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Opening Remarks from Manuela Soares Director Environment, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission SESSION I 13:00 - 14:30 Chair : Thierry Ranchin , MINES – ParisTech 13.00 - 13.20 Manfred Kloeppel , ECMWF ECMWF's activities in atmospheric composition and climate monitoring
Opening Remarks from Manuela Soares Director Environment, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission SESSION I 13:00 - 14:30 Chair: Thierry Ranchin, MINES – ParisTech 13.00 - 13.20Manfred Kloeppel, ECMWFECMWF's activities in atmospheric composition and climate monitoring 13.20 - 13.40Thomas Klein, SMHIEnvironment Climate Data Sweden – Data sharing in support of science and society 13.40 - 14.00Gerhard Wotawa, ZAMGGEO Coordination and GEO-relevant projects at the Austrian Meteorological Service 14.00 - 14.20Abad Chabbi, INRAHow ANAEE research infrastructure will Change the European ecosystem research landscape? 14:20 - 14:30Q&A
SESSION II 14:30 - 16:00 Chair: Florence Béroud, EC-REA 14.30 - 14.50Joost van Bemmelen and Roberto Cossu, ESA GEOWOW's vision on the evolution of GEOSS 14.50 - 15.10Kym Watson, Fraunhofer IOSBFP7 EO2HEAVEN: Earth Observation and Environmental modelling for the mitigation of health risks, Overview of the EO2HEAVEN contribution to GEOSS 15.10 - 15.30Albert Bleeker, ECNInGOS- Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System 15:30 -15:50Nicolas Ray, UNIGEEnviroGRIDS: feeding GEOSS from the Black Sea catchment 15:50 - 16:00 Q&A
SESSION III 16:00 -17:30 Chair: Manfred Kloeppel, ECMWF 16.00 - 16.20Florence Béroud, EC-REAEU Downstream Research Projects using Earth Observation 16.20 - 16.40MeirySakamoto, FUNCEMESIRIUS Project in Brazil 16.40 - 17.20Lucien Wald, MINES ParisTechThe GMES-funded MACC-II project for monitoring atmospheric composition and climate Providing energy components for GMES and GEO: the ENDORSE project 17 20 - 17.30Q&A
SESSION IV 11:00 - 12:10 Chair: Steffen Fritz, IIASA 11.00 - 11.20Sarah Grimes and Albert Fischer, IOC/UNESCO Pedro Gonçalves, TerradueGEOWOW showcase: elaborating ocean assessment indicators 11.20 - 11.40Michael Nyenhuis, UNI BonnGEOWOW use scenario - River discharge modelling and validation 11.40 - 12.00Stefano Nativi, CNR-IIA and Massimo Craglia, EC-JRCEasy discovery and use of GEOSS resources for addressing multidisciplinary challenges related to drought scenarios (GEOWOW showcase prepared by JRC and CNR-IIA) 12.00 - 12.10Q&A
SESSION V 12:40 - 14:10 Chair: Stuart Marsh, BGS 12.40 - 13.00Mark Noort, ITCOpportunities for practical earth observation applications 13.00 - 13.20Luca Demicheli, EuroGeoSurveysTowards a European Geological Data Infrastructure 13.20 - 13.40ReinhardSchulte-Braucks, EC - DG ENTRGMES - Europe's contribution to GEOSS 13.40 - 14.00ChristophHäuser, MFN BerlinEU BON: Towards the European Biodiversity Observation Network - a European contribution to GEO BON 14:00 - 14:10Q&A
SESSION VI 14:10 - 15:20 Chair: Christoph Häuser, MFN Berlin 14.10 - 14.30Bob Scholes, CSIR and Robert Jongman, WURGEO BON and its contribution to global biodiversity observations 14.30 - 14.50Robert Jongman, WURGfG2 project 14.50 - 15.10Thierry Ranchin, MINES - ParisTechEnvironmental impact of Energy use (EnerGEO) 15:10 - 15:20Q&A
SESSION VII 15:20 - 16:30 Chair: Stefano Nativi, CNR-IIA 15.20 - 15.40Hans-Peter Plag, IEEEThe GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Network: A spin-off of the EGIDA Project 15.40 - 16.00IvetteSerral, CREAF Advances in disclosing GEOSS data quality 16.00 - 16.20Peter Baumann, Jacobs University | rasdaman GmbH Adding Big Earth Data Analytics to GEOSS 16:20 - 16:30Q&A
SESSION VIII 16:30 - 18:00 Chair: Kym Watson, Fraunhofer IOSB 16.30 - 16.50Michael Staudinger, ZAMGWeather Forecasts and Crisis Management 16.50 - 17.10Fabio Dell'Acqua, UNIPVGEO projects on Georisk in Pavia, Italy 17.10 - 17.30NatassaAntoniou, SWData Policies in Support of Climate Change and Disaster Management Application 17.30 - 17.50Paolo Mazzetti, CNR-IIATowards a sustainable GEOSS: the EGIDA methodology and its assessment 17.50 - 18.00Q&A
SESSION IX 10:00 - 11:30 Chair: Massimo Craglia, EC-JRC 10.00 - 10.20Steffen Fritz, IIASAThe importance of reducing uncertainties in global land cover and the role crowdsourcingcan play 10.20 - 10.40Chris Higgins, EDINAIntroducing the Citizen Observatory Web (COBWEB) project 10.40 - 11.00MirkoAlbani, ESAGEOSS Common Infrastructure: status and evolution 11.00 - 11.20StephaneChevrel, BRGM Earth Observation in Monitoring the Environmental and societal Impacts of Mining - the EO-MINERS Project 11.20 - 11.30Q&A
SESSION X 12:30 - 14:20 Chair: Mark Noort, ITC 12.30 - 12.50Steve Groom, PMLThe Europe Africa Marine EO Network 12.50 - 13.10Palma Blonda, CNRFrom Space To Species (BIO_SOS): solutions for biodiversity monitoring 13.10 - 13.30Jacqueline McGlade, EEAEye on Earth 13.30 - 13.50Antonio Bombelli, CMCC From Europe Toward a Global Carbon Observing System 13.50 - 14:10Chris Steenmans, EEAContribution of GMES Initial Operations Land Monitoring to GEO Global Land Cover 14.10 - 14:20Q&A