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Textile Air Engineering ● Industrial Air Engineering. Luwa Digi V and Energy Saving 纺织空调系统 控制与节能. Back 回首页. Luwa Air Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd. Luwa Air Engineering 洛瓦空气工程 History and background 历史背景. Switzerland 瑞士. China 中国. India 印度. Singapore 新加坡.
Textile Air Engineering ● Industrial Air Engineering Luwa Digi V and Energy Saving 纺织空调系统 控制与节能 Back 回首页 Luwa Air Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd.
Luwa Air Engineering 洛瓦空气工程History and background 历史背景
Switzerland瑞士 China中国 India印度 Singapore 新加坡 Luwa Air Engineering 洛瓦空气工程 Regional markets and locations全球分支机构 Luwa Group Structure ...洛瓦集团框架 Luwa Air EngineeringOffice 洛瓦办公室 Luwa production / logistic center 洛瓦生产物流中心 Agents代表处
纺织空调控制系统与节能 A) AC Energy Consumption 纺织空调系统能耗统计 B) Luwa DIGI V control system 洛瓦第五代数字控制系统简介 C) Energy Saving Solutions 节能措施 Back 回首
纺织空调控制系统与节能 A )AC Energy Consumption空调系统能耗统计 Back 回本节首
纺织空调控制系统与节能 Energy Consumption of Air Conditioning Systems 空调系统能耗 Air Conditioning Systems consume a significant portion of the total energy consumed by a Textile Production Plant. 在一个纺织车间中,空调系统的消耗又占据了整个能源消耗的重要份额 (*) 没有节能装置,如变频器 (**) 冷冻站的总耗电量与年耗电量的比值 Considering that traditional AC- Systems in a Textile Production Plant can consume between 20% and 30% of a plant’s total energy, our clients expect us Textile Air Conditioning Engineers to offer solutions, which will reduce / minimize the energy bill. 基于传统的纺织空调系统占能源消耗比重的20%~30%,客户希望我们能在这方面提供有效的解决方案来降低或者最小化能源成本 Back 回本节首
纺织空调控制系统与节能 B Luwa DIGI V control system 洛瓦第五代数字控制系统 1) Importance 重要性 2) Basic Considerations控制基本出发点 3) Picture 洛瓦控制系统组成 Back 回本节首 Back 第二节
纺织空调控制系统与节能 1) Importance 重要性 The long term commercial success of any Textile mill largely depends on the overall productivity of the production plant. The productivity of a Textile production plant is influenced by many factors, such as: the quality of the raw material used (cotton) the capacity and efficiency of the production machinery the waste quantity (raw materials lost during the production) the know-how and experience of the management and staff the output and quality of the produced goods the energy costs and, last but not least accurately controlled / stable room conditions. 任何经营成功的纺织厂,在很大程度上取决于其整体生产力。 纺织厂的生产力或竞争力受很多因素影响,诸如: 原材料的质量(棉花)、生产设备的效能、原料损耗(生产过程中)、管理层和员工的经验及专业水平、产量及质量、能源成本、还有一条那就是 稳定、可控的室内温、湿度条件 Back
纺织空调控制系统与节能 2) Basic Considerations控制基本出发点 Production plants operating in unstable / non controlled room conditions can never achieve the full capacity and efficiency of the machinery and / or produce a high quality product on a consistent basis. Low Productivity (reduced capacity, increased wastage, inconsistent quality, etc.) Low profitability (reduced product value, increased costs, reduced business volume, reduced margin, etc.) 生产车间室内条件如果在不稳定或不可控的条件下,是很难使所有的设备发挥最大的生产效率,生产出高品质的产品。 出发点一提供供恒湿、恒温的生产环境。 --- 提高生产率 --- 稳定产品质量 Air Conditioning systems operating without or, with badly designed or non-functioning control systems can never achieve and maintain stable room conditions and, they consume / waste a considerable amount of energy. 任何空调系统的运作,如果脱离了设计精良或功能全面的控制系统,是不可 能实现和保持稳定的室内条件,同时他们也会消耗/浪费大量的能源。 出发点二:最大限度降低空调系统能耗 出发点三:提高人工环境的舒适性。
纺织空调控制系统与节能 Investing in a good, well functioning Control System must be considered a Priority 选择空调时需优先考虑优良的空调控制系统 Back
