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Chaos and Order (2). Rabbits. If there are x n rabbits in the n- th generation, then in the n+1 -th generation, there will be x n+1= (1+r)x n (only works if x n > 2 ). Rabbits and Foxes. If foxes increase when rabbits become plentiful, this equation becomes:
Rabbits If there are xn rabbits in the n-th generation, then in the n+1-th generation, there will be xn+1=(1+r)xn (only works if xn > 2)
Rabbits and Foxes If foxes increase when rabbits become plentiful, this equation becomes: xn+1=(1+r)xn - rxn2 (still only works if xn > 2)
Rabbits Rabbits Time
Rabbits Rabbits
Final Population Value of r
Final Population 1.8 Value of r
Final Population 1.8 2.3 Value of r
Final Population 1.8 2.3 2.5 Value of r
Final Population 1.8 2.3 2.5 3.0 Value of r
Final Population Value of r
Divergence of initially close points: Definition: dx(n)=2ndx(0) where is the Lyapunov exponent dx(3) dx(0)
Lyapunov exponent for the Verhulst process
Characteristics of Chaos Two ingredients-- non-linearity and feedback -- can give rise to chaos. Chaos is governed by deterministic rules, yet produces results that can be very hard to predict. Images of chaotic processes can display a high level of order, characterised by self-similarity.
When can chaos arise? In the iterated flow of raindrops down a slope:
The shapes making up eroded landscapes and coastlines are known as `fractals’.
If Log(Coastline_length) grows with (1-D)log(ruler_length) + b, then the coastline has fractal dimension D
When can chaos arise? In the motion of a double pendulum:
When can chaos arise? Trying to get two non-linear programs to converge: x y
Randomness, Chaos and Order We saw in last Friday’s lecture that a random image has maximal information content. If an image has less than maximal information content, it displays order.
Reflective and Rotational Symmetries Reduce Information Content
Rotational and Reflective Symmetries reduce information content
Formula for the Mandelbrot Set For each (x,y) in [(Xmin, Xmax), (Ymin, Ymax)], Define z0 = x + iy Begin loop with j = 1 to Maximum_Iterations { zj = zj-1 * zj-1+ z0; if |zj|>2, leave loop } Colour the point (x,y) with colour(j) Total information content: 120 characters, 256 possibilities for each; hence, 960 bits.
Conclusions Any process involving non-linear feedback may become chaotic. The output of a chaotic process may appear random, but has a hidden order.