vertical Guidance • Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) • Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI)
DEFINITIONS • Rejected Landing: A rejected landing is when the pilot in command elects to go around.
DEFINITIONS • Rejected Landing Procedure (RLP) A published, predetermined heading to be used in the event of a rejected landing.
DEFINITIONS • Mixed Operations: LAHSO conducted between an air carrier and any other type of aircraft operation.
DEFINITIONS • Stabilized Approach Concept: This concept is based on the pilots ability to maintain a stable speed, descent rate, vertical flight path, and aircraft configuration during the final approach.
GA SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS • Student pilots conducting solo operations shall not participate in LAHSO. • Experimental aircraft for which no certificated landing data is available shall not participate in LAHSO.
GA WEATHER MINIMUMS • Only on dry runways • Ceiling of no less than 1000 feet • visibility of no less than 3 statute miles • Not authorized if windshear has been reported within the previous 20 minutes • No LAHSO with a tailwind • No inoperative equipment
PLANNING • PREFLIGHT - PIC shall become familiar with LAHSO information for each airport of intended landing (14 CFR 91.103) • INFLIGHT – PIC shall determine LAHSO capability as soon as possible after notification
PLANNING • When ATIS is acknowledged, PIC will advise ATC if LAHSO cannot be accepted. • A LAHSO clearance shall not be accepted if issued after the aircraft has descended below 1000’ AGL on final.
PLANNING • The PIC has the final authority to accept or decline any Land and Hold Short clearance. The safety and operation of the aircraft remain the responsibility of the pilot. • The PIC is expected to decline a LAHSO clearance if he determines it will comprise safety.
ATIS NOTIFICATION • Possible announcements: • LAHSO in effect, or • Expect landing on Runway 22 to hold short of Runway 27 • ALD for the LAHSO
REQUIRED LANDING DISTANCES • The PIC is responsible for determining the required distance for LAHSO and that it does not exceed the ALD. • The landing distance will be the FAA approved AFM/POH landing distance over a 50’ obstacle, plus 1000 feet for the configuration, environment, and actual weight.
MINIMUM DISTANCES • The minimum distance required to conduct LAHSO will be 2,500 feet of the ALD on the Hold short runway. The distance will be measured from the landing threshold to the hold short point.
VISUAL AIDS • Runway hold short position markings shall be installed. • Runway hold short position signs shall be installed at each point and located on both sides of the runway. • During mixed operations when full runway lengths will be available, in-pavement hold short lights will be ON.
VERTICAL GUIDANCE • Air carrier and or mixed LAHSO are only authorized on a runway that has electronic or visual glide slope indicator. • Nighttime LAHSO may only be conducted with visual glide slope indicator.
REJECTED LANDINGS • Once accepted, a LAHSO clearance must be complied with, unless the PIC determines the need for a rejected landing. In the event of a rejected landing, the pilot should maintain safe separation from other aircraft and should promptly notify ATC.
REJECTED LANDING • Must be initiated within the first third of the ALD or 3,000 feet whichever is less. • Heading and/or altitude assignments must be flown as published until directed otherwise by ATC
TRAINING • Review pertinent sections of the AIM. • Attendance at FAA or industry seminar that include LAHSO. • Successful completion of a flight review that includes LAHSO procedures. • Successful completion of a flight instructor refresher clinic that includes LAHSO.
1. True or False: The Purpose of Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) is to increase airport capacity by allowing simultaneous operations on intersecting runways. • True
2. When ATC issues a LAHSO clearance:A. The pilot is required to accept the clearance.B. The pilot can decline the clearance regardless of circumstances.C. The pilot can decline the clearance only under certain circumstances outlined in the AIM. • Answer: B
3. True or False: The available landing distance is listed in the Airport/Facility Directory (AFD) for all airport that have LAHSO operations. • True
4. True or false: The ALD is calculated on pilots flying the VASI or glide slope to the touchdown point. • False
The ALD is calculated on the following factors:a. Distance from the threshold to the hold short point.b. Distance from the VASI touchdown point to the hold short point.c. Distance from the threshold to the intersecting runway. • Answer a
Although ATC will tell you the distance to the intersection, you must calculate your landing distance based on: a. Temperature b. Wind c. Elevation d. Speed e. All of the above • Answer e
7. True of false: LAHSO clearances will not be issued if there is a potential for wake turbulence. • False
8. True or False: LAHSO operations will be suspended for 20 minutes if wind shear is reported. • True
Be cautious of accepting a LAHSO clearance if: a. There is a possibility of wake encounter.b. Thunderstorms are in the vicinity.c. The runway has a displaced threshold.d. All of the above. • Answer d
10. True or False: Go-arounds are prohibited during LAHSO. • False