纺织空调控制系统与节能 3 )Picture 洛瓦控制系统组成 Luwa’s uses a proprietary control system, a programmable, direct digital control system, specifically designed and developed for the Textile Industry. The Luwa DIGI-5 Control System (Luwa’s latest version) is an intelligent and user friendly system for regulating, controlling and monitoring and also incorporates specific functions for Energy Saving. 洛瓦开发出了一套专为纺织行业设计的可编程直接数字控制系统。 这套全智能DIGI-5系统(洛瓦更新版本)在调节,控制和监控方面都有不俗的表现,同时在节能上也发挥了更强大的功能。 Picture 4 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 1 Back
纺织空调控制系统与节能 Back
纺织空调控制系统与节能 Energy Consumption of AC-Systems in the Textile Industry Back
纺织空调控制系统与节能 Energy Consumption of AC-Systems in the Textile Industry Back
纺织空调控制系统与节能 Energy Consumption of AC-Systems in the Textile Industry Back
纺织空调控制系统与节能 C Energy Saving Solutions节能措施 • 100% outside air system and enthalpy control • 全新风系统与焓值控制 2) Pre-cooling of the rotor exhaust air 机尾排风预冷系统 3) Variable Speed Control for the Spray water pumps 喷淋水泵变频控制 4) Variable Air Volume Control变风量控制 5)Luwa Loom Sphere System 洛瓦布厂工艺送风系统 6) OE-bottom supply air system 气流纺机下送风系统 7)Chiller plant 冷冻站的节能点。 8) Chilled water storage tank利用消防水池的水蓄冷 Back 回本节首
纺织空调控制系统与节能 • 100% outside air system and enthalpy control • 全新风及焓值控制系统 • 控制基本点:利用室外温湿度传感器及车间回风温度传感器等参数的对比,来判断使用全新风还是回风,或者是部分新风、部分回风。 • 湿度恒定.。 • 利用室外天然冷源,在没有冷冻站的情况下,大大改善车间的舒适性。 • 新鲜空气,使车间含氧量增加,大大改善人工环境。
纺织空调控制系统与节能 2) Pre-cooling systemof OE rotor exhaust air 气流纺机尾排风的预冷 • The rotor exhaust air from OE-Spinning frames can reach a temperature of more than 50 Degree C (>20 to 22 K above the room temperature). • 从气流纺转杯上排出的空气温度可达50摄氏度以上(高于室内温度20 to 22 °C) • This hot exhaust air can be re-cooled by means of cooling coils operated with either well water or cooling tower water. • 这些热空气可以通过表冷器再冷(降低显热),冷却水可以来自井水或者冷却塔的冷却水 • Important: A cooling coil must be operated with “clean” water (to prevent a fouling of the tubes). • 降低冷机容量,减少初投资。 • 降低能耗(长期收益) • 降低最大装机功率和能耗成本(长期收益) • 投入成本小(冷却塔、板交、水泵) Back 回本节首
纺织空调控制系统与节能 3) Variable Speed Control for the Spray water pumps 喷淋水泵变频控制 • 在春,秋,冬季,纺织车间的喷淋室通常是蒸发制冷的模式下运作的。这期间,室内温湿度是通过调节喷淋泵的流量(送风非饱和的程度)来控制。通过控制/调节喷淋水泵(变频器)的转速来达到上述目的是比通过控制蝶阀更经济的解决方法。 • 根据统计一个五万锭普梳纺纱厂:喷淋水泵总的轴功率平均约为:120Kw,安装变频器后全年大约可以节省50%以上的的电耗。 • 每年运行时间按8000小时来计算。则全年可以节省 • 120 KW x 0.5 x 8000 H=480`000.- Energy Consumption of AC-Systems in the Textile Industry 省48万度电 Back 回本节首
纺织空调控制系统与节能 4) Variable Air Volume Control变风量控制 • The room conditions can be controlled by means of adjusting the air flow. • This can be achieved by adjusting the rotational speed of the Axial flow fans (by means of Frequency Inverters). • 我们可以控制轴流风机的转速(通过变频器)来调节空气流量进而控制室内温湿度 Advantages 优点 Notice 注意点 Manual set: 手动设置误区 Energy Saving Potential节能潜力 Back 回本节首
纺织空调控制系统与节能 Advantages优点 • Substantial saving in energy consumption • Easy to commission the plants, to adjust / regulate the air capacities and, to balance the systems • 大幅度节省能源消耗 • 容易调节风量及系统平衡 Back
纺织空调控制系统与节能 Notice 注意 • The relative humidity of the supply air is kept at a high level (increased risk of corrosion, increased risk of water condensing in the supply air ducts and dripping on to the ceiling or in to the room). • A reduced air exchange can lead to an increase dust concentration • A reduced air flow / velocity through the air outlets reduces the distribution efficiency (reduced rate of room air induction), which may result in the formation of cold down drafts. • 1 送风的相对湿度较高,在送风管道的主管段开始部分,易产生凝结水.原因是:过饱和加湿。因此,要对水泵的频率设置和风机的频率设置作一合理的计算设置。 • 2 换气次数减少,导致车间粉尘浓度增加 • 3 通过风口的空气流量/速度降低,导致气流组织的分布效率降低(降低室内空气诱导率) ,其结果会产生下降的冷气流。 • 4 带工艺除尘的系统谨慎使用 Back
