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English Learners in the Proposed Reauthorization of the ESEA Federal Update October 22, 2010

English Learners in the Proposed Reauthorization of the ESEA Federal Update October 22, 2010. Shelda Hale, Title III, ELL and Immigrant Education Kentucky Department of Education. English Learner (EL) Facts.

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English Learners in the Proposed Reauthorization of the ESEA Federal Update October 22, 2010

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  1. English Learners in the Proposed Reauthorization of the ESEAFederal UpdateOctober 22, 2010 Shelda Hale, Title III, ELL and Immigrant Education Kentucky Department of Education

  2. English Learner (EL) Facts • More than 4.5 million LEP students nationwide = 9.1% of the overall K-12 student population. • Percentage of LEP students in States ranges from less than 1% to 26% of the students in the State. The concentration of LEP students varies widely across States and districts. • More than 90% of LEP students are served under Title III through 4,700+ grants to districts. • Approximately 70% of LEP students are served under Title I. (Source: State-submitted EDFacts data for the 07-08 school year)

  3. Percentage of students at or above the proficient level on State achievement assessments… EL Performance

  4. ELs in Poor Performing Schools (Source: State-submitted EDFacts data for the 07-08 school year) Of schools in improvement, on average, 20% of the school population is ELs. Of schools in the bottom 5%, on average, 13% of the school population is ELs. Of schools that are both in improvement and in the bottom 5%, on average, 17% of the school population is ELs. The proportion of the EL population in poor performing schools varies substantially across States, from LEP students comprising from 1% of the population in poor performing schools to LEP students comprising 82% of the population in poor performing schools.

  5. Proposed Increases for ESEA Funding $28.0B $25.0B Competitive: $7.8b Competitive: $4.2b Formula: $20.8b Formula: $20.3b Formula - Formula - FY10 FY11 Request

  6. US Department of Education’s (ED) Theory of Action for Reform Pillars of Reform ESEA Priority Areas Fosters… Results in… Increased Student Achievement Rigorous Standards & Assessments College and Career Ready Students Great Teachers & Leaders Great Teachers and Leaders in Every School Effective Teaching & Learning Achievement Gap Closing Effective Use of Data Equity and Opportunity for all Students Increased Graduation and College Enrollment Rates Turning Around Low Achieving Schools Raise the Bar and Reward Excellence

  7. CROSS-CUTTING PRIORITIES • Technology • Evidence • Efficiency • Supporting English Learners • Supporting Students with Disabilities • Supporting rural and other high-need areas

  8. The Path to the Blueprint Six Reform Priorities The our Assurances College- and Career-Ready Students Great Teachers and Great Leaders A Complete Education Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners Successful, Safe and Healthy Students Fostering Innovation and Excellence

  9. Educating Diverse Learners • Maintain federal support for historically underserved groups. • English Learners • Strengthen programs for English learners and support teachers of ELs, including through new competitive funds. • All programs • Transparency on outcomes. • Greater flexibility. • Other minor changes to address community concerns or implementation issues. English Learner Education Migrant Education Neglected & Delinquent Indian Education Homeless Education Impact Aid Alaska Native Education Native Hawaiian Education Rural Education • Support students with disabilities in IDEA and across ESEA.

  10. ELs in the Reauthorized ESEA Four beliefs guide the Department’s thinking about ELs: • Greater accountability • Access to content • Skilled teachers, paraprofessionals, principals, and administrators • Encourage dual language programs

  11. Rigorous and Fair Accountability for All Levels Rethinking the federal accountability system • Use growth and progress to measure schools. • Focus on closing achievement gaps. Respond to greatest challenges Provideflexibility for results Recognize& reward success Schools in bottom 5% Most schools School makinggreatest gains Schools in next 5% Schools meeting all performance targets Achievement gaps Similar differentiation at district and state level

  12. ELP Assessments and Accountability Measure growth towards attainment of language proficiency Valid and Reliable Instruments ELP Assessments Aligned to ELP Standards ELP Standards Linked to Content Standards Effective Use of Native Language Assessments Evaluate the effectiveness of language instruction educational programs Statewide Common Standards, Assessments, Identification and Exit Criteria

  13. Fostering Innovation - Structure Race to the Top ($1.35b) Investing inInnovation ($500m) Encourage States & districts to take on comprehensivesystemic reforms. Spur and scale up promising and proven innovations. Supporting EffectiveCharters ($400m) Promoting PublicSchool Choice ($90m) Magnet Schools Assistance ($110m) Create and expand high-performingcharter & other public autonomous schools. Design and implement comprehensive systems of choice. Support magnets that raise diversity & achievement.

  14. Fostering Innovation and Excellence through National Activities • Increase funding for national activities • New competitive grants to states, school districts to support the development of innovative programs • Professional development and funding fro research programs

  15. Reauthorized Title III and the Higher ED Agenda Provide new competitive grants to States, districts, and nonprofit partners to support the development of innovative programs, build the knowledge base about promising practices, and scale up effective practices to improve instruction for English Learners, including funding for graduate fellowships to support research and leadership in developing effective practices to improve English Learner outcomes, as well as State or district partnerships with colleges and universities for developing effective teachers.

  16. Closing Accelerating Achievement & Ensuring Equity ExcellentInstructionalTeams EducatingDiverse Learners Effective Teaching &Learning Supporting StudentSuccess Fostering Innovation & Success

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