纺织空调控制系统与节能 Manual set : 手动设置变频的误区 a) Delay 对冷热负荷响应的滞后 b) Accuracy 准确性 c) Cumulation 累积性能 Back
纺织空调控制系统与节能 Energy Saving Potential节能潜力 Energy saving of a VAV Control System (Speed Control with Frequency Inverters) 变风量控制系统的节能 Assuming an average load of 80%, a VAV Control System can save approximately 42% of the energy consumed by the supply air and return air fans. With an average load of 90%, the saving is approximately 23%. 假设平均负荷率为80 % ,采用变风量控制系统,送/回风机大约可以节省42 %的能耗。如果负荷率达90%,节能约为23% Back Back 回本节首
纺织空调控制系统与节能 5)Luwa Loom Sphere System 洛瓦布厂工艺送风系统
纺织空调控制与节能 洛瓦专利 洛瓦工艺送风系统 传统送风系统 65-70% rel. humidity at the warp 75% rel. humidity in the room 80% rel. humidity at the warp 65% rel. humidity in the room
纺织空调控制与节能 工艺送风系统湿度模拟图
纺织空调控制与节能 现场图片
纺织空调控制系统与节能 与传统的空调系统相比,工艺送风系统有以下优势 Back 回本节首 more
纺织空调控制系统与节能 6) OE-bottom supply air system 气流纺机下送风系统 从机器底部送风,大大降低整体车间的送风量。 前提条件:黏胶纱、车间飞花较少的车间。 设备本身的限制条件:车度下面有空间安装送风管道。 张家港扬子纺纱已经成功运用多年。 Back 回本节首
纺织空调控制系统与节能 7) Chiller plant 冷冻站的节能点 车间温度控制,除了人工环境要求以外,还有工艺的要求。特别是最近几年涡流纺纺纱的出现,大大提高了对冷冻站的要求。 7.1 ) 大温差系统。提高冷冻水的进回水温差,标准冷冻机组的水温差为12-7=5°C,纺织、织造系统可以提高到18-8=10°C 冷冻水泵功率大大降低、管道管径大大减少。减少了初投资、降低了运行费用
纺织空调控制系统与节能 • 7.2)二次泵及其变频控制系统 • 传统上,大多数纺织行业的冷冻水是开式的一次泵定流量系统 • 特点: • 冷冻水有两个循环并有一个中间水池 • 一次泵冷冻水定流量循环是从水池抽取冷冻水,通过冷机返回到水池 • 二次泵冷冻水变流量循环是从水池抽取冷冻水,送到喷淋空调系统中 • 7.3) 机械回水系统取代重力回水系统。解决长距离输送的冷量浪费。 • 投资基本相当,管道尺寸大大减少、土建沟道可以省略。
纺织空调控制系统与节能 • 传统普通的制冷站模式
纺织空调控制系统与节能 • 二次泵变频系统 Back 回本节首
纺织空调控制系统与节能 8) Chilled water storage tank与消防水池共用的水蓄冷 • In most areas, the rates for electrical power fluctuate depending on the time demand大多数地区,采用三时段分时电价 • Considering the high costs for electrical power during the 2 high tariff hours (7:00PM -9:00PM), all non-essential systems should be stopped during this period. 考虑到电费问题,尽量让冷机在两个高峰时间段可以停机(7:00pm~9:00pm) • A chilled water storage tank, sized to store the chilled water capacity required for a 2 hour period, allows a stoppage of the refrigeration plant during the high tariff hours.水池的体积按照 蓄冷量可以满足车间两个小时的使用冷量而计算 • In order to limit the size of the storage tank, the chilled water system must be designed to operate with a large temperature difference (as large as possible).为了使水池的体积尽可能的小,我们必须让冷冻水有尽可能大的温差 • To enable the system to charge and discharge the storage tank in an effective and efficient manner, the Chilled water plant must be designed with dual chilled water circuits. 为了使系统有效的蓄冷和放冷,水池必须设计成冷热两个相连的水池
纺织空调控制系统与节能 • Benefits: 优点 • Reduced energy consumption.降低能耗 • Easy to operate and to control易操控 • The chilled water distribution pumps (speed controlled) only pump the volume of chilled water demanded by the AC systems 变频二次泵仅抽取喷淋空调系统需要的水量。 • The chillers, each with their own primary chilled water circuits and condenser water circuits) can be switched on and off independently. 冷机和它的一次泵系统(包括冷却水系统),可以单独开启和关闭。 • Extended operating life of the chillers 延长冷机使用寿命 • The large chilled water storage volume reduces the operating hours, stoppages and re-starts of the chillers. 蓄水池越大,那么冷机运行的时间降低,也降低了冷机频繁的启停 Back 回本节首
Textile Air Engineering ● Industrial Air Engineering Thank you for your attention 谢谢大家的关注 Luwa Air Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd.